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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. Tonight's episode on ME TV (8:00 - 10:00 pm ET) : This episode is from Season 1, according to Wikipedia. It was the first episode in Season 1, but there were two pilot episodes prior to that. Also, it was written by Stephen Bocho. I saw this episode not too long ago on Amazon Prime and it's not bad. There's some discussion of this episode towards the last half of Page 1 of this thread. @Milburn Stone posted some interesting observations, and @TudorQueen posted a good story from Richard Levinson's memoir.
  2. Her style isn't mine at all and I wouldn't do shabby chic or country anything in my home, but I still like to catch this show when I come across it. As far as homeschooling, I recently checked out their website and ended up skimming through Joanna's blog and saw this post from February: By the way, she just posted a Q& A post a few days ago and said that Season 2 premieres in January. They're currently working on the homes and filming the episodes.
  3. LOL, good catch @ginger90 I didn't even notice "former" in the caption. It looks like Sherri's planning to do the stand-up circuit until she lands another TV gig: And then there's Sal:
  4. I was thinking these tiny homes would be good for someone just out of college, or in their 20's and single. I could see myself maybe living in one back then, but I need some clarification on how the plumbing system works as far as hot and cold water for the sinks and shower, and also the toilet. For some people, a nicely decorated tiny home all to oneself might be better than wasting money on rent, or sharing a place with a roommate, or having to move back in with the parents after college or grad school. I could see it being okay for a couple of years or so. I'm not sure I could stand living in one with another person, though, because I need my space.
  5. It was at the OUT Hotel in NYC. More photos here.
  6. Yes, the schadenfreude is wonderful, isn't it? Bill is finally gone, thanks to Rosie. Also, EH seems convinced that ABC fired her last year because they wanted to install Rosie after Babs left. Ha, I love it. I think we now know why Babs stuck around so long. Geddie was concerned that when she retired, they would get rid of him too. Oh well, I'm sure he's made enough money over the past 30 or so years to retire a few years early.
  7. Having fun at the amusement park: And THIS is why "celebs" should not randomly reply to anyone who tweets them. At least take two seconds to check out his page before replying. This person who follows Sherri and bashes her like crazy on Twitter at least checked the guy out and saw that his Twitter page is full of hard core porn pics (warning: don't click on his name to go to his page): https://twitter.com/SherriEShepherd/status/490530368362401795 (that's just a link to the Twitter conversation not to his account, and no pics) ETA: @springtime, sorry, I didn't see that you posted the Instagram link for the amusement park photo on the last page as I was typing my post. Also, on your post before that where I gave a thumbs up, I was liking the rest of your post, not the part where you said you need a new hobby, ha ha. I just wanted to clear that up!
  8. Gawd, is she annoying! I guess she's doing her own reality show on Twitter and Instagram. This other Instagram video one is even worse - she's curling her weave and dancing like an idiot again: http://instagram.com/p/qpEl10oLsy/?modal=true As far as her last day: Upthread @ginger90 posted this: From that, I figured that the show's hiatus begins the week of August 11th. So, Sherri's last day is Friday, August 8th. But, as we know, and as @CathinAZ noted, they pre-record Friday's show, so that is why Sherri said her last day is August 7th. That's her actual last day there on the set. @Former Nun, I thought the same thing when I saw the Waffle House video. I was totally distracted by that. @ginger90, sorry about that. I always check my links before I post them and it worked last night; it went straight to the page with that interview. But, I see now that the link goes to the main page and it says they moved the story. Just go there and scroll down and you'll see the Sherri clip on the left side under the first pic. Click that and it will take you to the page with the video so you can see it: http://www.etonline.com/news/148615_sherri_shepherd_i_could_be_the_chocolate_ellen/index.html Oddly, sometimes the link takes me to the story and sometimes it takes me to the main page, but it's the same exact URL. That confused me too. I thought it was a Christian event, but now she's saying she's doing stand up? Not for nothing, but this is her third weekend in a row away. I know she says she has to work but I notice that many, if not most, times she turns it into a long weekend with girlfriends. July 4th weekend when she was at Essence Fest, the event she emceed was on Sunday, yet she was there on Friday, or maybe even Thursday. That was probably so she could go to the Prince concert on Friday night. Either way, for a "single mother" she sure gets a lot of alone time and time away with her friends, plus weeknights out.
