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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. You would have to be an adult to get things notarized so she's got to be at least 18. It's just that typically one would think a 'babysitter' in terms of watching after junior high kids would be a junior or senior in high school. Not someone going to the strip club. It also makes sense because if she was only 15/16, I don't think 13 y/o Tina would be as respectful.
  2. They actually said on the show that they're leasing, but even that is surprising. Add on all the gear you need, and that's some money.
  3. I'm surprised Butter's parents sprung for a horse. Mackey getting into 80s music and Red Dawn was a good touch. I don't miss any of that but I liked the cold war satire. I loved his 80s room. Wow they crammed a ton in there. Even War Games. I don't remember PC Principal's name before. I don't know if I'm reading too much into the show, but I liked the criticism of nostalgia. Slightly disappointed we couldn't get a variation on 'if he dies, he dies.'
  4. In the episode 8 thread, there's comments from the showrunner about staying away from 20,000 Leagues because Disney is doing a feature adaptation. So, we were saying what other Verne properties these three characters could fit. I personally wouldn't want a 'contained' story because of Fix's development as a writer and getting out from under Fortescue's wing would be curtailed. Everyone around the world was following her column, and a series of them gallivanting across Africa draws my interest. Trapping them on a submarine really clips all their skills imo. We kind of had the 'bottle' episode of them together on the island, so I don't think there would be more to mine of that in an entire series. Of course, the submarine could surface at various ports around the world to solve that problem. I just see more latitude in the narrative if they're out in the world. With a vast setting like Africa, you have a lot of elements to mine - colonialism, racism, classism from a different pov than the first series.
  5. It always comes down to the writing. It's exposed more with sketch shows.
  6. No, the song was about a man in their 'time'; but in the past enough that it was a story, who went back (which we would assume it was the 1500s) and returned and talked about all the things he saw. But, same result; Claire learned the stones were two way.
  7. It was way early on, when they went to the big banquet at the lord's house. I know it was the first season.
  8. Sub Hub is probably my favorite continuity. I liked the irony of Stan teaching Hayley drive. We have a 50s diner here. It's popular. Good breakfasts too. They have the juke box thing in the booth with the dial and the panels. Jeff being the beatnik was great.They threw in a Bowzer too. I watched Sha na na all the time before Solid Gold and Dance Fever. Those weren't really the 50s either. I like the 70s better. I did like that it wasn't actually the 50s in the end.
  9. Gellis also literally murdered her husband. I think somewhere I posited that she gained more control. She basically only wanted to get far back enough before Cullodeon. In the first season, they mentioned a guy from Jamie's time went back and then returned. I doubt much thought was given to how you actually travel. For Claire and Roger it seems the 200 years ish has been consistent.
  10. I wouldn't want them hunting, but there's plenty of other reasons to fly over Africa. Maybe Fortescue wants them to make a map!
  11. The finger printing with Jen and the notary was Bob's Burgers version of the pottery in Ghost.
  12. AD. Don't forget Lucius actually killed Jesus, and that was 15 years ago when they showed it last season.
  13. It's not clear if Hemple sends the boy, or if the boy is Lokka just appearing around. Unless she is Lokka. That would explain some of her behavior. The little kid is creepy. Amena sure is walking on eggshells. She's doing great just trying to survive one minute to the next minute. You can tell she's wound up tight. I think in the end Divis is going to the Hemple's undoing mainly because he's going to just be so over everything by then. She's starting to grate. It would be ok if we're being tipped off as to her plans and the characters aren't, but she's just blathering about. I like how the Veran's solution to everything is to smoke something. I liked the Queen's monologue on how 'the chosen one' is complete nonsense and just something dudes say to stay in power. For a botched plan that didn't amount to much, that was a BAMF ending. Is Pweeka a foe of Lokka and that's why Divis got to get up there and wreck it? Hemple is if nothing an unreliable narrator. That's quite the convenient yarn. If she took out Hemple when the Veran attacked, then she'd be back to square one against Aulus. Lokka is a real power here and not some figment. Amena was ready to go to the underworld to one up Hemple but couldn't so Hemple is the best bet, even with the crazy. I say it every week. There's got to be a reason he is the last person shown in the credits. It may be that he finally turns on Hemple because of remorse for the son. He was blathering on to Lucius about it 'she took him from me' before Cait showed up at the surprise party. I was wrong - I didn't know the Romans were really there in 43 AD, so it may be that there's an end to all this Lokka cult and that's it.
  14. Not much in the way of details. If he got raises for everyone, then good for him.
  15. She also told him flat out not to mess around on the this trip too.
  16. Louise specifically said 'pool our allowance'. She said 'sampler' and having the map. In CVS, they used to sell 'Whitman's sampler' which were a monster box that had a map. There's always a 3 or 4 duds, so you want to pawn them off on old people. It's not just that; it's consistently other professionals legitimizing Bob's work. Even when Jimmy Pesto got Bob the booth at the xmas fair on the wharf, he copped to Bob at the end that his burgers were good. Whenever they do something wacky, they always end up packing the place.
  17. The brochure made it sound awful. Literally everything was at sunrise. And the food.
  18. I almost felt like telling Lisa maybe they can't go on an historical walking tour because you kids are running them ragged all the time.
  19. Wow, 'I'm not used to wearing rings above the waist.' I'm surprised that got by. I liked all the snooty names of Lois' friends. I wish they had a little more at the reunion. These were kind of two half plots; they could have a lot more hijinks with each.
  20. I always like when other chefs complement Bob. To be fair, Louise was right; Jen shouldn't be having anyone over babysitting. I don't think asking her to go to the drugstore to get the candy needed to be a scheme though. They were going to pay with their own money. I mean, the boxes have a map there's so much candy. I kind of wanted to see them enter the restaurant at least. I would bet a hipster place would be rapt in attention at a story like that. I liked when Bob was scolding the sheep and it worked.
  21. Kind of harsh to hit Moon at school with 'we didn't invite you because you don't have a mom'. I don't think they were being deliberately mean. That's tough though. I kind of felt bad. If he knows the sled isn't going to work, they should listen to him. Nancy Smith's bushes. They sneak another one by again. And they hammered it. Jokes aside, it's probably good for Beef to talk to some other single parents. I also thought it was like a super old house that just kept getting built on through the years. The deck looks tacked on, for example. The Russian Restaurant - We can see you from here!
  22. I liked all the odds and ends from the honeymoon resort they were able to use to make the shelter, etc. Really, it comes down to just going on a hike sometime.
  23. Marty and Wendy wheel and deal, but they produce. That's what I like about Omar - he's strictly results oriented. If you want to go back to the beginning, Omar should have shot Marty and his partner both for stealing, but Marty was able to pitch the Ozarks. That's kind of the buy in right there. After last season, it was ridiculous Darlene was still around. What I thought was funny was that Javier just walked in and offed her. Anyone could have done that at anytime.
  24. He does step up for Stan, just in his own way. Stan was talking about 'you're my blood!' 'Well, not Francine, but we do it all the time!' Good to see they still have an active sex life. 'Maybe is a fish? ...and I'm turned on by that?' How would know he's a fish?!
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