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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I always thought the Capital Centre was downtown. I knew RFK stadium was further out.
  2. I'm not entirely surprised there was a rift with McKinney and Westhead. The Lakers were legitimately the best team in the west under Westhead since he took over. They didn't say that McKinney's memory was fuzzy liked they showed on the show. It's kind of a cop out in a way. I'd rather see Westhead just take the job.
  3. Bird was definitely not interested in 'branding' at all, nor did he bask in any adulation like Magic, and he was a documented trash talker. A real good one. This is really a hyper real drama of the 'underdog' Lakers and big bad Celtics. They're going to up the 'villain' quotient on Bird. irl, there's plenty of video showing him in press conferences, locker room, and he's professional with the media. Even back then the media was playing up a personal rivalry that really wasn't as there as it was made out to be. Bird isn't going to be doing any schmoozing to be sure. I have a hard time thinking Bird would take a dinner with Stern about marketing. I really liked the opening monologue with Buss talking about what's impossible. Brody also sounded a lot more like Riley here. Milton Berle wasn't so good either. I'd say the physique on the basketball posters and the voice was good, but otherwise, the actor really didn't have much of a resemblance. I liked the actor though and how he was actually one of the first pros to be genuinely warm to Magic and trying to help. I can't believe the All Star game was in Landover! I was also surprised that teams didn't have more than one assistant them. I don't know if I found it that believable that McKinney would want to bounce Riley. Sure, maybe to be assistant to the assistant, which Riley wouldn't like either, but they are 40-12. I don't understand where the animosity is coming from (prior to Riley getting out in the media - which was brilliant). Interim Interim Head Coach. Also brilliant. I do like Buss' relationship with his mother. They're both doing a great job. Not Buss and the nurse though. Come on. I forgot Dawkins was on the Sixers back then too. That guy was something else too. Though I don't think losing at Philadelphia is that big a deal at this point. Sixers were a powerhouse then. Easily the top team. So what does West think of this episode? Because show-West and his scene with Magic was probably barely second to Kareem and Earvin Sr for me so far. I don't know about the actor playing Cookie saying that Cookie 'really knows' Earvin. Did she though?
  4. Boomer was recast as a woman on the rebooted BSG too.
  5. Christie came to Jamie with the flyer promising a new start for the Scots that were in prison with him. I don't think Jamie would kick them out just based on that. And if he did, they'd probably blame Claire anyway.
  6. iirc, they showed Allan making the coffins, so it was his idea. Very telling there. I'm going to be totally ripped if we're wrong.
  7. That's what I was thinking. I can appreciate that she was kind of floored when she realized that she basically effected the gold and put everything in motion. There were still other possibilities to try.
  8. Someone green light the next movie. Now. And Zeke would of course be cool with it. "J Ju you're the best. You know that ain't me. Let's get you a hot boy and dance! heheheheheheh"
  9. Gail is in another class than Linda though. Makes me wonder what Ginger thinks of Linda though. She's the one driving all the way there.
  10. I forgot the exact episode, but PBS Newshour is reporting that the woman falsely accused of killing her baby was given a stay of execution today.
  11. I was actually pleasantly surprised it was resolved. I thought it might drag on more. With only the one episode left, I don't think it's necessary to get to the fire, but this whole murder business needs to be resolved. Or even not getting to the time traveler. I'd prefer they not end on a cliffhanger, like with Claire in jail or something. I'd have a big laugh if Jamie got some Perry Mason like confession out of whomever the murderer is. I don't think the so-called safety committee is interested in due process, but the head guy there wouldn't be able to turn down an actual confession. I don't see how they'd be convinced otherwise, and even then, the confession has to come from someone they consider reliable. Question then - who summoned the safety committee? It can't be Christie. No way he wants anyone else to know what happened. I just don't think he has it in for Claire. Allan? He'd be dumb enough and he's certainly acting out. Does anyone know the date of the fire in relation where we are on the show?
  12. Linda said that Ginger drove 80 miles to hang out. That's not nothing. It's fair that Linda might want to hang with Ginger on her own when she can hang out with the other two really, whenever she wants. She also talks to them more frequently too.
