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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Given the show picked up right after the robot war, I think the tone was appropriate. When the ship gets back to regular missions, the show could lighten up. Seth also wrote this one. He doesn't always write the episodes. I commend the narrative choice because they could have easily done a time jump and not dealt with any of these issues. The episode was unique because there wasn't really a B plot. The show was never whacky in the first place. They did a good job with injecting the humor organically into the story, and I don't see why they wouldn't want some of that going forward. I would like to see taking advantage of the extra run time for more character building.
  2. Given how literally everyone knows the iconic line, TPTBs I would think would do their best to give it more context and meaning. At the time of A New Hope even Lucas didn't know how Vader got in the suit.
  3. I really liked that because Ed let her vent previously, and then was basically telling her to act like adult. Yes, you're angry, confused; we all are. I think it was important she refused his order and was relieved. It's kind of odd that Ed and Kelly were largely supporting characters in the episode, but the plot to explore the aftermath was interesting. I liked that no one was really debating the personhood of Isaac and just saying he killed himself, rather than 45 minutes of 'can a robot kill himself'. Seth probably assumed we all saw the episode of Picard arguing Data's case, so there's no need to revisit that theme. I also liked the sexy alien telling John that everyone knows he's a whore. But, thoughtful. He knew to have the candy for her. I do take the point about body autonomy, but to be fair to the show, Claire did argue against that in her session with Isaac. So the show did acknowledge it. Clearly there was a point of view, but it was addressed. I enjoyed it. After so long of a hiatus, it's the right direction for the plot, but I'd like to see a good adventure next week. I liked Ed's tactic with the torpedoes. iirc, they pulled a similar rope a dope in S1 where they only had a few and used them to accelerate the ship or something like that.
  4. Oh, Reva is going down. Kenobi is going to get his groove back and they're going to be saying his name. There's not really much of a greater motivation than the Skywalker child that he figuratively delivered and literally murderous Vader on their heels. No way he's going to let Vader know who she really is. I don't think she is yet, but it's got to be close. I think Organa would tip us off maybe not showing her but like a throwaway line.
  5. Where are we in the timeline at this episode vis a vis what Ahsoka would have going on that they'd cross paths? I know it's ten years after ROTS here. I mean, I'm all in on her showing up. If she's not bounty hunting with Ventress still (my dream canon not actually true).
  6. If the Vader comics are canon, Vader doesn't learn he has a son until after Yavin. I don't think Kenobi would just throw that in Vader's face. It's too reckless of him. Especially now. This is probably as peak Vader as he probably will ever be. There's no way he wouldn't be relentlessly hunting for a son.
  7. I think Kenobi is going to get his groove back and treat Vader like the bitch that he is to remind him that he (Anakin) was never a Master. For the Chosen One, he could never best Kenobi, even when Kenobi did a face/off and went undercover. It would undermine 7 years of Clone Wars if Vader bested him. I mean, Vader has been plotting his revenge for 10 years. Stewing for another 20 isn't going to be a big deal. Also, the show wasn't around in 1977. TPTBs certainly know their constraints and will have to do their best.
  8. You have to think how much really changes on the mid to outer rim for people whether it's Empire or Republic. For most people's lives, there's been a civil war, and now it's over. They probably welcome the quiet. I think it's funny though after all the war, the Empire has stormtroopers all over the place. Even a backwater mining planet has like a battalion. And they're building the death star. Ten years isn't a long time to get up and running.
  9. iirc Qui-Gon was the first to Force Ghost, and we know Kenobi knows how to do it by A New Hope. So I'm wondering if that's covered in the show. The saber in A New Hope was white too, not the blue.
  10. That's what I thought. Also, as others said, he's thinking it's only Round 1. I get that Round 1 is going to Vader on points here for drama. We all know the payoff is A New Hope. However, I'm not buying Kenobi as that weak; Vader shouldn't have been able to choke him, though I could buy he was a little better with the saber simply because Kenobi hasn't used his in ages. One thing I don't think should be messed with is Vader never could beat Kenobi, even in the end. They should stick to that. Clone Wars!Kenobi was unstoppable. I get it needs to build up to that, but the first battle was a just a little too one sided for me. Although I suppose Kenobi held his own with the saber and just ran out of gas. I also suppose that Kenobi just learned that Anakin was alive, and this monster shows up in the suit. I mean, 'what have they done to you?' is kind of low key. To be fair to the show, Kenobi has been calling out to Qui-Gon. Maybe finally connecting to him will wake him up. Vader isn't going to stop hunting him. Didn't Leia hear Varma say, "I can't imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi doing anything wrong." "It's just Ben now." Even with Vader with his group of stormtroopers/clones now v then. Same with Kenobi too.
