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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. To be fair, Beth made a point to emphasize the commission she made on reeling in the big fish with her dad, so it's not like she quit out of hand. She was getting something from it. Prior to that scene, with just her and her dad at the bar he pointed out that she was good at her job but wasn't really loving what she did. So there was a decent narrative direction there. With the commission, she pays off the debts. I assumed the family house was paid for. No rent to worry about. I wouldn't say she's in a destitute position.
  2. And she announced it. "ok, stick. Gimme the phone."
  3. That wasn't quite my take. I thought it's more about a run of the mill housewife learning to take charge of her sexuality. It started with Joyce spilling the beans on the radio, but in the end, they became more communicative. She showed the pictures to her husband too. They never showed what she wrote in the note to Bambi either. I do agree I was hoping for more Joyce growth. She got what she wanted - she's totally in charge now. I'm not rooting for her to fail; I think her and Doug together are a better force for the magazine than apart.
  4. There's nearly limitless choices. I don't find reboots much of a draw. The originals are of their time; a reboots needs to adapt to this time if it's going to work.
  5. I don't think back then they could. I think that came around with Larry Flynt. I think Rico's (?) issue was that he was already ticked Joyce was out and was blaming Doug based on the Dick Cavett show, and that it was kind of a tacky photoshoot. It's a men's magazine for women; they didn't need the nude elves in there. Doug kind of knew that though. While Rico's opinion is valid, his behavior was unprofessional. He's an employee and has a job to do. Don't want to? Find other work. They're all kind of lucky Doug didn't just fire everyone.
  6. The actor playing West has a ridiculous acting pedigree (he was on Farscape?!). I'd be thrilled if someone at that level was playing me. Also he's really one of the only actors I've seen to actually be able to do a Rhode Island accent. No offense to Magic, you don't have to watch the show for sure, but I'm not clear on how or what you can claim is inaccurate. Kareem did watch it and offered his opinion. I've certainly pointed out where I think they might have taken some dramatic license, but, you know what you did and what happened. Even Arsenio was plain about Magic's proclivities in the Magic-Bird documentary. And they're best friends. I'd be interested in Magic's documentary, but if he's producing it, I mean, is that 'factual' too? What they're all doing is giving the show massive free press.
  7. Has Magic said anything? I don't know if it's generational, but I'm surprised they're not jumping in on it. Maybe Kareem wasn't that broody, for example, and he's certainly free to express his pov on those times, but it's a fact he was kind of a (justifiably) surly guy. I'd certainly like to hear from him on what he thought about McKinney's hire compared to West and how he transitioned to the Showtime offense. Or that West really didn't have a front office position at this point in the show. He's kind of just there. How did that happen? I mean, it's an indelible period in NBA history, and there's no question the product today is directly derived from these individuals. Bird too. If the Celtics didn't acquire McHale and Parish, they're probably wouldn't have been the rivalry. It's not like ML Carr was going to keep up with Kareem. I'd be putting out my own podcast talking about the show.
  8. So, once again, FOX ruins a show that we like. *sarcasm* For real though, I only watch FOX on the Sunday nights, and from the ads, there's only reality shows and fluffy sitcoms. Which are cheap to produce. Oh, and the 911 shows. So maybe they only wanted one 'flagship' show. I'm not going to criticize what people like to watch, but there's a show about dominoes. Not the game, which I play all the time. Orville just doesn't really fit that model. I don't know if Seth had a development deal with the network or whatever, but I speculate that a TBS or just start on streaming would have been better.
  9. Seinfeld also had a 'no lessons learned' policy.
  10. Maybe Kareem didn't like the orange juice bit. Chick seems way way worse than West by far. West may be yelling all the time, but he was clearly the impetus in getting McKinney hired (on the show; idk irl). He's trying to replace Westhead, but the team clearly didn't have confidence in him. Chick is just full of himself and treated Riley like garbage.
