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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I heard about this show on Carvey's and Spade's SNL podcast when Myers was the guest. He had just teased the concept and said he was playing so many characters. I liked the opening with Key being an outsider just freaking out. I don't know who they have writing the jokes, but the fusion line about "oh come on, it's always being 2 more years" is actually a real joke in the field. Like with real nuclear physicists. I don't know maybe just a coincidence but that was way spot on. They're zinging the jokes f a s t in the introduction exposition scenes. 'Birds aren't real' cracks me up all the time. And they got Jennifer Saunders.
  2. The show was originally Bateman's concept iirc, so it's probably up to him.
  3. And in all those scenes he's been way way over the top. I'll still hold out a % that Mr. Christie killed her when he found out that Allan was the father because she's not his blood, and was fine with Claire taking the fall until this episode. Seeing how Brown was just out for Claire, he sees he's being no better than them and has a change. Allan killing her after we see how protective he was of the coffin and how emotional he was at the murder scene made me think he didn't do it.
  4. That was one opener! I'm still surprised that no one on the ridge stood up for Jamie and Claire way earlier than just the handful that popped up when the fisher folk tried storming the house. Roger and Bree in the tent totally unraveled what was a really good suspenseful, solid 20+ minutes of show. I'm just not really into his 'Imma be a minister!' plot when he sat around doing nothing since he got there. Far in the future me is laughing at not so far in the future Roger and the newspaper being called the Onion though. I would have thought Jamie might have told one of the ridge people to tell MacDonald what is going on. It's also hilarious that they can't find an actual court to take Claire because, you know, the giant Revolution (even though Brown has been poisoning the well). Mr. Christie's got to know who really did Malva the way he's been acting so cagey and genuinely nice to Claire. Not even any of the usual passive-aggressive. It's telling Allan wasn't there. The Mohawk rescue was 100% BAMF. So do we, uncle. With only the one scene, it's likely, although the traveler would have been in there quite a long time. I don't know what's that going to amount to. There's no Stones there in the jail for them to escape through. I agree ending on the whistling would have been fun. You don't need the actor there. Just play the vocal track. My theory that Jamie and Claire start the fire to fake their deaths is still in play. I would have liked a little more clue to the viewers as to who really killed Malva so we see how it plays out next season. They at least went in on Brown dgaf and just wants his pound of flesh. I know he got smacked during the stoning, but I would have liked the Committee to get more injured in it to sow some dissent among the group about whether it's worth dragging a mouthy woman across the state because Brown's brother was a sleazy rapist and finally got got for it.
  5. Weekend at Bernie's is Peak 80s Jonathan Silverman and should be included on deep space satellites. And Clue is a master class in comedic timing and line delivery.
  6. It was still worth it. The cell was cool.
  7. When he asked again later if she ever filled it up, she then told him to bring his own snacks as only Ruth can. tbh, it's kind of a dumb hunch on Mel's part. You can hide your weed in the cookie jar, gun, bong, whatever. For such a 'good cop' he seriously underestimated who he was dealing with and where he was.
  8. Even the Doctor wouldn't second guess Agatha Christie.
  9. The Byrdes are never going to be expendable.
  10. I think he was a local politician who helped with the acquiring of the casino.
  11. Not necessarily. Wendy and Marty have more sway with the FBI than Camila. The FBI only needs a functional 'head of cartel'. It's changed three times now. If Camila moves out of her lane, they'll replace her. The agent clearly said, 'you're agreement is verbal but binding'. That's essentially 'you serve at our pleasure'.
  12. If all Marty had to do is launder money, I don't think he's got much is a problem with that. It's all the other nonsense he's had to deal with. And he doesn't need to be at the Belle 24/7 to do it.
  13. I didn't know the playoffs had byes back then so the Lakers are losing money by winning. I would guess that's why we don't have them anymore. What a great joke about the priest rooting for the Celtics. Sure, the owner can do that, but I tend to think it's better the owner hires a competent front office; general manger, operations staff, and they make these decisions. It doesn't look like the NBA really had that quite yet which is making things interesting, but I don't know if it makes for a stable organizational structure. Take the Steinbrenner Yankees and it can go the wrong way too. tbh, West should be making the personnel decisions. Under Pros it did say 'will keep Riley'. I'm not sure why they had Rhonda lose the baby and it not be Magic's. Cookie knows he messes around. I suppose the point might be is how many others out there might have happened or if he paid to make the situation go away. It's hard to see how a doctor would have cleared McKinney. It's too bad they couldn't have let him have a spot on the bench, but he'd never go for it. It's hard to see how he could have done better than Westhead and Riley. It's kind of a cop out on the show's part that McKinney wasn't mentally fit because it makes the decision easy. If he were really ready to go, then there's a real dilemma. Is Jim Lampley supposed to be Chick's sidekick calling the game. He looks just like him. Claire going bonkers after the series win with Jeannie in the box was fantastic. It's a nice touch that Magic is clipping out Bird's press and the callback to hugging Kareem. I would like to see a little more basketball though. There's no way that Celtics team was beating Philadelphia. That's too bad because their scenes were really strong. I liked how it played out on the show. Well done final scene with them. Hughes was actually really great with no dialogue there until the final lines. Nice foreshadowing on Magic working on the skyhook.
  14. Really you could call Wyatt collateral damage. Javier had no context for the situation. It's not like if only Darlene was killed, Wyatt would have continued the heroin trade. I mean, if he happened to be in the bathroom, we're not here.
  15. I think Nelson was supposed to be a little more professional though. He's a hitman for a cartel. Getting the drop on him like that was a little much. I mean, just not seeing her at all. Shooting and missing because it was dark and rainy, ok.
  16. He could have shot the cookie jar. No more evidence for Mel. I wanted him to and still think he shot Mel. I don't think it's plausible he shot Wendy.
  17. I think the car crash brought the kids back into the fold.
  18. Marty told Frank that Ruth should be considered 'made' in terms of her being untouchable, but Frank Jr beat her up bad and she ended up in the hospital. Marty didn't want to retaliate because he needed Frank's trucks for transporting product at the time. It started from there and degraded. I think Marty could have negotiated a fair reprisal with Frank, but again, risk averse, and Marty is just a money launderer. iirc, Ruth wanted them to off Frank Jr., and that just wasn't going to happen. Ruth has just been anti-Byrdes since. I would concede Wendy antagonized her unnecessarily, and maybe it's more on Marty to reach out to repair their relationship because he's the adult. I also agree that the show lost something when they're at odds.
  19. Marty is very risk averse too. In the start of the season way back, he didn't want to open the 'clean' casino yet, but Wendy disagreed and that triggered the FBI. The problem is now that every decision is loaded with risk and there's not much he can do about it.
  20. Poor Brian was getting winded chasing the ball too. I said at first it was Single White Female. I appreciated Stewie going into the levels of the joke. I can't believe they got the scissoring and pegging line by. Even Mayor West was shocked.
  21. I don't think he was a good guy either. I'm doubtful this was the first time he was breaking and entering for a case. I don't know if he thought his sanctimony would somehow intimidate the Byrdes. For someone who was such a great cop he sure didn't do his homework.
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