  13. I mean, I wouldn't admit something I didn't do either, and I'd be way less polite than Jamie. I also can afford a good lawyer. They didn't have due process just yet in the coloniesStates. I'm trying to put myself in the living room in 1775 with the vastly over importance of propriety and religion. The likely scenario imo is Jamie just pays for this to go away and they sweep it under the rug and that's it. Let's face it, Jamie inventing the first amendment, and all liberty this and that, he's not the typical colonial landowner. He said himself he'd probably be a loyalist without Claire's future history, and I'd even bet, no Claire, he takes the deal. Even Jamie was all huffy about getting Lizzie married in this episode and couldn't even grasp the threeway. Claire was having a tough time digesting while Lizzy was going on how hot three way sex is and they look EXACTLY the same. We're talking about a social context that doesn't exist here anymore. To a point. 1 - Unless the father is Allan, and 2 - She's not his responsibility if she's dead. He barely could mount an accusation against Claire. Did she actually say 'Jamie Fraser?' I don't think Allan killed her because he's too much of a whiny bitch to be that cold, and he's been way way over emotional in the living room and the church with grabbing the coffin from Claire. It's not like Mavla was beaten or stabbed in a fit of passion. This was a cold, calculated murder.
  14. Jamie isn't giving her anything though. He denied everything and threw them out of the house. I was saying maybe Christie gave it a shot to rope Jamie in to caring for the baby, but didn't think Jamie would flat out refuse, so he's kind of stuck with his 'whore daughter and bastard child'. Maybe he found out later it was Allan's. I would think that would be the red line that's crossed where he kills her. I was saying Christie assumed 'honorable' Jamie would just say 'ok, I'll sign the contract' to make it all go away. They both surely knew the gossip across the Ridge would make a mess out of everything. (Which, still, no one siding with Jamie is ridiculous to me). Jamie having a mistress isn't unheard of for the times. Jamie being all NOPE *was* more unlikely, but Christie knows well enough that Jamie is telling the truth. Just that he didn't think he'd go there.
  15. There's a lot going on with the Christie's that's not adding up. Jamie is just so fed up with everything, and knowing the war has started, that he doesn't really have the time to take a step back and take a high level look at everything going on. In the conversation thread for the prior episode, Malva naming Jamie seemed like the 'secure' thing to do for the baby. For me, it's hard to believe that she thought of the plan herself. I was also surprised how measured Mr. Christie was in that scene. He yelled more at Allan than anything to Jamie or Claire. I was similarly surprised at his demeanor in this episode when they found the baby. He was more concerned that she *didn't* have time to pray for forgiveness. His accusation to Claire was also half-hearted at best in terms of him not really countenancing that she did it; though he found it distasteful that she cut out the baby. Allan was, on the other hand, very distraught. Christie certainly doesn't like Claire, but has said that he didn't think of her as a witch, and would prefer she take the traditional role of a woman of the time. However, he still did the surgery and let her stitch him up. Add to Allan's behavior in the church, on top of the murder scene and the scene in the living room, and it's hard to think that he's not the father of the baby. The real question is - Does Christie know? If so, would he kill her? I don't think it would be ooc. We have some speculation that she's not his blood daughter iirc, certainly being so devout, he probably flipped his gourd if he found out Allan was the father. I don't think he'd 'cast her out' because it looks bad on him, so trying to rope in Jamie seemed like a sensible option. He didn't plan on Jamie flat out refusing, so at the point, she a 'whore', and probably blamed her for being a 'witch' and seducing Allan. He's got no other option than to kill her. The only other thing I can think of is that she said first it was Jamie's. Because she saw him and Claire macking all farm style, she had some cred in describing him al fresco. With Jamie's refusal, maybe she said that she didn't know because she had sex with a lot of the guys. Christie knows Jamie well enough that with Jamie's refusal, there's no way he thought he was lying. He still tried in this episode because he killed her.
  16. You can also shoot from the back and just have a stand in to save some time too. What is the opinion on Allan flipping out when Claire went to pick up the baby's coffin? Not that he wouldn't have a lot of grief for Malva, but the way he was holding the coffin was quite possessive imo.
  17. That's Linda though. She probably got distracted and just shut off the tv. Gene would have to seek out the movie. We know Louise watched Mad Max on Linda's laptop. Gene likely would have done the same, but I want the story on whether he looked for it specifically or it popped up and he decided to check it out. He knew enough to make a crack about being at school on a Saturday. Anyone check the sidewalk again? It's not looking good.