  9. I never tried these dinners, which debuted only a little over a year ago. From what I've read, Ina got involved in litigation with the company Contessa Premium Foods after a dispute over her use of the name Barefoot Contessa. The company then filed for bankruptcy and an investment group bought it. The new CEO then worked out the deal with Ina: Barefoot Contessa meal range launches in Walmart, Safeway, others There's more info in that article on how he was trying to turn the business around, and Ina's line was just part of that. Apparently, it didn't work because this past May, the company filed for bankruptcy for the second time: Contessa Premium Foods ceases operations as ‘liquidity crisis’ unfolds Also, Ina tried to buy the company: April 2014 NY Times article: Chef Seeks to Buy Contessa Food Business
  10. @Evanscody, no need for the confusion. Yes, this is the Barefoot Contessa forum, but this particular thread is the "Small Talk" thread, or for off topic conversation. That's why we sometimes discuss other recipes or shows, or do some other chatting. See the mod post at the top of every page in this thread:
  11. I watched it out of curiosity, but was bored like everyone else. All I can say is that I hope these two self-absorbed narcissists never have a baby together.
  12. Thanks, @CousinAmy. You know I had to go looking for it: http://www.etonline.com/news/148615_sherri_shepherd_i_could_be_the_chocolate_ellen/index.html You all have to click the link and watch that clip. She's on the red carpet at Wendy Williams' birthday party (see photo above). She dances around, twice, ugh. Also, she's trying way too hard to act as if she's just thrilled to be leaving The View, but that spin is to be expected I suppose. Believe it or not, she cracks a "joke" about there being plenty of men at the party and they look like they have good credit, and she's good to go. Plus, she tries making jokes about her messy divorce, and the custody suit with the first ex. She blabs, foolishly, that she was served last weekend while at Essence Fest! WTF?? She has an attorney, so there's no reason to do it like that, unless the attorney is refusing to accept service on her behalf, at her direction. It seems as if she was attempting to dodge something. It makes sense now why she's been quiet about where she is every weekend and then tweets the photos later on. She went on to "joke" that she has a confidentiality agreement for men to sign. She says that's what she carries with her everywhere; a confidentiality agreement and a pre-nup. Yes, we were right, she's already on the prowl for husband #3. Also, Joy is in that clip, being interviewed at some other event. She has a new comedy show at The Venetian in Vegas. She looks really good. Finally, they mention how The Talk has been beating The View in the ratings demo, and there's a red carpet interview of Julie Chen and husband Les Moonves gloating about it when asked.
  13. Well, I have to say that I wore a similar outfit the other day. Black tank top, light khaki shorts....but with flip flops. And all I did was run some errands and walk the dogs. Sherri wore that to Wendy Williams' birthday party?! And, I just have to say it. I've read all the comments here about her new weave but I absolutely despise it on her. She looks like crap in that photo. It's too long, has no style, and it makes the top of her head look as flat as a book:
  14. @Tosia, she's very lucky she didn't lose her eyesight. That's the scariest part in that Mayo Clinic article that I linked to above: As far as the cost of the Zostavax, I just checked my bill and we were charged $324 ($275 for the shot, plus a $49 administrative fee). Looking around on Google, I think we were charged at the high end. Also, some people are saying that insurance covers it only when you're over 60. I found some price info here. The comments are worth a read to see what people are reporting being charged around the country and with various insurance companies. Also, read those comments on that site and you'll see a few people mention what you heard from your doctor, that they had to get the shot at Walgreens, CVS, or some other pharmacy. And, one person said he had to go pick up the shot at the pharmacy and bring it to his doctor's office. If I had to do it over again I'd ask the doctor's office up front what the cost is. It boggles my mind why so many people seem afraid to do that with doctors, but never with other professionals. Then, I'd call my insurance company and see if it's covered. Good luck! Hmm, I wonder if Jenny advises her father against getting the shingles shot?
