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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. Thanks, CuriousParker. Jaded, thanks for starting the thread. Now I'll have somewhere to rant the next time I make the mistake of tuning in to EH on Fox. My dogs will appreciate not hearing my tirade.
  2. EH still loves to go sleeveless, even on freezing cold winter days. Yes, I sometimes like to torture myself by flipping to Fox News in the morning just to see how she looks. Within minutes, it gets me so aggravated, the blood pressure rises, and I'm awake for the day. My gawd, she's just awful, worse then ever. How anyone can take that shrill, annoying voice early in the morning is beyond me. Oh, and besides the sleeveless look, her dresses are usually so short it's ridiculous. Don't even get me started on how she poses all the time, and how fake and phony she is. Also, she can't speak without reading from the teleprompter. Any time she speaks on her own, it's all, "Um....Uh...." etc. Say what you will about the two guys she co-hosts with, but they hardly ever say "um or "uh", nor does anyone else I've seen on there. I'd bettter stop before I go too far off topic, (I know, too late for that, oops). Lately, I've talked back to the TV so much, that I've wondered if starting a thread for former co-hosts would be a good idea. We could discuss not just EH, but anything we see or hear about any of the former co-hosts. Getting back to Sherri and the sleeveless issue, as much as EH wears sleeveless dresses, I have to say that even she doesn't do it as often as Sherri does. Like Ellie said above, Sherri has apparently decided to make sleeveless her signature look. Just one of her many, many bad decisions.
  3. Thanks, Jaded. I missed the inappropriate posts a few days ago. When I came here, I think they had already been deleted and I only saw the Mod warning on the night of the 18th. But, please forgive my mistake about missing posts. I just realized the reason for my confusion earlier. I signed on and came to this page (page 11), where I had left off yesterday. When I saw the Mod warning at the top of the page and it was dated the 18th but the post right after that was from just this morning (the 21st) I thought, "Whoa, where did all the posts from the 19th and 20th go and why were they deleted?". Duh, I just now realized that the Mod warning has been stickied to the top of every page in this thread. So, nothing (including my post with Sherri's wig photo) has been deleted since that warning (as far as I can tell). The posts that I thought were missing are all on pages 9 and 10. And, no, I haven't been drinking, lol. Just tired from a long, hot day. Apologies to everyone, especially the Mods!
  4. UGH! I noticed her disgusting pits right away. I am so sick to death of seeing her armpits. Does she ever wear any shirts or dresses with sleeves, even short sleeves? Never in my life have I seen someone wear so many sleeveless outfits. I agree that her outfit for the Broadway show was a disaster for anywhere, but especially to a show, and on opening night, no less, where she knew she was walking the red carpet and would have her photo taken. I hate that outfit, hate the huge fugly bag, hate the horrible short blond wig, and really hate the ever present armpits. Not a good look at all! Btw, I just checked her Twitter and I see after not tweeting since she said, "Goodnight. See you soon..." last Sunday night, she returned to Twitter by Thursday. She did two tweets Thursday night pimping her wig line. That was followed by one tweet Friday and one on Saturday, both promoting her upcoming gig as MC of some event at Essence Fest 2014 in New Orleans. Apparently, she finally listened to someone's advice to just use Twitter as a marketing tool and leave the personal stuff out of it. By the way, it looks like a bunch of posts from the last couple of days have been deleted from this page. I know one of them was a pic I posted of her dreadful straight/curly, blond/brown combo wig. I don't think my post or any of the other posts I saw on this page violated the general rules or the Mod admonition at the top of this page. ETA: Ellie, I hadn't seen your post yet when I typed my rant about the arm pits. Yes, I agree, it's her signature look for some reason.
  5. Yuck. I am so glad that I no longer watch The Spew. They all should all be fired as far as I'm concerned. It's far past time to either start over with a total revamp or just kill the show for once and for all.
  6. I just read that article and the two articles linked at the end of the Daily Mail article and I still don't understand what caused the accident. The Daily Mail only says: One of the articles they link to says: I'm left wondering why her car was out of control and crossed the center line. Was she on a cell phone while driving? Looking at the GPS? Distracted by something else?? Did it come up on the show today? When my son was two years old, my SUV was almost hit on the passenger side of the car right where he was sitting in his car seat in the back seat. A crash didn't happen only because of my quick reaction and defensive driving as I saw her swerve into my lane while driving about 70 mph on a major highway. She was to my right and I had to swerve into the lane to my left, (the far left lane), which thankfully had an opening at that precise moment. Trying to get far enough away from her, I came within a couple of inches of hitting the concrete barrier wall. When I finally recovered my vehicle and got a look at her, that's when I saw that the stupid fucking bitch was on her cell phone (still!) and she looked at me like, "Uh, oh, I fucked up". Well, heaven forbid that didn't work out right and something tragic happened, I never would have forgiven the dumb bitch. In fact, I might even have killed her myself had the worst possible nightmare happened due to her need to use her fucking cell phone while speeding down a major highway. Forgiveness for that reckless, dangerous, selfish act would never even have been in the realm of possibility. Years later, just the thought of that very close call still freaks me out. My one major regret is that I didn't try to get to the right lane and follow her as she exited the highway so I could eventually call the police, (while stopped at a red light), so she could have been ticketed.
  7. I've used goat cheese in some pasta dishes and it's wonderful.
  8. Wow, thanks for that information. I had no idea about that, as I just started watching this show when they were building the houses. I came in right around the point where they were trying to get their loans approved while also finalizing the details of the houses. With three year interest only loans, their payments aren't that high for now. Most people taking on loans like that do so because they know going in that they will only be there temporarily. In this case, based on what I've read, there's no way they'll be able to secure standard mortgage loans when their current ones are up. So, yeah, the posters saying they might be planning a a move back to Utah seem to be correct. I don't think there's any way that TLC will help them out when the loans are up, but does anyone know whether TLC helped them buy the houses? If they didn't sell their other house, where did the four down payments come from for these houses? And, how much did they even put down? I could see TLC putting the money down because the houses were a big part of the storyline for a while, and after that they certainly made for a much more interesting "set" than their old house.
