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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. Some time last month, I mentioned that I saw that Jeff Tarpley's lawyer was going to be interviewed on ET about Tarpleys's custody suit against Sherri. I said that I'd watch it and report back here, but I never did, although I just found the notes I scribbled from the one minute interview: ETA: I found that clip on their site:: Inside Sherri Shepherd's Bitter Custody Battle (May 19, 2014)
  2. I also think that Jenny knew for a while that her contract wasn't going to be renewed. There were rumors of that almost all season. Also, I don't think this has been posted here before - I was looking for something else at ET online and I found this from last week, Tuesday, June 24th. I don't remember this being discussed at all here but it was two days before the official word came out last Thursday, June 26th: REPORT: Jenny McCarthy May Not Be Returning To 'The View' Next Season
  3. Entertainment Tonight interviewed Sal as he was leaving a custody hearing today (Click link to watch the video clip): Sherri Shepherd's Ex Speaks After Custody Hearing
  4. Hell, she already has one son named after her ex-husband. Might as well do the same with the second son. (Just kidding. I wouldn't want the kid named after Loser Lamar either)
  5. I've always thought of Sherri as a Convenient Christian. She plays up her religion when it serves her purposes, while at other times it's completely forgotten.
  6. I recently came across a Flip or Flop discussion thread on an Irvine, CA message board. The thread was started in April 2013 when there was an article in the local paper about Flip or Flop's premiere on HGTV. At the end of Page 1, Tarek makes an appearance, and then he goes on to answer questions all the way until April of 2014 on the last page of the thread which is still going on. On Page 2, Tarek provides a lot of info about how he got started and how his business works. But if you're interested, look through the entire thread for his posts: http://www.talkirvine.com/index.php/topic,3738.0.html
  7. She's back in New York. Her 28th birthday was yesterday and, holy crap, she looks BAD: Lindsay Lohan sports painful-looking cuts and bruises on her legs as she steps out solo on her 28th birthday
  8. Several photos of G carrying Duke, who doesn't look too happy: Mama's boy: Giuliana Rancic totes her adorable son Duke to friend's house just hours before winning Emmy Award Many people commented on G's extremely thin appearance at last week's Daytime Emmy Awards: Giuliana Rancic stands out on the red carpet displaying her VERY thin frame... as she wins Fan Favourite at Daytime Emmys
  9. ‘The View’ wants Mario Cantone to join the cast
  10. I don't think Joy sold out, but back when I was still watching the show I did notice how quiet she became once she had her own show. It seemed like she didn't care, wasn't going to put in the effort, and saved her questions for her show because she often had The View's guests appear on her show.
  11. @Lura, that Lemon Snow Cake sounds delicious! You had me at coconut.
  12. @Brownstone.Muir, "it's so funny" that you mentioned ownership of the show, because I just brought that up in the Media thread. I have a feeling that there's a behind the scenes power struggle going on between ABC and Babs and Geddie. Maybe ABC wants to kill the show and start with something new and Babs and Geddie are battling with ABC for a buyout?
  13. I just mentioned in the "All Episodes" thread that I'm not so sure that Whoopi, or the show, will be back. I read something like this in two or three articles: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/the-view-shakeup-jenny-mccarthys-firing-not-a-shock-show-up-in-air-2014276 I think there might be a behind the scenes power struggle between ABC and Babs and Geddie. We'll see if The View survives or not. Maybe ABC wants to kill the show and start with something new and Babs and Geddie are battling with ABC for a buyout? Also, I find it hard to believe that they would have Sherri and Jenny come back for a few weeks of shows after they've been fired. That just isn't the way this show does things. Plus, every single article that I've read and every TV show that discussed the shake up only give this as ABC's statement on the matter: If anyone is able to find any more to that statement, or any other statement by ABC, please post it. That statement is very terse and when you think about it, downright rude to Sherri and Jenny. Where is the typical sentence or two thanking them for the contribution to the show, especially Sherri after several years, and wishing them well in their future endeavors? For ABC to release such a short, cold statement that does not even mention Sherri and Jenny by name seems a bit nasty to me and makes it appear that things did not end on a good note. I just can't see the show having them back on the air for a few weeks. It makes no sense.
