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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. Ugh, that's awful FineWashables. But, I have to admit I'm laughing at the "Thank you, thank god" as Mr. Washables spit it out. I usually put chicken breasts in the freezer as soon as I come home from grocery shopping even if the sell by date is days away and I think that I might be using them by then. I just don't trust that sell by date anymore, so I generally unwrap all the chicken and meat that we buy, check it out, wrap it in plastic wrap, stick it in freezer bags, and pop it in the freezer. I know some people don't like to do that but I'm one of those people who likes to have a fully stocked freezer so we can make whatever we're in the mood for for dinner. We like to have a large variety available without any last minute runs to the grocery store. Plus that way, we usually only buy things when they're on sale and freeze them for later.
  2. Ratings info: Lindsay Lohan Disappoints: Troubled Starlet’s OWN Reality Show Finale A Ratings Disaster, Despite Miscarriage Bombshell!
  3. Okay, thanks Rhondinella. I really appreciate that the mods on Previously.TV have a kinder, more gentle manner than some of us are used to at other sites (while still managing to keep us in line, of course. ;-D ) Back on topic, I read that the ratings for the finale episode of Lindsay sucked. I'll post it in the thread for that episode ...
  4. Lura, it was our Christmas dinner one year, not Easter. We don't even normally make ham for Christmas, but that was the plan that year and damn, it was a disaster. But, as you said, good thing I had that lasagna in the freezer! It was two or three years ago and none of us have been brave enough to try ham again, even though I've sort of craved it for Easter dinner. It was really disgusting, I have to say. chessiegal, I wanted to throw the revolting spoiled ham in the garbage but my mother made me wrap it up in bags and return it to our refrigerator in the basement so we could bring it back to the store for a refund after Christmas. Gross. That makes sense what your friend told you about the chicken not being properly refrigerated at some point. That must have been what happened with our ham because it definitely was within the sell by date. It was pretty shocking because until that point we had never had a bad experience with that store. Of course, it just had to happen on a holiday. I am sooo looking forward to trying TJ's spiral ham. I already told my mother and my husband that we're ordering it for Christmas this year. I was tempted to run to TJ's today to see if they had any left because when I Googled about it, I saw many posts on different sites discussing the fact that TJ's marks the ham down to $1/lb (!) after Easter until they sell out. The posts I read were in previous years in May, so I guess the sell by date extends that far. Then again, after our disastrous spoiled ham experience, I'm kind of scared, lol.
  5. I should probably preface this with the disclosure that I haven't even seen a single episode of this show, (mostly due to my boycott of the OWN channel), except for some brief clips online or on some talk shows. But, I did check in with this forum just out of curiosity as to what went down in this mess of a show and life. In any event, how is it known that "The Lohan siblings have stayed out of trouble"? How is that even defined? No DUI arrests? How does anyone even know what her siblings have or have not been doing?? Also, how can it be asserted as fact that "They aren't getting in trouble, aren't showing signs of recklessness and that person is judging the siblings mostly out of association, not their own characters or actions which none of you know very much about obviously." These statements, along with several others in this thread, imply that the poster has direct personal knowledge of what goes on in the Lohan family. ETA: Sorry, Rhondinella. I hadn't scrolled down and read all the posts yet. Please be assured that I'm not trying to attack another poster or go off topic. It's just that after repeated posts implying that there's inside knowledge that most of us aren't aware of, questions arise.
  6. As I was reading this very good post, I couldn't help thinking, "And now cue the Lohan defense..." Sure enough, I scroll down and there it is. This is getting weird...
  7. Bastet, thanks for that info. I haven't seen any of the promos because I hardly ever watch commercials. I usually watch HGTV shows after pausing the TV so I can skip the commercials. We DVR most things, or just pause and watch it on delay so we don't have to sit through commercials.
  8. Is it me or does it seem like a member of the Lohan family has been posting here?
  9. I also caught the "House Hunters Off the Grid" episode in Cooper Peddy, Australia last night. It certainly was different. I think it was the second episode of this new show. The first one was the night before but I missed it and don't know where it was located. The title doesn't include "International" but checking my program guide, tonight's episode is in Svalbard, Norway, Thursday's is in Bellavista, Costa Rica, and Friday's is in Haida Gwaii, B.C. It looks like just a one week run (at 10:30 pm ET) of some HHI episodes that are "off the grid".
  10. Lura, thanks so much for the info on the TJ's ham. I definitely will be trying it. My family has been afraid to have ham for a holiday ever since the ham we got at our usual grocery store was bad when we opened it up to put it in the oven on Christmas Day. It was still within the sell by date, so I have no idea what happened. It turned us all off so much that we haven't bought a ham since. We've been doing prime rib for Christmas and rack of lamb for Easter the last few years. Thankfully, the year of the spoiled ham was saved by the fact that I had a lasagna in the freezer. Anyway, I love Trader Joe's and I'll definitely check out that ham, so thanks!
  11. That's been my suspicion since I first read about this new show. They want some cash from a reality show but another show about the two of them and their kids and whatever they do on a daily basis isn't all that interesting. So, this whole storyline has been cooked up for the draahma. Anything for money.
  12. I quit this show at the start of the 2011-2012 season, but couldn't give up reading the snark at TWoP. As Fisher King said, the boards are far more entertaining than the show. Thanks to Previously.TV we have somewhere to go. I already feel better just seeing some familiar names!
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