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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. I'm so happy to have learned about ME TV from reading this thread. I didn't even know we had that channel (Dish Satellite). I see Columbo airs on Sunday nights, so my timer's now set. Tonight's episode:
  2. I recorded the episodes but haven't checked them out yet. Were there any signs of marital problems?
  3. I don't know much about Iyanla either, just that I vaguely remember that she was on Oprah and then briefly had her own show. I've never seen her on either show and I had no idea Babs and Geddie produced her short-lived show. That entire chapter, (Chapter 10), beginning at Page 149 is very interesting. Geddie is mentioned throughout the chapter and at the end of the chapter she describes a telephone conversation with Babs after the show was cancelled. Thanks for linking it, @Cosmocrush . ETA: I forgot to mention that there's a good part on Page 153 where she discusses what Geddie's view of the daytime audience was. I highly recommend reading that entire chapter, though.
  4. Frankly, if we're talking stupid, I think it's beyond stupid to change your name from Caryn Johnson to the ridiculous "Whoopi Goldberg". Even more ridiculous and stupid is that she has repeatedly explained that she chose the name "Whoopi" because people always said she was like a whoopee cushion due to her habit of passing gas a lot. What a class act. I'm sure Whoopi couldn't care less how her (made up) name is spelled as long as the check clears.
  5. Exactly! If this story is true, what happened to Sherri's Christian values? Sal might be a loser, leech, and scammer, but in family law cases the judge is supposed to consider the best interests of the child. Whether Sal talked Sherri into this just to get a meal ticket, or whether Sherri feels no biological connection to this baby who she and Sal decided to create and bring into this world is not the issue, nor the standard that is used in family court. This baby doesn't deserve this at all. Sal might have seen it as a meal ticket, but Sherri talked about wanting more kids even before she met Sal. Then, after they got married, she repeatedly blabbed on national television and in print interviews that she wanted to have a baby and they were looking for a surrogate. It's abundantly clear that they both decided to bring this baby into the world and went to great lengths to do so. Like it not, they are BOTH responsible for this baby. They don't get to create a baby and then walk away because he's become inconvenient. What a freaking mess her life is. I think Sherri and Sal are both despicable, immature, selfish disasters. I wouldn't wish a homeless puppy on either of them, let alone an innocent child.
  6. Yes, and episodes 1 and 2 are airing together tonight, and next Friday episodes 3 and 4 are airing together. So, it looks like this is going to be over in three weeks
  7. I thought I read one article that said they saw the pre-nup before the court file was sealed and the pre-nup gives Sal only $60,000. Also, I think there was some provision regarding future children, but I don't remember what it said.
  8. @susieq147, the only other difference is that she has money. It sure as hell makes going through a divorce, and custody battles, a lot easier when one has the funds to retain a good attorney.
  9. Yes, you're right, @backformore . The original concept was based on women of different backgrounds, but they also focused on the different ages (20's, 30's, 40's, etc.). The panel originally consisted of two journalists (Meredith and Barbara), a lawyer (Star), a comic (Joy), and a "young one" (Debbie). I was just taking that concept a step further and saying I would like to see a panel consisting of a journalist, a lawyer, a doctor, a financial person, and maybe an entertainer. Their input on a variety of topics would be interesting. Also, instead of inane segments like "What's Popping", or whatever they call it, and reality show garbage, they could actually have the various co-hosts contribute to informative subjects based on their area of expertise. I could think of so many truly informative segments that the different professionals could do. But, the problem is that TPTB decided years ago that their audience is plain old stupid and uninterested. That's highly insulting and makes me want to personally deliver a big "Fuck You" to Bill Geddie.
  10. I think she mostly want a huzzbin because her BFF Niecy Nash found one. Also, she wanted the big wedding (and reality TV special) more than she wanted the marriage.
  11. LOL, I just blame it on summer! We're allowed to watch trash TV and give our brains a break. Plus, having watched True Tori it will be interesting to watch this one to see how they were doing last summer before it all hit the fan. From Tori's website:
  12. Yes, it was filmed last summer. But, according to TVDB.com, it already aired on CMT and now it's premiering tonight on GAC.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if Babs is there along with Whoopi and a guest co-host every day. I'm still shocked they would have Sherri and Jenny back for five weeks after firing them. Plus, as I've already said, that terse statement that The View released last week after the news broke was very cold and didn't even mention Sherri and Jenny.