  14. From that article: That's interesting, because I caught last Friday's episode of Extra to see how they covered The View shake-up. They showed a clip of Extra's AJ Calloway interviewing Babs on another red carpet last month just before she left The View. Asked about the future of the show, Babs said: I'm not so sure about the future of Whoopi, or the show for that matter. I read a couple of articles that seemed to indicate that Whoopi is not a sure thing. This is the only article I can find right now that touches on that: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/the-view-shakeup-jenny-mccarthys-firing-not-a-shock-show-up-in-air-2014276 It all sounds very iffy to me. As @Cosmocrush mentioned in an earlier post, so many comments on the various articles are along the lines of, "Just pull the plug on this show already." I also find it very hard to believe that Sherri and Jenny will be back on any live shows. That just isn't the way The View works when they can someone. Remember how the minute Fox News announced the hiring of EH, she was gone at The View (thank gawd!). She came in the next day for a super quick goodbye, don't let the door hit ya on the ass on your way out. There was no reason not to keep her until the very end of the season, as she didn't begin on Fox until September. But, since she was fired - even though they pretended she wasn't - she was shown the door ASAP. Knowing this show, I just can't see them bringing back two people who they fired. I think, like they probably did with EH, they'd rather pay them out the last month or so of their contracts and not risk having a bitter loose cannon on live TV. Also it's just weird for everyone, the staff and crew, to have two people there who were fired and understandably aren't happy about that. I just don't see it happening.
  15. jennifersdc, I appreciate that summary because even though I'm an attorney, I don't feel like putting in the time to read all that. Unless someone's going to pay me, lol.
  16. Yes, that's right. The surrogate must be in NJ. I remember reading about Sal's tweet at TWoP last fall and then again when the divorce news broke. I agree that the timing fits and that must have been the big day. So, since Sal recently made a big deal over the fact that Sherri had better be at the birth next month even though she has some work commitment booked near the time of the due date, then doesn't that mean that Sal better be getting back to NJ soon in case the surrogate goes into labor?
  17. I realize I can be too cynical sometimes, but in reading this TV Guide article that GaT just posted in the Future Co-hosts topic, this part makes me wonder: Knowing Babs as we do, isn't it awfully convenient that this huge news broke the night before her "return" to The View? We all know the show is pre-recorded on Fridays, but most casual observers (and the media) don't realize that. So, what nice timing for BW that this story was everywhere Thursday night and will be all over Friday morning... which will surely result in more people tuning into Friday's show to see what's up and there they will be treated to the return of Babs as she pimps her big interview. Oh Babs, you never change, do you?
  18. More articles: People Magazine - no new info, but they include Sherri and Jenny's tweets from tonight, including pics. Variety (via Yahoo) - brings up that Radar Online article from last November that was discussed at TWoP: Daily Beast - which is worth clicking just for the headline and the photo, has some interesting info:
  19. After all these years and all these co-hosts, it's beyond time to hire a Latina. They've auditioned some repeatedly but never hired one. But please, not that Rachel Campos-Duffy!
  20. Sherri's tweets since the news broke (most recent at the top): In that tweet at the top, click on the Instagram link. It's just a pic of Sherri backstage with Jenny and Donnie. It was taken the same day as the pic that Jenny tweeted tonight (the one with Jenny, Sherri, Geddie, and Dusty Cohen). Babs is her "second mom"? Please, let's not be more phony than BW even is.
  21. Thanks, berly57. I just read that somewhere too. That make sense since that's how The View operates. Dump the news on a Thursday evening when Friday's show isn't live and next week they're all off. I also read the news that Geddie might not be going anywhere, which makes no sense at all. Hopefully that's wrong.
  22. That's interesting, maryis1. I knew when she listed the house so quickly that she might have lost her job. I even mentioned it just yesterday. It's not like she needed Sal to help pay the mortgage and overhead, so it didn't make sense to me that she'd be listing the house immediately upon the breakup. The listing info says she listed it for sale on May 29th. I'm still curious about Sherri's trip out to LA with Sal and her son in March. She was all excited to be going out there for something and then the next thing we know, she came back without him and is getting divorced. Is the surrogate based in LA? Has that even come up anywhere? Maybe they were going out there in March for something regarding that. Damn, do I feel sorry for that baby being born into this mess.
  23. I just saw that, CosmoCrush. Ha ha, I immediately thought of you when the news broke and I thought this has to finally get you over here. You'll have a lot of catching up to do this weekend because, as you can see, we've been very talkative. It's really nice having the different topics here so we can talk about what we want and not be limited to what aired on the show. Also, this "Small Talk" topic is for all off topic chatting, which we could never do at the old site.
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