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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Lunatic Incestuous Freaks with Nukes was our senior prom theme. Narrowly beat out It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday.
  2. They got so many chimps on tv they have to make them secret. I guess this is derived from Planet of the Apes, so they put chimps on tv in case they actually tried to take over at some point. "Come on! We gave you your own show!"
  3. Television was 100 miles an hour get out of the way like from 1977 to 83,84. No one knows why chimps were a thing. BJ, whatever. You had a chimp. It's derivative. I give you - Manimal. Lee Van Cleef as a ninja. The dude from Pirates of Penzance driving a robot motorcycle. These were all actual shows.
  4. I think it may depend where you live though. The drunken Scot that did the duel last episode wanted to buy land in way way west Tennessee. That's out there, and strikes me as wanting to just be left alone and not really having a stake in the fight. You're living in Boston, or even Wilmington as we're seeing here, there's a lot more going on.
  5. The link took me to part 2, but now it is part 1. I think in Part 1, she should also note that after 2000, SciFi had executives in and out of there, using the place as a stepping stone. That was also a mess and why I haven't checked out the network since W13 and Eureka. It's also kind of ironic or tragic that syndication was such a huge thing back then, and now streaming has made it extinct. Farscape could have been on Netflix for 10 years. Farscape will always be my #1, but the pairing with SG1 was good because of the contrast and similarities. I mean, you can argue that both shows are about teamwork.
  6. The traveler has to be someone from the 1960s-70s. There's no dramatic narrative if it's someone who can only go back to the 1500s. Is the guy who asked Claire about Ringo Starr who this Donner is? That's the only other traveler they showed recently.
  7. After all that Kareem drinks frozen Minute Maid. Brilliant! And the actor has a PhD. Does Buss own the Forum too? That's not usual for owners to own the venue is it? I guess most places now are multiple purpose, but I didn't know about back then. I like the actor playing Kareem and how much he just seethes. (There's a documentary on Kareem on HBO max that's really good.) I liked that we saw the end of the first game after seeing the you tube clip (they showed it in the documentary too. Real Kareem was a little more low key.) I had no idea Paula Abdul was the first Laker Girl. Looks like they're zipping up the time line into 1984 quick.
  8. Oh, maybe she starts the fire then. I was going to say, Mr. Christie needs to take the belt from her, but then I was thinking she might just snap and go full out and burn everything down.
  9. I said it out loud! Didn't have to wait long either. They did a different opening to the show too. I liked how they worked 'over the sea to Skye' into the dialogue. I quite liked the convo with Jamie and Claire about why the Scots would be loyalists. It's easy for Claire because she knows what happens, but it's still going to be hard. I'm sure Jamie wasn't thinking it at the time, but being a mason now sure helps. I would have thought inventing the water wheel would have been a higher priority that they're only talking about it now. They're moving Fergus to New Bern now? He barely has been in the show as it is. I'm always worried when I see Lord John. He's the only character I genuinely always liked. No one do anything to him! I actually want Claire and Jamie to let him in on what's going on. I don't know if I can bear if him and Jamie are on opposite sides. Did Claire get Flora and Jocasta high? Seeing Jamie hemmed in at the printers still makes me think Claire and him fake their deaths in the fire to escape. And then Jamie becomes one of Washington's spies! That would be exciting for a change. I really liked the actor there. It was the first time she really stood up straight and looked anyone in the eye. She's always kind of stooped and meek. Also she wasn't doing anything wrong. 1970s Roger got a little too stuffy there. Although I did not like her chopping off a finger. I liked how Jamie basically invented the first amendment at the meeting. It was also important to show Lord John asking Jamie why. He doesn't really have much of a why beyond that Claire told him this is what is going to happen. It's not like he's complaining about taxes or anything.
  10. It's the Pasadena convention all over again!
  11. In reading that article, I also enjoyed First Wave. It was a cool concept. All those shows back then were interesting to me. It was a good showcase for the variety of sci fi. Go from Lexx to Farscape.
  12. I actually do have a road atlas in my car. Two of them. I drive to very rural areas, like the town signs that have the population on it are only 3 digits and the first is less than 5, for volunteer work and if google maps gives out, I have a back up. Same when I go hiking because you're on a lot of forest roads. Fun fact - If you are stuck or lost or don't quite know where to go in those towns - go to the post office. It's like the town square. They know where everyone is. They've actually called people that I'm looking for. 'Oh, he's early, tell him to wait for me at the bar'. It's 9 am.
  13. Brilliant move on Doug's part at the end. The whole campus set up was screamingly funny with the uber feminist group. Joyce's sister is a total scene stealer, even her 'Beccckkkkyy!' when Bambi handed over the magazine to the housewife in the parking lot had be going. It's real talent to have few lines and be able to stick the timing.
  14. She was justifiably ticked being hoisted off to the kitchen, but that's nothing Doug could do about it. Credit to Joyce for playing a winning hand with what she was dealt. I'm kind of wanting Joyce to simmer a bit and recognize Doug has a lot invested in the magazine. She has zero editorial oversight.
  15. Me and John both said 'oh boy' when Aeryn took off her helmet in the jail cell for the first time. If you check out some of Claudia Black's twitter, she took time off to have and raise her child. She has had reasonably steady work with credits even up to now. Her career kind of reminds me of Claudia Christian, who also has a distinctive voice. It's no surprise both have video game and animation credits. CC was great in Blood of Zeus voicing Hera. Voice over work is absolutely credible work, and I'd say both are enjoying successful careers. As for the show, I really still think it could have been and maybe still be the next Star Trek in terms of a short lived show that spawned a franchise. I guess in a way it did in terms of Guardians of the Galaxy. But the Farscape universe itself is so vast and alien. And dense. Can you imagine a movie where their son leads some kind of leviathan rebellion against the Peacekeepers or something? You're never going to capture the magic of John/Aeryn, but you don't have to with all the different aliens and kind of imperialness of the Peacekeepers.
  16. I had a state road atlas because I drove all over for refereeing soccer matches in high school. I looked everything up before. It was all like farmland and all that.
  17. That was very much a Italian-American party from the 70s. I almost thought they were in my aunt's kitchen. They certainly had the same dishes. Huge laugh when Joyce was beginning to rant and someone handed her a glass of wine off camera. Although, I would dispute Joyce saying that Doug doesn't respect or value her. He even figured out Joyce did something in the end.
  18. He is enjoying antagonizing Joye just a little bit. He does think Minx could be new type of magazine though.
  19. Do the English not have the concept of 'bulletin board material'?
  20. I'm hopeful for the US. That actually is a winnable group.
  21. I watched Live-Aid on a UHF channel because I read an article about it in the newspaper.
  22. I said this on GOT, but I'm all for all nudity all over the place. You have to on this show, but people are way more nude irl than on tv. Wow going way back with carrying around the rotary phone. And the perfect color. And a Pinto! I like the relationship with Doug and Tina. I don't know if they were together or what, but it seems like that what Joyce is going for. I did like that it was a softball, but actually good insight into the magazine. Doug does publish 12 magazines; he knows what he's doing. I like shows where people are relatively good at their jobs and not just 'there' or failing upward. Just because it's porn, as Doug said last episode, it's a legitimate business. I still appreciate he's letting Joyce run with it.
  23. I was a little disappointed Joyce got up in herself and so boorish, but I liked that she got over herself. The magazine in the end worked because she relied on the team and that's important. It's great casting (same with the councilwoman), and it's great that she's 'just' a housewife but really chill about everything. It's not overt, not subtle, but I like Doug is just giving Joyce the latitude to just go for it. "It's about the benefits of armpit hair" "Which are?" "Not convincing"
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