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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I read a Quantum Leap/Highlander fan fiction once.
  2. I don't think she's his bio daughter anyway. Allan can still go have kids. If she's preggo with a demon baby and unmarried, as their gambit with Jamie went over like a lead balloon, she's 'damaged goods'. The kill was clinical indicating cold calculation. That's got to be Mr. Christie all the way. Jamie's in a tough spot though. These are the people who barely made it out of Culloden and suffered together in prison for years. He's just not going to boot them unless it's egregiously egregious; like Mr. Christie confessing to killing Malva. I think he has to send them away.
  3. The subject of Quantum Leap has come up before. EW has an article. https://ew.com/tv/quantum-leap-nbc-preview-raymond-lee/?utm_campaign=entertainmentweekly_entertainmentweekly&utm_content=manual&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_term=62d569b3b16333000128d851&fbclid=IwAR132q1OMbhoCHgukIwpcYr8FklepAxyGMfDZVysygVJZ9dSB8AJOy1tPYE I'm beside myself because it doesn't sound bad. I'm interested enough to watch a few episodes. It sounds like the showrunners were big fans.
  4. Because Jordan couldn't write women for nothing beyond 19 y/o besides being total shrews. The forums here were even handed I thought. We all read the books and still I think were fair. No show is above criticism, but no one was really hardcore book purists. The non book readers were a little miffed Rand was the Dragon because there wasn't a lot of buildup for him over the season.
  5. I figured it out since I posted. It was the same thing with the water commissioner and Chinatown. I knew there was some reference there, but I had to think about it for a while. I can't imagine more than like 15 of us pick up on that.
  6. I meant for the US audience, and just what's going on here now, but clearly, the allegory of the Kaylon on this show is apt for all of this. You're extending the point I was making in that no one show has ownership on this particular plot, and as I was ticking off shows through the years, it just underscores the relevance thereof. They only showed the origin of the Kaylon now, but this is something that's been building since the start of the show. I'm sure we're not done with this plot.
  7. I think they had a handwave as to why Gordon volunteered to go down and destroy the time machine.
  8. There's no way Mr. Chrisie would let an innocent person be convicted of he had irrefutable proof. In this case, him. I don't think Jamie would evict his countrymen, justified as he may be though.
  9. I like that the record is billed 'Brazzos Sings'. The show must have been huge.
  10. It was a good bit of world building that wasn't an information dump.
  11. So did Galactica in 1978. And the Matrix in 1999. And Galactica again in 2004. And the show about the train. That's more about class issues iirc. It's a fairly standard scifi plot. Like a body switching episode, groundhog day, time travel. It's up to the viewer as to whether they think the take on the plot is fresh, but Humans certainly didn't invent the plot by a long shot. It's a good allegory that's applicable to any time we're living in. Clearly, we don't have slaves anymore, but you can talk about wage inequality now, even dreamers. That's why so many of these shows have these plots. I don't think there's anything super new to the plot here, but it's interesting that they're set up as the biggest threat to the cohesiveness of the Union as a governing entity in the galaxy. What's fresh for me is the Union is fairly new so there's some suspense there at to if it can solve this problem because it's not going to grow if the Kaylon are just going to wreck shop on any of its members. I don't see why here the Janisi wouldn't want to wait to see how it shook out. There's really no advantage to joining the Union if you're a non aligned race that's under the radar.
  12. I'm going to be That Guy, technically, 'desalination' is the current term. Desalinization is out of date. I like the latter though because the z makes it cool. I loved all the 'celebrities' cameoing for the PiPi+ commercials. I liked during the song it was like, 'hey remember Randy was a geologist?' and the showed older clips of geologist-Randy. I actually liked the weed farm plot from the start. I don't think Randy's 'character' was actually ruined. Mrs Manbear pig was kind of hot.
  13. I don't think that's entirely fair. For the Janisi or these other smaller, non Union races, the Kaylon is something that's happening way across the galaxy. They don't think it affects them. If they lay low and stay out of everything, then maybe the Kaylon just pass them over. The allegory is very much on point, e.g., 'peace in our time'. Babylon 5 had a plot just like that. The past seasons have been like a million years ago, but iirc the Union isn't that old. We're all thinking of it as an established entity like the Federation. And even then, on Star Trek, not everyone was in it. With the Union being not well established either, and getting beaten up by the Kaylon, you might not want to join a sinking ship. I don't think the Krill have as much firepower as they think they do to face the Kaylon mano y mano, but they seem to be longer established than the Union, so they're not going to think they're on an even level. The Kaylon may have tactical and military superiority, but they are still finite. They're not everywhere, seemingly. It's not like the Janisi got tore up by them, and the Union stepped in offering to help rebuild if they joined. I think it's more interesting that the Union is young. It's like on Andromeda, where they early plot was that their 'federation' dissolved, and Captain Kevin Sorbo was trying to put it back together.
  14. I didn't think Steve was saying he wanted six kids with Nancy than he was saying in general he thought about having a big family.
  15. I think he did allude to that. Gordon said he had to 'eat meat' in a very horrifying way that I found really interesting.
  16. I was seriously blown away by the twist. They totally reeled me in. When Ellie was in the library, I was looking at the news headlines, I didn't put 2 and 2 together. I thought the 'no men after 8' was a clue that "Mrs. Collins" knew something about Sandie, and I thought it had something to do with her knowing "Lindsay", but I was way way off. I am glad Ellie was able to be successful, but seeing Sandie in the mirror at the end was still creepy.
  17. Even so, they'd have an hour of clarity. Isaac retained the memories, but not the feelings. It's a good a plan as any. The Union can't defeat them militarily.
  18. I didn't know the restaurant was that close to the wharf. How do they not have more customers? I know Teddy is needy, but building the mobile grill is extremely generous. They had an episode about a food truck, so I don't know why it took so long to come up with this once the hole sunk. The building next door was for lease. They could have just sold there. Normally, Louise has her schemes for herself, mainly to get candy, but right off the bat she wanted to save the apartment and the restaurant. I actually would have liked if the usual kids joined in on the investigation with Tina, Gene, and Louise. The bourbon Felix was drinking was Uncle Tinkletush's Special Reserve. I get you can't throw everyone into the movie because then it would be a total mash just shoehorning everyone in. If they can do another one, then there's an opportunity to bring in some others. I thought Louise was going to use the hat to put out the fuse because you know it had to come off at some point. The backstory for it was nice though. The show doesn't do a lot of Bob/Louise too much, but they're really the same in a lot of ways.
  19. I actually don't care that Charly is Seth's gf, but it's a fair point as to why she's in the meetings. I would speculate that anyone that have posts on the bridge with the Captain are 'command staff' and would be qualified to be in the meetings. They were talking about where they were going and docking with the new potential Union allies, so the pilots knowing where they were going would be fair reason for them to be in on the meeting. Gordon was there too and so was Bortus and Talla. Also, Ed kind of runs a loose ship and it might be his decision to have them there. I'm fine with a reasonable fanwank on this show.
  20. To be fair, at the dinner, after the gig was up, Kelly and Claire pointed out that men and women are treated equally in the Union. So neither Kelly, Ed, or Claire would have actually been looked over, as we're saying it in the 2022 context. The show did a good job showing that the Janisi truly do overlook men (no voting or driving), and the one who liked the wine pawing at Ed. If anything, Ed was overlooked just in general because he washed out after the divorce, and Kelly was the one who got him the commission on the Orville. Both him and Kelly had to revisit that in the last gambit to keep the Janisi at the table.
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