  15. Yuck. It's so blond, it's almost white. Plus, I don't think super straight hair in a blunt cut does anything for her. I liked when she first cut her very long hair (extensions) and went with a shoulder length cut with a bit of curl, plus a better color on her: http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/oscars_2013_es_giuliana_rancic_brings_a_new_look-2013-02 http://hollywoodlife.com/2013/02/25/giuliana-rancic-academy-awards-hair-makeup-2013-oscars-picture/ I don't think that lasted long, though did it? She then went to the straight, angular bob, which I'm not a fan of. She looks so much better in something softer, in both color and cut. ETA: She mentioned in that clip how she's shocked every time she passes a mirror. I wonder how her son reacted, because I think most kids that age don't like a drastic change like that with mom's hair.
  16. Thanks, (I think, LOL). So, let me get this straight. Janelle wasn't raised in polygamy and her mom was never a polygamist. She's engaged to Kody and her mom meets the family, likes the dad and decides to become a polygamist (rather late in life, too)? These people are all crazier than I thought! Well, I guess I should l go with that then, because I was going with the much less diplomatic "clusterf-ck".
  17. @suomi, I tried what you suggested but I can't get it to work. When I right click, I get an options box, but the Delete is faded and doesn't work. @technorebel, I tried to duplicate your problem by quoting you and then deleting the quote inside the box. I was left with an empty box like yours. Then, I clicked on the >_ button and saw the quote codes and just deleted it all, and the empty quote box disappeared. If that doesn't work for you, I'm stumped.
  18. Info on this show: http://www.fyi.tv/shows/tiny-house-nation http://www.fyi.tv/shows/tiny-house-nation/about/season-1
  19. I don't think I could handle living in a tiny house for more than a week or two, but for some reason I find them fascinating. Whenever I see an article about them, I love to look at the photos and see how they organize everything in such a small place. The Daily Mail has had several articles over the last couple of years, with good photos and sometimes video clips too: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2524437/The-tiny-home-built-scratch-11-000-architect.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2545719/Home-sweet-tiny-home-Meet-family-four-living-168sq-ft-house-economic-downturn-downsize.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2584180/Perfect-SQUEEZED-middle-Web-designer-builds-mortgage-free-home-30-000-8ft-20ft-itll-tight-fit.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2613169/It-aint-home-Couple-opt-rat-race-build-tiny-house-costing-just-33-000-avoid-paying-mortgage.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2625602/Wisconsin-man-develops-adorable-tiny-house-WHEELS-79-000-dollars.html That last one isn't so tiny, and I would absolutely love it as a weekend cabin somewhere. It's more high end, has a bedroom that can fit a king sized bed, and there's a full sized bathtub, fridge and stove. I didn't even know about this show until I saw this forum was created. Also, I never heard of the FYI channel and didn't realize that our Dish satellite carried it. The first two episodes are re-airing on Saturday at 12 pm and 1 pm ET. I'll have to check it out.
  20. @technorebel - when things go wonky on me, I click on the >_ button, which is on the left side, the first button right above where you type your post. You can do that while posting, or while editing a post. When you click that button, you'll get the code and you'll see something like [ quote name "poster's name"..... ] and then the code for the end of the quote [ /quote]. Just go in and delete everything that way. Hope that helps!
  21. Thanks everyone for the information. I've been attempting to figure it all out, since I only starting watching the show a couple of years ago, which Wikipedia tells me was about half way through season three. I'm trying to wrap my head around some of the bizarre connections. Just imagine divorcing your husband and then going on to marry his sister's husband and living with them. C-r-a-z-y. Also, when did Janelle's mom marry Kody's dad? I thought Janelle wasn't raised in polygamy. Oy, I'm so confused. Thank God I live a simple and uncomplicated life (and no, it's NOT boring, Christine!)
  22. The final two episodes of this snooze fest air tonight: Tori and Dean: Cabin Fever Episode DTDA-105TH Tori and Dean: Cabin Fever Episode DTDA-106TH
  23. I wonder if Jenny's son has had chickenpox yet? Oh, that's right. He probably escaped it because most of the other kids don't get chickenpox anymore since they get the vaccine.
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