  11. When "Vader" woke up and asked about Padme, he didn't think he had any children. He doesn't figure it out until after A New Hope and before Empire Strikes Back. By then, he's a full on Sith, so training his own son to take out Palpatine is the playbook basically. Given that Palpatine triggered Order 66 to take out existing Jedi, him looking for young, impressionable, powerful Force users to train to counter Vader is again the playbook. There's just not a lot of them around anymore. That's the whole cheat of the Rule of Two. Hiding the kids of the most powerful Jedi/Sith ever to wait until they matured seemed reasonable to me. What I think the prequels got wrong and what this high republic misses was casting aside the whole 'ronin' concept of the Jedi. They should have never had an 'Order' and all that.
  12. The only reason to be twins is to fool your date.
  13. When people say the 80s, it's really 83 - 88. No one is reminiscing about INXS as 80s music. There was a lot crammed into what we all call the 80s. I mean, you have hip hop, punk, new wave, and goth all going on at the same time. And Madonna.
  14. I totally forgot about playing the Beatles backwards. I remember thinking that was a lot of work to put into a record. Same. And it wasn't obvious, open secret. No one knew.
  15. Even with Anakin dead, Palpatine is smart enough to think that if he had kids, then they might be powerful if brought to the dark side. Sith are always training apprentices. We know Palpatine has Vader, but he would still try to apprentice Luke if he knew he was out there. Which he tried, in ROTJedi.
  16. How BAMF is his return going to be though? The kids are going to go bonkers.
  17. What's funny for me, is Anakin is Clone Wars!Anakin. I don't even think of Christiansen first. Even in the opening, I was like, 'oh yeah. Him.'
  18. The best part of that skit was Teddy was in on it with the kids.
  19. Given all they've been through in Hawkins, I'm going to cut them some slack that no one has Atari yet. It doesn't look like Joyce would be able to afford it either selling encyclopedias.
  20. I'm a big fan of Clone Wars and Rebels, but I don't really need to see the ins and outs of the Inquisitors beyond that they hunt jedi, and Kenobi is probably the biggest fish out there. Their politicking isn't particularly interesting to me. I mean, I know they have the force (ha) of the Empire behind them, and Kenobi needs to keep a low profile, but he should be eating their lunch. There's also the self-confidence. I'm surprised anyone actually knows that Vader is Skywalker. Vader clearly said 'Anakin Skywalker is dead.' And 'I have found the padawan of Anakin Skywalker'. I can't imagine he wouldn't choke a bitch for saying it. She has to have known him before the suit. All that said, I'm enjoying the show. The snippy inquisitors can be dialed back. tbh, I don't think Vader knows he has a son yet. I don't read the comics, but I thought in the Vader series is when he found out, but I think that might have been after Yavin. iirc Kenobi's saber was also white in A New Hope too. Only Ahsoka's are, and that's not for a while.
  21. I think it's a bit unfair that my interpretation is being arbitrarily judged as somehow wrong and warrants being shouted down. That was my viewing experience. It's no more valid than anyone else's, nor less. Either interpretation is a reasonable impetus for her to go to Eddie for drugs, as is the request for 'something stronger'. She could feel guilt for either that would have made her receptive to Venca and led to her death. Similarly for the bf to be shocked that she was looking for drugs in the first place. The real point here is that no one really cares about her death beyond using her as a means to act like a lynch mob against a member of their town they already judged as unworthy.
  22. Or forcing a miscarriage by taking horse tranquilizers.
  23. Throwing up is tv for pregnant. That's the first thing I thought. Why would she want to buy Special K out of nowhere with no history of drugs?There's no way she's going to be able to go get an abortion.
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