  18. I used to actually have to do that for homework. I'll tell you what, looking at old newspapers is something else. Just the local stories alone. People don't really have local news much anymore, so you miss out.
  19. That's much better, but it could warrant a line with 'let's pack tomorrow and get moving. The fire doesn't happen until September.' It hasn't been generally acknowledged much and that's the reason they came back. Especially with everything going on, I'd be side eying everyone. That's fine if they know the date. Still, as it's been said, it's not the best time for them to be leaving. I'm not hate watching, there's still enough to keep my interest in the show, but they do shove the characters into plot at times, and the criticisms here seem fair to me. This was a B level show for me from the start. It's within expectations to me. I would like to know who did in Malva, and I'm going with the prevailing opinion that it's bitch Alan. I suppose that revealing only one episode later is too pat, but we have a witness and an alibi in Lizzie. Though I doubt the 'committee' is particularly interested in due process. Had Claire and Jamie more allies in this issue, I could see maybe the committee pushes them to the rebel side. I still can't really buy the entire place is against them. Not one person is like, 'Jamie gave me my life back and a place to start a family so I'm standing by him?' At this point, I would just flat out say that Malva's had sex with half the town. Young Ian would step up, and I think they'd believe Roger about seeing them getting busy in the church. I didn't think Claire would cop to the ether so soon, and just letting everything out was a good scene. I'm actually glad that's out of the way so we can focus hopefully on solving the murder. And we have another time traveler that I want to see! Clearly (ha), Claire isn't going to be burned as a witch or hanged, and I am quite over assault. I still say they start the fire and break north. I mean, we have the matches right there.
  20. I'd like to know how Gene was able to see the Breakfast Club. Obviously, Tina, you're going to prom with Zeke. Linda handled it poorly, but she should be allowed to have friends outside of her sister and her hairdresser.
  21. The other boat in the dock was called The Dirty Londra. Also great 'Brandy' line. Snuck that right in. Wow Beef talks to his figurines like Bob talks to the food. But wants to go to the nudie beach. But they set course for the disco in the end.
  22. I don't get why Jamie told the other one to go away until the baby is born. I get that Jamie insists she should married, but I highly doubt the stout Ridge folk are going to jump to the twin threesome conclusion. That seemed to be the source of the problem. It still bothers me that Bree and Roger just let out with the fire still coming up. iirc they don't know the date of the fire.
  23. It would have been a little better if Alan was more active in planning Lenny's escape, and he did escape, but then not knowing what happened would have had a little more heft.
  24. Well, I guess Malva getting up in church is one way to get everyone to freeze out Claire and Jamie. I was figuring Mr. Christie would push more about Claire maybe killing Malva, but he was more ripped about her having a proper burial. Allan is still a little bitch, but it was fair to ask why Claire wouldn't have heard anything or known if she knocked. It's important that Claire copped to the ether to Jamie. I certainly don't begrudge Claire being distraught. Maybe she needs a vacation in the 1970s. Saturday Night Live already debuted. She could use a good Ford joke. And maybe a therapist. Just because there wasn't a word for it then doesn't mean she's not suffering from post-traumatic stress. I was laughing at the dinner table being all Law and Order - then Bree made a crack about Perry Mason, and Roger just jumps right into it. Tonight on Outlander, we learn the importance of an independent judiciary. I kind of feel bad for Young Ian. He's had a lot heaped on him. 'Both the Beardsleys'. I mean, that's got to be made a meme or something. Too bad Lizzie can't go to the 70s. She'd be a hit at the key parties. I'd much rather Roger be the school master than a minister. I just don't see that as his calling. I'm a little concerned that they're going to leave without taking care of uncovering the fire. That's the whole reason they went back. Jamie just being so OVER everything was actually inadvertently funny.
  25. I don't have any disagreement, but I don't know why she either didn't put the gold in a safety deposit box when she got them in exchange for the valuables, or when she was in the warehouse in 1944 just realize *not* to bring anything back of value. Nadia told her daughter/mom about the whole story, so she could have easily left a letter telling the future too, in the same way she told the priest about the future. The whole issue was the actual theft of the coins, not necessarily the coins themselves. As it's been point out, and again, no disagreement, I would speculate as to whether more interactions with Alan may have give rise to these options. I can't really call ooc on anything Nadia did, but it seems some additional influence, like if she copped to past!Ruth what was going on, or Alan, might have helped.
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