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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't know if I call her prickly. She ran the place for 100 years when everyone bailed, and Dream comes back and without much a thanks, he tells her to sod off to the library.
  2. I would have liked the show to have shown us some more of that. Frank got short shrift when Claire first returned. He wasn't a slouch. You'd think there could have been a couple of episodes involving a Harvard professor of history within the context of the show.
  3. I think "80s movie" is all the explanation you need.
  4. We're all into Zeke. I do think it's time to retire Tina pining for J-Ju though.
  5. It's a writing cheat on tv that because someone is good at their job then they're a good character.
  6. There's also compelling drama with a genuine good character, but the system itself is corrupt. Chris on City on a Hill kind of fits in that mold.
  7. Ah totally missed it and went back to watch. Brilliantly subtle. Sometimes when Cheryl screeches I miss what she's saying. I vote this. Having one more tip of the hat to Jessica Walter would be sublime. I can't see this agency surviving independently, but they can't work for anyone either. Maybe they'll get back into the CIA? I was dying at Pam having a coffee and the two guys had ice packs on their crotches. I'm always going to be pro-Pam. As wild as she is, she's a way better fit for leader than Lana or Archer. Just keep her away from cocaine. The others don't cut it. She had the idea about the goat kisser that got the ball rolling here. (Did anyone see the actual goat later?!) I think she's more willing to listen than the others. Archer's skills are beyond compare but he's best when everything goes sideways and he has to improvise. Lana is great at picking up on that. The king of the train last episode epitomized this.
  8. I think it's probably harder for an actor to play a good character compellingly without coming off self-righteous. Dramatically, you still need the good character to fail sometimes, but the character persisting can draw people in.
  9. Archer respects Lana, but she gets under his skin because of their history. Here, Lana snapped at him about Mallory, and he got into action, but he was really mad about it. Archer probably wouldn't p-a Pam like he does Lana. Even when Pam and Archer were hooking up, he was fairly cool with her. And if the coma seasons have any meaning to them, Pam was always Archer's partner. I liked that Pam pointed out she's a field agent just like they are and basically holds the same rank. The problem with Archer if Pam was leader is still Lana and him with their issues. I thought maybe Archer going on his own was getting him kidnapped for a multi episode plot, and then the tapir was there and I totally died. I am interested in what's in that medical case though. I hope this plays out for a few more episodes. If this leads them to taking over IIA after getting out of the jungle, I'm all for it. I also liked that the hippos were realistically mean and aggressive. Sorely disappointed we didn't get a hungry hippo joke. I hope they're sitting on a really good one.
  10. Jenny was pointing out to Jackie when he wasn't getting up on time how he was always up on time for the FBI. Retrieving the badge is more for Jenny to show it to Jackie to motivate him to get back to who he is. Like I was saying before, this case with Dryden, bringing it to Shimizu and at the same time getting Decourcy a win in his 'competition' is probably how the season is playing out. The badge itself doesn't mean anything legally. Jenny wants to galvanize Jackie.
  11. I always thought there was some guilt and some respect there. Frank raised a child his wife had from someone else and did a great job. She's with Jamie. They can get another ring.
  12. Charles Dance said he wanted to trap Death to for her to return his son that was killed in the war. It looked to me that Dream just got caught on accident.
  13. I think everyone likes them together. I'd be disappointed if they weren't. Zoidberg better still be around. He's popular!
  14. I got the impression Dryden was old money. Clearly, Dominique and this newer woman aren't the first two he's drugged. Jackie may uncover a lot more victims. He's not dumb; he saw the one recently and is convinced about Dom, so it stands to reason he suspects more. This show being what it is, I don't know if he'd be able to prove the whole thing, and maybe only gets him on Dom. Although, who knows? The family is in 'negotiations' so they may get bought off. Maybe Jackie via Decourcy gets Shimizu to reinstate him if she can do that by delivering Dryden. That would be a monster case.