  9. Yes, backformore, you described it perfectly. Still, I was trying to picture it in my mind when I was reading all the comments the other day, but I really didn't believe it could be that bad. Oh boy, was I wrong! What a mess! How in the world did they let her go on the air like that?!
  10. I have a backlog of these episodes on my TV and I'll eventually catch up. But, I just have to mention one thing in connection with the comment about them saying they had so many other flips going on. I haven't been recording that show Brother v Brother (with the Property Brothers), but I keep catching bits of it here and there. Last night, I saw the end of what I think was the latest episode and Tarek and Christina were the judges. Tarek said something about how they've done hundreds of these flips, which I could find believable. But, he also said they currently had 44 flips going on. Is it just me, or is that hard to believe? Unless they have other employees helping manage it all, plus a LOT more contractors, I can't see them managing 44 active flips at the same time. Maybe 44 flips a year, but not all at one time. If they're doing 44 at one time, then how many are they doing a year? Even just 44 flips a year would net them millions based on what they average on the show. BTW, I Googled the show just now to make sure I was spelling their names correctly and I ended up on their Facebook page for the show. The latest post is by Christina about some negative comments that she said she deleted. I think the comments might have been on an earlier post she did answering questions about where she gets her hair done and where she buys her clothes. It looks like some people left negative comments on that post and she deleted them. Also, she said they're filming Season 3 and next week they begin filming Season 4.
  11. mtlchick posted an article from The Wrap in the thread, "The View in the Media", so I was finally able to watch a video clip and get a look at that horrendous wig everyone was discussing here the other day. I just could not resist taking a screen shot of it in case anyone missed it:
  12. That's for sure, Medicine Crow. I couldn't care less about either one of them, but it's a damn shame how they use their kids on their TV shows and what they've put them through with this embarrassing series about Dean's cheating scandal.
  13. Crap! I saw there was finally a new post in the "View in the Media" thread and I got my hopes up that the show had been cancelled. But, thanks for posting that link, mtlchick, because it had a photo of Sherri's wig that everyone was discussing the other day. I don't watch the show, and I couldn't imagine how bad it was, so I clicked on the video at the end of that article and was able to see it. OMG, everyone was right! That's Sherri's worst wig ever! What a mess! WTH was she thinking?! ETA: I just have to post a pic of that wig. I'm putting it in the Sherri thread...
  14. Whoopi was quoted at least once as saying she only does this job for the paycheck. Yes, a nice, big, fat paycheck for a very easy, part time job with many weeks off a year. That's the primary reason, without a doubt. Secondarily, she has a platform to promote any of her other projects.
  15. Heh heh, I've been posting in the True Tori forum. I didn't think we were that bad. Most of us think there's a lot of fake BS going on with that show. Also, Dean certainly has his issues, but that show revealed how messed up and narcissistic Tori is as well.
  16. LotusFlower, this case is being prosecuted by the Feds in federal court, not the State of NJ in the NJ court system.
  17. Tori's obsession with making a play on words to include "Tori" in everything from her website, to that store she had, to her books and her TV shows has always irritated the hell out of me. It strikes me as completely narcissistic, and also very, very immature, (which is exactly what she is). Double ugh! I Googled it just now and didn't find anything new about it. There's this from last summer: http://www.deadline.com/2013/08/tori-dean-cabin-fever-set-for-spring/
  18. Despite all the illegal crap Joe and Teresa have done, I do have sympathy for him on the loss of his father. It's very sad, such a horrible shock, and way too young. I hope the girls weren't there when it happened. This is the last thing they need right now. Also, it's very sad for Joe's mom. I can't believe the feds put off sentencing all the way to September. They're claiming the delay has nothing to do with the death of Joe's father. Still, to work out a plea deal in March, have sentencing put off until July, and then pushed back until September is quite a break for Joe and Teresa. What's the filming schedule for the show? When will they be filming the next season?
  19. I'm going to have to check this show out just out of curiosity. It's on again on Saturday at 7 am ET.
  20. Ugh, thanks to the last several posts I'll be having nightmares tonight! Brain bleach is desperately needed. I need to erase any thoughts of Dean and his, uhh, member, from my mind!
  21. I remember reading that some people who follow the Paleo diet put butter in their coffee. I never watched Dr. Oz's show but my mother did and she drove me crazy always telling me about some dumb product he was recommending. It was one thing after another to the point of riduclousness. She finally quit watching it after I repeatedly told her that he seemed to turn into a real snake oil salesman. Info on today's hearing: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/dr-oz-fields-senate-questions-weight-loss-items-article-1.1833301 http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/17/health/senate-grills-dr-oz/
  22. None of this makes any sense to me at all, but I've decided not to waste any more brain cells trying to figure it out.
  23. Absolom, thanks for the info. From the looks of it, these people are screwed when this show ends. They'll have to give up the four McMansions, scale down, and get jobs.
  24. eyebleach, I finally checked out their website and was just coming here to complain about that very paragraph. After looking at their website, I'm shocked they actually had 500 orders. My DVR messed up and didn't tape this week's episode, but after reading all the comments here, I think that's a good thing. I can't believe the entire episode was about their lame jewelry business. These people need to get real jobs. Btw, does anyone have any idea how much TLC pays them per episode or per season? I haven't seen it mentioned in any articles, but I'm kind of new to watching this show having just checked it out when they were building the houses in Vegas.
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