  14. Yes, and didn't they already make that same mistake with Jenny? Her show was cancelled for low ratings yet The View hired her. Rosie's show didn't do well, yet she's being considered. They're also considering adding Ross to the show, but his show is supposed to be cancelled now too. What genius thinks hiring co-hosts whose shows were cancelled is going to result in bringing viewers and higher ratings to this show?
  15. I made a new thread for the show in this forum, like the one for their Backyard Bash show. I didn't think it needed a whole new forum of its own because there would be a lot of crossover and duplicate topics (Tori, Dean, Media, etc.). But, Mods, if you feel otherwise, please feel free to correct me!
  16. Tori & Dean: Cabin Fever Episodes 1 and 2 air tonight on GAC (Great American Country) channel at 10 and 10:30 pm ET, and again at 2 and 2:30 am ET (Saturday). From Radar Online: Let's watch and look for the early signs of marital problems before Emily Goodhand (allegedly) entered the picture.
  17. Thanks. I figured that after seeing a couple of articles say that tonight was the premiere. For some strange reason DISH satellite guide has the info wrong. ETA: Adding to my confusion, I checked TheTVDB.com and they say this show premiered on June 20th on the CMT channel.
  18. Honestly, I just don't understand why some people appear to get so worked up when other posters spell her (ridiculous) name wrong. We all scroll over typos, misspelled words, and grammatical errors every day here and on other sites. Big freaking deal. @Athena, I appreciate the chance to voice our opinions. I vote for keeping the current title, as I think it appropriately describes Whoopi and also questions why an EGOT winner is on such a crappy show. I prefer the title thread be about the co-host, not the posters.
  19. Hanging my head in shame right along with you, @tabloidlover! I thought it was supposed to be on HGTV, but I just searched my satellite programming guide and it says it's been airing on GAC (Great American Country) channel. Episode 1 (6/20) and Episode 2 (6/27) are airing again tonight at 10 and 10:30 pm ET, and again at 2 and 2:30 am ET (Saturday). So, I guess it's been airing on Friday nights but it's off this week due to the holiday. I'm setting the DVR out of curiosity. Should we make a new thread for it in this forum, or do we need to request a new show forum for it? Btw, I also saw that "Dean & Tori's Backyard Bash" is airing again on the Cooking channel on Tuesday, July 8th at 10 pm ET and 2 am ET (Wednesday). I still haven't seen that one, but not sure I'll bother with it. ETA: Ugh, I just watched a preview and it seems so fake. Also, Patsy their "baby nurse" is there, but I thought poor Tori did it all alone: She Won’t Stop! Tori Spelling Starring In ANOTHER Reality Series With Love Rat Hubby Dean McDermott AND Their Four Children WATCH The Sneak Preview And now I'm really confused because that article says: but, as I said above, my satellite guide says that the two episodes airing tonight originally aired on June 20th and June 27th.
  20. Frankly, I'm shocked she made it to age 28.
  21. I caught an episode last night but fell asleep before the end (hate when that happens). I can't believe how low these houses are priced and how inexpensive the renovations are!
  22. Rather than focusing on different age ranges or political beliefs of panelists, I'd like to see a show with four or five women from different professions and backgrounds discussing important issues. A journalist, a lawyer, a doctor, a financial person, maybe an entertainer. I don't have these specific people in mind but I'm thinking of types like Meredith Vieira (journalism), Star Jones (legal), Nancy Snyderman (medical), Suze Orman (financial). Again, not those specific people, but I'm using them as examples of people from these particular fields that also have been in television and could participate in interesting panel discussions. A show consisting of a panel like that could actually be informative, relevant, and entertaining for their target audience. What a novel concept.
  23. But, is she going to move back to CA now so they can easily share custody?
  24. I don't know, but it looks like she lost a lot of weight in a very short period of time. All that partying in London, I guess.
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