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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Season of the Witch is a good song, but season 2 wasn't the best season. The show has rebounded strong, and the guitar riffs on this theme song fit the imagery much better. I was thinking Lokka was appearing to Aulus at the beginning as the boy, but it looked like Hemple sent him. Same questions though in terms of the sacrifice. I am glad they clarified right away that the band is looking for Lucius to get the spear and not sauntering around the land just looking randomly. I also liked that Quant was trying to reason out the whole story of the spear. He's had some insightful monologues on a larger scale - about old gods being replaced, etc. This episode was worth it just for bringing us the old queen and Divis together. Just because he's pissy doesn't mean he's wrong though! Did they say 'knock boots' back then? I *cannot* wait to work 'I would rather fuck an elk' into conversation. Hemple is a great wildcard for the season, but she's got to eventually overplay her hand. She can't off Aulus; they need him to be in the position he is over there. She's way too wired to play a longer game to look for Cair. Even though Aulus actually was able to find out where she was actually going. She's going to end up costing the both of them.
  2. It could be fun with Fry and Leela just being a couple for a while.
  3. I also liked the massively awkward conversation with the three of them over Pass/Fix, and how she was positively *indignant* about being gossiped. Credit to Fogg for not flying off the handle. I thought the English hated the French. Not individually.
  4. I tend to think the MVP is one who consistently is making contributions throughout the game rather than just a few plays. Really with all the sacks, it should have been the Rams D-Line.
  5. I thought the accent was a decent job of 'genteel southerner who is massively racist'. I thought the point of it was that you have these so-called gentlemen who are monsters, and it played well to parallel 'gentleman' Bellamy who almost killed his friend and his friend's daughter. On one of the behind the scenes, they said they filmed the West in Romania iirc. I'm not questioning historical accuracy. I'm saying it was just a lot of plot; they didn't need it. Plenty of people out West were still racist. They're talking about faraway events in Tennessee or wherever, and I don't know if a non US audience really grasps the context. He could have just been a wanted outlaw who didn't think the war was over. It's fair for Fogg and his development. No way he was preparing to shoot the guy, but as soon as 'coward' came out, I think Fogg would have done it. Abernathy knew at that point, which was why he dropped his gun. Abernathy was the real coward there though. Big 'confederate' captain probably never had to fight on equal footing. He talked a good game, but Fogg wasn't backing down at that point and he caved.
  6. They only have 2 weeks left to get to London? So they found out about the reported 'death at sea'. I think Pass was right - let everyone think they're dead. Bellamy still needs the money and looks like he's still at it. I made a comment a couple of weeks ago about whether he could still get the money, but Fortescue is the executor of the Fogg estate. I'm not sure it was smart of Fix to send the telegram. Even if Bellamy got the money, Fogg comes home and gets it back. I got my stagecoach though! I don't know that they needed the Civil War klan plot thrown in there. Pass being there would be enough of a racial issue even in the 1872 Wild West. I suppose it kind of dovetailed with the class theme. Great set for the town. It's interesting that 'gentleman' was thrown around so much too. They really captured the lawlessness of the West though. BAMF!FIX riding in to the saloon! That was almost like Farscape level. And we got someone punched through the window. In 20 minutes! The show really should have been 10 episodes. "America" was one town and then they're in New York. This could have been 3 at least. What can he do though? He'll never get to New York in time, and he'd have to stop them when they disembark the boat in England.
  7. Wow way to outcoach yourself running on 3rd and 1 there. You're going on 4th down anyway so take shot.
  8. A lot of flags there. If that hold stood it's a different story.
  9. I'm surprised they only thought till now to throw to Cupp.
  10. I think they had to go for it there. Rams offense was doing nothing.
  11. http://www.sportspool.com/football/super_bowl/records/team_punting.php
  12. Bengals are way better in the shotgun so Joe can move around easier.
  13. You can't buy an electric car with crypto.
  14. The O-Line needs to remember they're in the superbowl.
  15. Are they going to drop turkeys from a helicopter if the Bengals win?
  16. The Halftime Show If You Went To College In The 90s. They just need a cameo by Method Man.
  17. I was watching on nbc.com and the feed died.
  18. I'm glad Alex Morgan got some pr in the commercial.
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