  11. I probably wouldn't want to be portrayed as yelling *all* the time either, but I do speak loudly a lot. I'd be curious as to why the showrunners went in the direction of portraying West that way if there wasn't some truth there. I mean, Magic likely wasn't talking to Cookie when there was another woman cleaning up in the bathroom, but we know he was quite the philanderer so you're going to up that on a tv show for drama. West never yelled at all? Ever? That's hard to believe. The show could also be setting him up as angry now, so when he transforms into the GM that everyone knows, it's more earned and dramatic. That's how tv shows work. Sure, you have 100% right to correct the record as you think you should, but you could also have some fun with it. No one is doubting West was strongly involved in building this dynasty. I'm sorry to all these people, but the show is excellent across the board. Looking back at the extent of my posts, and seeking out other media sources to learn about the history of time, this show is far exceeding my expectations and is easily in the top spot of my viewing rotation. I especially like that it's once per week so we have a lot of time to go over what actually happened and how they did it on the show.
  12. Bird goes on a surprisingly emotional monologue about this (for him) in the documentary on the tail of talking about calling Magic about the HIV diagnosis. We know from the first scene of the show that it started with the HIV reveal, so hopefully it continues and we'll see that. I think the Finals are more ingrained in sports lore than a regular season game that they don't need to tinker with it. The Lakers did win in Boston during that season in 1980, but Magic didn't play in that game, and it ended rather anticlimactic with Norm hitting free throws. (I had to look that up). When Boston came to LA first in 1979 they got blown out (also had to look it up; it was in the documentary too). Dramatic license here I can see. I mean, this is fundamentally a dramatic interpretation of the 'rise' of the Lakers with them being underdogs. They just kept losing to Boston in the Finals so it's not like they weren't an elite franchise. Far be it for me to argue with Kareem analyzing someone playing him, but I don't find the actor 'pompous'. The scene with Kareem and Earvin, Sr., last episode was probably the best scene of the series for me. I'm sure if someone was playing me in the remarkable story of my life, they'd probably overdo it on me being sour, when in fact I'm actually trash talking, just really dry. It's not my fault no one is bringing their dancing shoes.
  13. No one liked Thomas. That's why he wasn't on the Dream Team. I wouldn't even say the Pistons was much of a rivalry because once Jordan beat them, that was it. In the documentary, they show the press conference with Bird and Thomas. Thomas did apologize. I don't think he cared because Thomas just wasn't ever nearly at a Magic level of player.
  14. From what I remember the Garden was a hole, and the visitors locker room was like a walk in closet. I'd really recommend the Magic-Bird documentary to get some real isight. Bird actually said he didn't care what they said about him. The NBA made him have a press conference and he was more mad at that. Thomas is also a documented bitch, and the so-called 'Bad Boys' couldn't beat the Celtics until they basically aged out, and Bird had no spine left, literally. He trash talked a ton, and there's hours of youtube of players with their own anecdotes. It's not that he trash talked - he was so good at it that they couldn't help to laugh. In the show, the 'I'm going to spin around you guys and hit a 12 footer' is something he'd do. The press conference; there's no way he'd even speak to Magic. There's footage out there of him talking to the press after the games, and he'll say when someone played well or if he didn't. Typical, professional behavior. But he said himself when he beat people that he hoped they were suffering from losing to him. Both Magic and Bird said that they didn't hate each other, but game recognize game, and they were in each other's way to getting a championship. It's not like Bird didn't shake hands after a game or yell at the press. I don't remember if they showed this on the show, but Bird and Magic were on some USA basketball team together in 78 or something. There's some footage in the documentary, and it was patently disgusting when they were on the court together. It's kind of funny because no one is going to begrudge Jordan for what he accomplished, but who was his main rival? Malone? Miller? Ewing? None of those guys are in his class. Even though the Lakers-Celtics only played in the Finals and twice each season, Bird and Magic are saying they check the paper to see what the other one did in the last game.
  15. My local channel has a lot of talk at the end for the 5 pm broadcast because they don't do a sports segment; taped segments can run short. But they leave out the weather guy with the main anchor and talking about the weather and whether you can garden or go walk your dog is an easy filler.
