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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I've been seeing this trend of supersized episodes lately, most notably Stranger Things. I'm glad to have more show, but it can be a bit much. I'm not sure overall what the advantage is between 8 episodes at 90 minutes, for example, vs 12 at 60 minutes. The show is fairly serialized so you're telling the same story. I think you're pushing the boundary of the audience once you're getting to the 75 minute mark.
  2. On the Manhattan project, after they tested the prototypes (that worked), they build Fat Man and Little Boy and sent them out. The Kaylon were an imminent threat, so the expediency doesn't seem that outlandish to me. Now, whether the schematics, math, etc., for this weapon was saved or not, seems shortsighted. Also, should they have been training other teams to make more? I think so. They qualified it as only Isaac and Charly knew how to build it, and they were in the middle of the actual war and needed to use it. So it's a lot happening at once. It's a tv-cheat, but the show plays fair with the audience. I can roll with it. Had either of the original nuclear weapons failed, they could make more (materials notwithstanding). Making the plutonium is straightforward but not easy. I was actually thinking of the materials for the weapon here, but this isn't that hard a sci fi show. Also, again, I am coming from the pov that the Union is fairly new and why all these mistakes are happening. I get the feeling that since the show is largely an homage to TNG (and nothing wrong with that), that the Union is being perceived as at the political maturity of the Federation.
  3. Lloyd has to be dead because he's the scapegoat to cover the agency for this entire mess. Beverly shot him twice.
  4. Reduced, but still a threat. The Krill were confident they were equal to the Kaylon threat. Breaking that alliance and containing the krill I think is good union policy.
  5. I don't know if the Union wants to defeat the Moclan-Krill alliance or just get to some kind of MAD. I don't think either side has the fire power to break apart the other. The Moclans can't get out of their own way, so actually a more subtle play would be to try to break up the alliance internally somehow. The Union needs to break them up, but I see it more likely some kind of containment policy against the Krill would be the ending. Originally the problem was the Kaylon v everyone. That's been resolved. So what's the Krill's policies for the galaxy? They're not expansionary; i.e., bringing Avis to the galaxy.
  6. When the Wolf heard Lloyd was going to kill the niece, he clearly was put off. I don't see it a big deal that he's got a line he won't cross.
  7. Hello, only other two people who have watched this movie.
  8. I watched on the plane on my tablet. I thought the pacemaker was clever. The entire tram sequence was fantastic. I do agree they could have brought more snark. It kind of reminded me of the first Bourne with the closed quarters fighting. I liked it and would watch more. Did anyone watch the credits with the action figures?
  9. I'm really enjoying how they've shook up the geopolitics of the galaxy this season. There's been a ton of war too. I'm hoping they can wrap up with some sense of peace to end the season.
  10. If I'm with a friend, I'll do the right angle seating because I know they won't mind overlapping personal space. I actually prefer the tables that are higher up and have the tall chairs because I tend to like standing. I only really go out to eat that's work related so we'll be talking about that. So maybe that's why.
  11. I could buy Cinda being involved, simply for ratings. The original Oliver, Charles, Mabel podcast killed, and I could see her fuming at some hacks beating her at her own game. What's a better product than a podcast where the original sleuths are now suspects. And it's called Only Murderers in the Building. Not subtle. She's a real control freak, so I don't know that she could convince people to do this dirty work for her. tbh, I don't care who the murderer is. I do expect when we figure it out/reveal that it will make sense. That's enough for me. The show is just flat out entertaining. When you get to a place where you're just fine watching the characters eating salsa or sitting in a car, it really doesn't matter.
  12. Just two lines, but they both nailed - 'This doing anything for you?'. 'Oh. Yes.' I also want to work in 'We did it once. It was a different time.' Oliver just amazed that 'they just put the mango in there' re: salsa killed too. Everyone else covered the main plots. Since I'm later than normal in commenting, I liked sharing my favorite lines. I just love great timing.
  13. To me 'shrinkflation' is worse. I agree that there are many factors to inflation, and the show pointed them out well. It's condescending to me for politicians distilling the issue down to one thing, typically for their own gain. However, the shrinkflation is really fundamentally derived from corporate greed imo. I noticed it recently in my own market, where prices haven't really gone up much at all because it's employee owned. I'm not going to buy those products. Anyway, the point about shrinkflation --> greed, seems easy, low hanging political fruit that everyone agrees on, and it would be nice if something was done about it. Or groups organizing to highlight those products as part of a boycott. I mean, really by now, how many of you all were like, 'He's buying that frog.'
  14. I don't think so. Women's issues aren't really a function of who the president is nor do school shootings. Or Putin. I mean, it's she not going to talk about women's health rights? It's the lack of regularity, not the content. Who else had three women in the clergy of different faiths talking about abortion?
  15. It can be both. Moclan does supply critical raw materials to the Union, and Gordon correctly pointed out that they're always bending over backwards for them.
  16. People might not have the option of buying a TV if they invested in computer equipment instead.
  17. That's fine too, even though I'm not a book reader. I'm most interested in the 'process' so whatever they can bring to that.
  18. I don't really memorize phone numbers, but I had them written down. I used to use a state road atlas for traveling with my summer job, but it was hard to do without the map. Using GPS even in walking through the city is really helpful. I still have a road atlas in my car but it doesn't have forest roads. I'm better at getting around.
  19. I don't know. The only thing that stuck with me was 'no men after 8.' But I don't think it was obvious. I don't think the show cheated either, but they played it tight. I think they weren't as fair with Lindsay, but it's fine. I would have just liked if he said his name in the past in that brief scene.
  20. I did like Ed calling out Heveena "don't mistake advantageous opportunism for morality." I'm paraphrasing but they had some really killer lines in this episode.
  21. I watch on the web site, but the move to another night doesn't always bode well. It's not so much one less show, but one less from the female pov and issues that were covered that's the real loss. Michelle Wolf got the shaft from Netflix in the same way.
  22. He's got more range than Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, and Whitney Houston. I don't think we'll ever see another.
  23. I finally got around to watching the movie. I actually watched LiveAid on *my local UHF channel* because I *read about it in the newspaper*. The line up was bonkers, so I get why they framed the movie around it, even though Queen goes on the next year to rip the killer Highlander soundtrack. (I'm glad they did get one of the tracks in the movie). I pinged bs on them breaking up, but I guess that's movies. It was kind of jarring that the band themselves were all fairly supportive, and then they have Freddie just quit. In real life they were all burned out from touring, so I think you're at the same place with Freddie-movie just saying, I can't do this anymore, and then they regroup for LiveAid. Even though they just finished another album that year. I didn't know everyone wrote songs, so that was cool. I can't believe how hard they nailed LiveAid. And Malek nailed Freddie. I always feel sad though. I grew up then, and I wasn't that old, but I knew the stigma of aids was wrong. I can't help but feel bad.
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