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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. Yes, when I read the article about Meghan McCain I got the impression that she's trying very hard to put it out there that she was offered the job. I doubt she received an offer and I highly doubt she would turn one down. This isn't the first time she's auditioned, either. She clearly was interested in a co-host spot.
  2. Sherri used to tweet all the time about her trainer and about Rocco's delivered meals. I certainly understand stress eating, but if she sticks with the trainer and the personal chef that should help. It's a lot more help than the vast majority of working mothers have when trying to fight the weight battle.
  3. I have no idea. Maybe in some cases people lease the land?
  4. Jenny McCarthy: My Son Called the Cops When I Texted While Driving
  5. Jenny is a total ass if she really talked about her son that way. She's another one who needs to STFU about her kid and make a living on her own, leaving him out of it. Btw, I keep forgetting to mention this. I was talking to someone who heard part of Howard Stern's show when Jenny was on. He told me that in discussing the changes at The View Jenny remarked, "Maybe if I was an Asian conservative I'd still be there. " Really, Jenny? If that makes you feel better about your lackluster performance all year, go ahead and enjoy your bitter delusion.
  6. I've always thought she was a total airhead. Plus, I can't take her voice and her sing- songy, valley girl way of speaking.
  7. There used to be a poster on TWoP who posted that over and over again. I think most people realize by now that the show is staged and they just tune in for the houses David shows, and to see Hilary's renovations and design work. Of course, it's sometimes difficult to remind ourselves that the drama on the show is totally manufactured. That's what the show is banking on; just like House Hunters, even when people know it's all a bunch of fakery, they still tune in. I'm at the point that when I pay any attention to the drama between the couple, or between the couple and Hilary, I'm watching only to assess their acting abilities and have a laugh.
  8. My satellite guide says this for next week: This season has really sucked. ETA: TLC's website says:
  9. I would have to go with Christine or Janelle on personality alone. Meri and Robin seem like no fun to be around, ever. I'd just have to knock both of them out of consideration based on their negativity and constant teary crap alone. Then, having Janelle or Christine to choose from, I'd probably choose Christine because she seems like the most fun, and on an even more shallow note, she's prettier.
  10. Well, from what I've read in just a quick search, she would at the very least be in breach of the gestational contract. There are specific contracts for this situation, where the father is genetically related and his wife is the "intended mother" because they used an egg donor. I hate to think what stress this situation has caused the pregnant surrogate for the last few months of her pregnancy. Not exactly good for the baby's health. Imagine being this kid and finding out the circumstances of your birth later in life. Dad was an unemployed loser married to a fairly well off "celebrity", they planned the surrogacy together, but a couple of months before you were born they split up, the woman who was supposed to be your mother and had fully intended to be your mother walked away because she didn't want to pay child support. Any woman who would do this is a cruel, selfish, repugnant bitch. This child didn't ask to be created and born. Two adults brought this about through a lot of planning and medical help. They produced this child, however it was done, and they both should be responsible for it. She needs to grow the f-ck up and take responsibility for what she caused. The best situation for her both personally and career wise would be to move back to CA. That way Jeffrey could see his father more without flying back and forth across the country all the time. And, Sherri and Sal could share custody of the child they both created and presumably both wanted. The problem is that her new life as a single woman on the prowl for the next huzzzbin doesn't fit well with having two children by two different men, one of those children being an infant.
  11. What an ingenious design. The only issue is that I'm not sure more than one person could live there because it doesn't seem like you can use one space (like the kitchen) while also using another one (like the bedroom). Here's a 2009 NY Times article about it, with several photos of the different configurations: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/15/garden/15hongkong.html?_r=0&pagewanted=all Also, this blog post has a good floor plan that shows how the different rooms are set up: http://www.treehugger.com/sustainable-product-design/moving-walls-transform-apartment-four-minutes-of-wow-video.html
  12. We will never know the reasons why either Sal or Sherri wanted this baby. Since he is moments away from being born, that doesn't even matter anymore. The fact is they both went to great lengths to create a baby and neither one should be able to walk away from it like it's a science experiment they're no longer interested in. I don't understand why Sherri gets a pass by some because it's not her egg. If there were no surrogate and Sherri was carrying the baby herself, (created with a donor egg), would people be okay with her popping the kid out and then handing him over to Sal so she could completely step out of his life for good? Or, what if the baby was born before they filed for divorce? If they were still living together when the surrogate had the baby, and then split up while they were still in the process of finalizing the adoption papers, would it be okay if Sherri said, "Hey forget about it, it's not my egg, I'm outta here"? I think its completely reprehensible to plan a baby for years, find a surrogate, enter into a gestational carrier contract, and then walk away from it because you changed your mind due to a change in life circumstances. For all we know, Sherri calculatingly dumped Sal when she did because she realized the marriage was in trouble and thought she better get out before that baby is born so she can dump it too. It's like she caught a lucky break because her eggs were bad and they used a donor. Using a loophole like that is sleazy as hell. I'm wondering what the gestational carrier contract states because the more I think about it, I realize these contracts probably have provisions covering what would happen in the event the parties divorce or split up before the baby is born.
