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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I usually watch online, so I didn't see any advertisements. My tivo guide didn't have it listed and I only saw it was on now. I don't like to be spoiled so I didn't look in the other threads. It's not a big deal. I thought I missed it, that's all.
  2. How is it on already? I thought it started in 15 minutes.
  3. I didn't realize how legitimately epic those Lakers-Celtics Finals were. I watched them, but I was way too young to grasp everything that was going on. The actor playing Bird better bring it. Real life Bird was ruthless.
  4. There's a documentary on HBO called "Magic and Bird" or something, and they're actually getting into this issue. They're saying it's partly due to the changing game because of the merger with the ABA, and basically the Wilt/Russell era ending causing the slump. There were more 'personalities' in the game, which is kind of funny because it's always been like that for me. I think Dr J was the first 'name' player I remember. It's also a good companion documentary to this show like the Kareem one I watched. It's really an interesting time because the modern game really evolved from this 1979-84 period.
  5. Maybe they thought Claire had something to do with 'casting Malva and the baby out' or some nonsense. We've already said that the 'original' settlers turning on them didn't make sense either.
  6. When they got into the fight in the locker room, Kareem was saying that to Magic about having a platform, and showing respect. The show didn't got into it a little in the Kareem episode, but the documentary I watched highlighted how much of a controversy it was when he changed his name. It wasn't even 10 years since he changed his name publicly when the show started so it's not like it's faded from people's minds. Plenty of fans would have still seen him with the Bucks as Alcindor.
  7. That's coming across in the show too. It's still an era when teams wanted a big center posting up all the time.
  8. I don't think they'll do that, but it seems a bit much the original settlers are all shunning Jamie and Claire and not just asking what's going on. I'm leaning that this whole deal is a long way for the Claire huffing the ether to come to light. It's really the only way she can prove she didn't have anything to do with the killing. She was out cold. Other than she has fresh blood on her and the fatal wound is clearly dark blood because the body was lying there awhile, but I wouldn't want to begrudge this show all its drama.
  9. Possibly Roger. He's the de-facto minister. The fisherfolk might not, but the others might.
  10. I'm surprised Westhead goes back to the slower offense. By all accounts, the Showtime offense was successful. I mean, we know it is, but the 'show-present' has shown that it was incredibly successful. Giving that they're showing how much of a mentor McKinney was to Westhead, it's odd he'd change the offense.
  11. It's kind of ironic. Being a 'brand' wasn't really a thing. The 1979 NBA wasn't a television product. Magic and Bird basically made both viable. They couldn't see that at the time because they were doing it. Magic was only like 20 too. The next person after has the luxury of hindsight. Now any top player, having a shoe deal is part of the brand. There's also the rivalry with Bird that would lean him to Converse. A single brand show deal might not have worked in 1979 anyway. Converse is a better shoe anyway. The lawyer was getting around to 'branding' without knowing it when he was talking about the decisions Earvin needs to make for 'Magic'. So did Pryor. Actor didn't look like him but the voice inflection was down. I thought when Jack did the film study at the hotel before training camp shed some light on that - it was a bad product. Slow. Predictable. Walking it up the court, running the set plays, etc. Maybe it was more regional. Like I said, in the northeast, I seem to remember it being popular enough. It certainly wasn't a national sport like now. So if you weren't in a market, you couldn't really see any games. Did Magic go down on women that much? It's an odd dramatic choice otherwise.
  12. It's not clear Claire (slick!) saw Malva sauntering on over and then locked the doors and ethered up, thereby ignoring her. That could have happened before they cut to Malva and in hindsight as we're talking I'm leaning more to this. Claire is quick to ether up when she either sees Lionel in the mirror or whatever or hears him. I don't know she actually saw her. What I was saying that even frail Claire went over to check on Mr. Christie. Despite with the whole drama in their living room, Claire was making some headway with Malva at her place until Allan snotted out at her and Malva sort of slid back into character. I'm having a hard time if Claire saw visibly pregnant Malva coming over, that good doctor Claire wouldn't at least ask if she needed to be examined. I don't think she would deliberately ignore a patient. I actually think this is the worst outcome for Claire (besides being covered in blood next to a dead body). Even if everyone believes she didn't kill Malva, this begs the question as to how she didn't hear anything so close to the house. If we're to assume we (viewers) saw Malva walking to the Frasers, someone got to her seemingly in broad daylight and also seemingly in viewing distance if not hearing of Claire. I'm most interested in how everything is leading up to the fire. This certainly seems to factor into it.
  13. No, I meant if Claire was going out to see Mr. Christie in that state, then seeing Malva possibly coming to her for medical help, she's not going to lock the door and refuse to see her.
  14. I think the group text chat might have been too intimidating for Bob.
  15. He said 'twigs and berries' which prompted savvy San Jose Honeybee to point out that phrase does not mean what they all thought it meant.
  16. That's entirely reasonable. Claire is also an adult. If Malva is banging on the door she can just tell her to go away or yell for Young Ian to get rid of her. He's always sitting on the steps there so maybe he saw something. The way it was shot, I thought Claire looked out the window and saw her and then immediately went to the ether. Which was weird. It could be that she didn't see her at all and just dosed up. I'm finding it hard for the Claire who is barely able to walk to go call on Mr. Christie to check up on him with her jaunty hat, and then seeing pregnant Malva waddling on over and just ignore her. So maybe she didn't see at all.
  17. But what if she was coming over for a legit medical issue or to tell Claire the truth? She wasn't storming over there when Claire looked out the window.
  18. What's actually worse is that if anyone does believe Claire didn't kill Malva, then how do you not hear anything at all or see anything out the window? Her alibi is that she's been dosing with ether. That's not going to win any new patients.
  19. Not the first time, but I thought Malva said after that Jamie forced her.
  20. That is kind of baller. I thought it was because she said that Jamie forced himself on her.
  21. Oh, their plan seriously backfired. I was thinking it was Mr. Christie's idea, but now it seems odd to me that he'd underestimate Jamie given their time together in prison. Jamie pointed out a couple of weeks ago when they were in prison that he was left alone. This is dumb enough that Allan might have come up on his own with Malva and then drop it on Jamie and Mr. Christie all at once. I don't really have the time to look at the scene again, but Allan was way overreacting iirc. Even when Claire went later on to talk to Malva, he popped up and was all shouty. For that matter, getting Christie and Claire sick might have been Allan's idea all along. Actually, now that I'm thinking, did Jamie agree to anything at all?
  22. I like how on here and Bob's the kids just go over and walk to people's houses.
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