  16. iirc Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David hated that the laugh track was added to the show because the jokes weren't all necessarily open, setup, punchline.
  17. Bird trash talking on the court is documented from tons of players. Especially about what shot he was going to take. I was right though - Lakers and Celtics first played in the Forum and weren't losing to scrub teams. Still a good episode on the birth of the Lakers.
  18. I don't think there is. I watched it when it aired and recall not finding anything.
  19. Don't forget at the time Boston was almost in a league of its own. Home teams in general get calls, but they were trying to point out on the show the imbalance between the two teams were. irl the calls were not that egregious. Historically though, winning in the Garden was extremely difficult. I don't think Boston lost more than 5 games a season during their championship runs. I think that's the point West was making dramatically. The Lakers really needed to get that first win over them now so they could be the Lakers later. That still happened, just not at the Garden for the first meeting iirc.
  20. I'm still not clear why the Lakers would be struggling with Westhead. He knows the showtime offense. I suppose he's making the point that he needs an assistant there. Maybe there's the end of game decision making because he's still new, but I would think he's looking at the same film. I guess because they only saw him as a substitute coach. I could see them struggling to win, but not losing to bad teams. The scene with Kareem and Magic's dad was really well done. Maybe because they were closer in age. It's amazing that the LAKERS are staying in a HoJos on the road. I liked how Kareem just shut down the press at the airport. I'm highly doubtful there was a press conference before the Celtics game with Bird and Magic. Though there's no doubt Bird would have detested it. The voice for Johnny Most wasn't quite landing. They nailed the Boston fans for sure. I thought they even could have dialed it up even more. The actor playing Bird got his shot right too. I know Bird was a famous trash talker, but I think they made him a little too broody or pissy, really. He was aloof but not sour. I liked the point West made about Boston getting to him first and why winning there was so important down the road. You beat them. You know they're not indestructible. I don't know if this game actually existed because I thought the first pro meeting for Bird and Magic was at the Forum.
  21. I could take it or leave it. It doesn't bother me that much. I would question the 'romantic' part overall though. The Doctor was still 900 by the time Nine met Rose, and her being 19, you can see her becoming enamoured of him. It's not unreasonable that with some Companions that's going to happen. I couldn't see the Doctor actually returning the feelings, and being so alien and so much older, I can't imagine any relationship the Doctor might entertain would be more than a dalliance at best. What does bother me is the Companions having a tragic ending. I don't know who is sticking around after Fourteen or not, but I want them to go home to a better life for having traveled with the Doctor.
  22. Well, I'm certainly not going to turn down anything pirate related. The sea devils looked kind of scary for kids. They were creeping me out a little. The ships looked gorgeous though. The Doctor's getup too. I had no idea the Sea Devils were from the Classic Era. Poor Dan though. Yaz totally sent him up. The actor is brilliant at the unintentional humor though. She also does the sheer ridiculous amount of words the Doctor belts out like Ten and Eleven did. The sign of a good Doctor is that I wished they had just one or two more adventures before they go. I'd like to see some more of Thirteen. Is the Doctor still married to River then? It's all timey-whimey. I did like the Doctor saying that time always run out.
  23. Doug - who stole 50 large from himself to sink into Minx. I get she wants creative control of the magazine, but she does actually have that. Doug reeled in a big fish for the centerfold, and should have given her a heads up on that, but it's not like his intentions weren't for the magazine. The conflict in this episode seemed manufactured to me. I don't get why she'd want to be bothered with the publishing workload. Then again, a second season may focus on Joyce partnering with Doug. It was clear that Doug can't put together Minx, but I don't think he thought he could. I think part of it was being so ripped to shreds on the talk show. I did like that Joyce doesn't seem to be hung up on publishing an erotic magazine as a vehicle for her brand of feminism after her NYC friends trashed her. And she can still write what she wants. That's a good evolution.
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