  13. You can watch it here: http://www.vh1.com/video/my-big-fat-fabulous-wedding/full-episodes/my-big-fat-fabulous-wedding-dina-and-tommy/1562895/playlist.jhtml My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding Ep. 8, My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding: Dina and Tommy Posted 8/1/07
  14. That's why I used the word "reportedly". ETA: If you look back on my other posts castigating Sherri, I try to always say something like, "if this is true..", or "allegedly", or "reportedly", etc. I guess we'll see soon.
  15. @RogerFromOhio, I'm not criticizing Sal, just posting what he tweeted. Frankly, I don't think Sherri is any better than Sal. Actually, I think she is the more despicable one. They BOTH willingly entered into a surrogacy contract yet she reportedly has changed her mind and wants nothing to do with the baby. At least Sal is honoring his contractual (and moral) obligation. Sherri is a f-cking pig as far as I'm concerned.
  16. Exactly, @Palomar . That's what bothers me the most about it; the kids get totally short-changed in this situation.
  17. Ugh, she is so insufferable in that Parade Magazine interview. @Deanie87, thanks for the interesting review. That Parade article says the restaurant is "located on the second floor of the Cromwell hotel in the heart of the Vegas Strip." There's also a photo of the interior: I did some Googling and found this on Eater: Revealed: Full Menu, Prices for Giada at The Cromwell (June 2, 2014): The Eater article lists the entire menu, including prices. I find the phonetic spelling of the pasta dishes extremely obnoxious and condescending: Google also turned up this People blurb from yesterday (tweeted photos included): Shania Twain Dines at Giada De Laurentiis’ New Las Vegas Restaurant
  18. Sal must be back in NJ awaiting the baby's arrival, because I don't think there are any White Castles in CA: ETA: Yes, no locations in CA.
  19. I've always been super independent and able to take care of almost anything on my own, but it would be sad to me if I couldn't at least see my husband for dinner and a few hours every evening, let alone all weekend. That's especially true when raising young kids and you just want to share the latest development or funny thing one of them said that day, or even just bitch about what trouble one of them caused that day. It would be so odd to have to wait a few days to sit on the couch at night and talk to your husband about it. My husband and I are both news junkies and like to discuss politics and world events at night. We'll be cooking dinner together and one us will say, "Did you hear about..."? and get into a lively discussion about it and then go off on a million tangents, usually laughing about something along the way. Also, there are things that happen along the day that we just enjoy sharing, whether it's about a kid, one of our dogs, or some tool at work and guess what he did today? I realize not all relationships are like that, but we enjoy talking about anything and everything. We genuinely like each other, not just love each other. There's an intellectual intimacy, as well as an emotional intimacy. We have a genuine connection on many levels. Having both been married before and not having that type of satisfying relationship, it's something we both treasure very much. I just don't see how a plural wife could ever have that kind of relationship with a husband she shares with three other woman. Maybe it's just me, but that's why I see a sadness in all four of Kody's wives. I don't think any of them have a fulfilling relationship with him and there will always be an empty feeling, whether they admit it or not.
  20. Your post made me go check it out. What horrible, tacky, cheap looking crap! http://www.hsn.com/shop/melissa-gorga/12468
  21. Well, I did once set my toaster oven on fire and almost had the kitchen cabinet (and entire kitchen) go up in flames. It was pretty scary, my first and only kitchen fire. It was a few years ago and my son still talks about it. I blame it on Trader Joe's, though.
  22. @kaygeeret, very well put! I could not agree more.
  23. I must have missed something. Can someone please explain this reference to me?
  24. I also disagree with Martha about the corn. From an article about the first corn harvest one farmer had in NJ this year (in June): Also: http://www.rt23.com/jersey_corn/index.shtml
  25. Thanks for that link. I hadn't seen it before. It says they entered into the Gestational Carrier Contract on November 18, 2012. That's about a year before the surrogate got pregnant with this soon to be born baby. On that issue, here's some interesting info in another article about Sherri's mess:
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