  15. I wish the characters were just more inquisitive in general about time travel. I wasn't expecting whole episodes devoted to it, but the lack of general curiosity would be interesting.
  16. Kif actually had the babies with Leela iirc. "The ceremony is over. I'm going to stand here because I live here, but you don't have to talk to me."
  17. I'm in agreement there, but recall that their whole motivation for going back was the fire. They don't really know when it happens, so I can buy that they want to stick around to be there. Of course, being there could actually be the result of the fire, but timey-whimey.
  18. "That's the first time he's called me 'my daughter'."
  19. We did it once. It was a different time.
  20. Jackie coming to life on the stand, knowing Shimizu needed him there to get the conviction was brilliant on Bacon's part. I liked at the end about shutting the defense down on whether he was lying. I did like that Jenny pointed out Jackie was good at his job. He's still good at it and the "we are the world" guys got a huge win because of him. I liked that Shimizu was way way harsh with Jenny; 'he's corrupt, lowlife, blah blah'. Ok, Karen, you're not looking much better since you needed him to close your case and are badmouthing him. Professional there. This was my favorite episode of the season because everyone was actually working. Sib is finally getting back to the Big Dig and getting threatened. She didn't even back down. I want to see more of this and less family nonsense. Great scene with Jackie and Decourcy when Jackie asks a 'hypothetical' and Decourcy looked horrified. "Come on, I have some ethical standards'. My favorite scene was maybe when Jackie went to hit up Dom's parents and then chews them out on the sidewalk.
  21. Is the hand jive dirty?!
  22. (not having read the novels) "Oh, is this a bonus episode! What the...?" I'm not a cat person, but just throwing the babies away is horrific. Give them away or take them to a shelter. Stellar animation though. Rory and Amy Pond were a favorite. I don't want to see him like this!
  23. Opening with a Treaty of Versailles joke is strong. I know it's funny when Archer and Lana are screaming at each other, but when they're on the same page, they're unstoppable. The whole train sequence was amazing.
  24. Nude Polly Walker is always welcome. Criminally underrated actor. Slightly off topic, but if you watched Rome, her facial expression with the massively hung naked guy was classic. Original Hulu content seems to be the same. Sense8 was excellent in terms of nudity-->plot, and Minx, you kind of have to have it. Fundamentally, I think the PG-13 rating really killed adult content, not just nudity. I want to see more shows like Sense8. That wasn't for kids.
  25. They did a good job with the discussion. Bill is correct, but Reiner pointed out that the real hardcore pro life people are the christian nationalists who do want women to be second class, and they are all correct that these people are in the minority. I think the senator (who is my favorite senator) also said that a strong majority of people are pro choice with reasonable limits. As she said, get out and vote so we can make pro choice a federal law. Klobuchar is just a delight. I liked Bill's compliment that she's a 'just get it done democrat'. She got no time for canceling and supposed nazi tiles. I was fine with the new rules. The actual strawman was a little gimmicky, but I'm 100% with Bill. There's no one better in this country to criticize religion. Also, Rushdie has been his good friend, and flat out excellent whenever he's on the show. Bill stood up for his friend admirably. The topic, strawman was spot on every time there's discussions about religion. I think many of us here remember the Affleck episode years ago that underscored the problem. I don't know or recall seeing on the news if the motive of the attacker was religious in nature; it's not unreasonable to assume so in this case. I just don't have time for religion myself; I also support 100% anyone who wants to go to church on Sunday. Just please leave me out of it and don't shove it in my laws or my face. To be fair, Islam can be difficult to criticize because it's not, say, mainstream-ish? Like, every town has a church, but not every town has a mosque. So one could be seen as 'punching down', which I don't agree, but on the other hand, condemning religious violence is entirely fair. This guy has a death sentence, literally, for decades because he wrote a book some people didn't like. I'm going to quote the Orville here, and I think this is was Bill was saying, "I'm sick and tired of everyone bending over backwards to accommodate their bullshit".
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