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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I actually do set a schedule for myself as shows come out. If I know there's going to be a lot of discussion here on one, I'll try to watch it within a couple of days.
  2. How about having to run the 100 m dash in 7 seconds when there was a commercial and you needed to pee and get a snack?
  3. That's why I asked what sect Mr. Christie was. Because if it was some wackadoo snake shake whatever, then they're not going to really care about secular law. You've got that idiot 'safety committee' plodding around with tacit approval from McDonald in the North Carolina wilderness. Although, Mr. Christie said, 'I don't think you're a witch' to Claire, and being awake during the surgery, he saw what she actually did. Jamie was also present. I'd find it hard he'd be accusing her of witchcraft when it's his word against the landowner. He's got no problem condemning his late wife though, so I could see this happening with Malva. I want to see her snap though.
  4. The prequels are poorer quality, but there's enough of Frank's vision in there that it's fine for me. I wouldn't recommend to read them first, but they're breezy enough and give more of the actual universe. There's still some good stuff in there.
  5. I'm agreeing, but there's your problem. Prior to the 'present time' GOT there was repressive iron rule from the Targaryens because they basically had nuclear weapons. The show itself was good because we came in when all that was fractured, so there's chaos all over the place as everyone is squabbling for the throne. I don't know much about this prequel, but it's only going to be Targaryen drama? Because losing the throne isn't a threat at this point. Maybe go back far enough before they're a dynasty. Focus on the rebellion instead, even though we know how it ends, there's something more there. Robert still needs to hack together an alliance, you have the disintegration of the Targaryens, how the kids get hidden away, etc. It seems more to mine imo. Amazon did great with Wheel of Time, so I'm checking out LOTR just for that.
  6. That's one part of the show I'm looking forward to - Riley right now is all disheveled. I can't wait to see how this transformation to slick Armani happens. I only know 'Showtime' as Riley. The NBA wasn't really on back then, and it was all Celtics where I lived. I wouldn't have seen the Lakers until 1984. When NESN came online, it was all Boston games, but you could see more teams. College coaches don't necessarily dress up like the NBA. Bobby Knight had his sweater; Tark had the towel. I think Pitino was one of the first in college to dress sharp. Calipari did too. Is anyone watching the Rick Fox segments at the end?
  7. I liked the technical breakdown of 'classical' versus 'jazz'. Basketball wasn't my sport, but I couldn't stand always calling a play, getting to a spot, etc. Not that you have to run all the time though; you can bring it up fast and just keep cutting and moving. I liked McKinney saying when Kareem gets the ball everyone stops to watch him work. The ball should flow through him. It's almost like McKinney was running a proto-triangle. You still need set plays when you need them though, after a stoppage, etc. I like the actor playing Kareem too. I don't think he's opposed to the change in offense, but he's kind of internalizing what's going on. I actually thinks he likes Magic. Game got *tight* with Magic and Norm on the same squad.
  8. Yes, I'm curious too, but that's not the same as the appetite for the show. I'm not trashing the property, but multiple spin offs is a lot to bank on. I suppose it doesn't matter in terms of ratings because it's HBO, but I don't think it's going to be a cultural phenomenon.
  9. I don't know if this is unpopular, but I'm skeptical there's that much of an appetite for more GOT.
  10. Moon was stuck on the ground and couldn't get up. Beef was going to get the saw. I don't know if that's talent. With the 69 crack, I was worried that the party was going to be some old folks' swingers party. Poor Ham would have had a stroke.
  11. In that one, when Bob admonished Gene, Gene said 'uh, what?' Bob said never mind. I don't think Gene was actually trying to pull a fast one that time. Unlike see you next tuesday.
  12. Young Ian aside, I'm glad to see Jamie giving Fergus some purpose. They could have done that last season though too. Ah, the miscarriage plot device. I know the show is technically constrained, but it's tiring. Emily moved on fast tho. Give it a day. Malva - I don't think she's creepy. She lost her mother, horribly and is beaten on the regs. She probably learned to be quiet because the good Mr. Christie is looking to get the belt on her. Then here comes Claire who is nothing like anyone she's seen. I do think she's seething with anger, and we might be looking at Chekhov's ether though. I thought Young Ian told Marsali that he 'had a son once'. I don't know if I would have said it was my wife and daughter with the visions. I don't think the chief will spill the beans but still a risk. Jamie's kind of in a bind as to what to tell them. If he tells them to head west now; he's saying they should abandon their homeland, and that seems ooc to me. Saying 'whatever you do, fight for yourself' is probably the best he could do.
  13. I only have memories of Riley as a coach, but old pics of Riley at the end of the playing days, there's a decent look with Brody. I actually think they did a really good job casting. I could pick out who was who easy enough. It's largely no-win casting such iconic figures in pro basketball. I think it's a good move to have relatively 'unknowns' for Magic and Kareem.
  14. Lois' cutaway about the Target girl was out there. The spanish radio gag cracked me up. The whole town was there! I like big background scenes to pick everyone out. Teeth falling out dreams freak me out. The ping pong match was really well done. The overhead shots were tight.
  15. I liked the return of Louise's playing cards. The Smokey the Bear poster in the ranger station for the alien tree skit said "I'll find you."
  16. I can't believe they got a 69 joke through. I liked Ham's plot because they're continuing his baking and he's got his own thing going on with the old people's home.
  17. Regular Size Rudy ain't no angel. Louise had to talk him off the ledge getting the wind up dolphin for the tub!
  18. I like the show for Amy casting her friends, like Dave Atell as the rabbi plugging his social media. I don't think it's the same even if the structure is similar because she playing Beth way droll to start (I only watched the first two), and it's not necessarily supposed to be funny from her pov. I'm not sure I'm too invested in this 'what happened to Liz' because not letting go from high school is kind of played out (unless it's actually really tragic which ok, but still). I do like how the sister just hangs up the phone. The joke about Kerig and Keurig is dumb but totally an Amy joke.
  19. Are they planning multiple seasons? I didn't know the Buss went after Tark first. And I didn't even know Riley was around back then.
  20. I think it's important to have a character like that because Jamie getting on the rebel side of the war will have consequences. It's easy to root against the 'committee' because they're just bullies. I'm similarly interested what happens with Jamie and the Cherokee now that he will bring them guns. Although, they probably should have asked for ammo too.
  21. If Millie didn't get greedy, they would have gotten away with it.
  22. That's what I was thinking - Malva isn't Mr. Christie's daughter and he beats her for it because his wife isn't around. I think she and the brother have the same mother though.
  23. Oh, I don't mind either. That's what I was commenting on re: The Armourer - - and quoting Bill Burr. It's easy for her to make broad proclamations without any additional context.
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