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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. Can Sherri Shepherd walk away from unborn surrogate child? As some of us have said, once again Sherri's own words will be her downfall, (and deservedly so, in my opinion). Her claims of fraud and being manipulated into the surrogacy are in complete conflict with the many, many statements she has made over the last several years, on television, in magazine interviews, and on Twitter, about her plans and desires to find a surrogate.
  2. Tori Spelling Slips Into a Bikini -- How's She Look? Why is she taking bikini photos for her website?
  3. Yesterday's hearing was most likely just preliminary. I don't think one morning or afternoon in court would have been the actual custody proceeding.
  4. @ginger90, generally in a change of custody motion, or even in a motion to modify child support, there has to be a material change in circumstances. It seems here that the judge is saying nothing has really changed so why is the father suddenly claiming he should have custody after all these years? If the father is unable to prove that there are factors in the child's environment that are harmful, or not in his best interest (the standard used by the court), then the judge will not order a change in custody. It's usually very difficult to obtain a change in custody, so I'm not at all surprised. ETA: Basic info on the issue: http://family-law.lawyers.com/child-custody/key-factors-in-modifying-child-custody.html ETA again: Note that one could argue that the first three factors DO apply to Sherri:
  5. @CousinAmy, I understand your point about how many kids today post a lot of what we would consider private business on social media. But, as someone who currently spends a great deal of time around 12 to 15 year old boys, I'm sticking to my opinion that most boys would be absolutely mortified if their mother were on national television discussing telling them about sex or talking about their bullying problems at camp. It's one thing if a kid exercises bad judgment and posts some private info or a photo online. But, it's quite another if his mother discusses his private issues on a talk show, or if there are headline-making articles about how his mom had the sex talk with him, or about how he's bullied at camp but doesn't realize it. Jenny needs to shut up and leave her kid's business private. To me, it shows a complete disregard for her son's feelings. One thing you learn as a parent of a kid that age is that if you want his respect you must also respect your child. Respect his feelings and respect his privacy. All children deserve that, even if they have a famous parent.
  6. I just finally watched that TMZ video from yesterday, where Sherri was asked questions as she left the courthouse. OMG, what the hell is wrong with her? Does she really think wearing a bright blue sleeveless peplum top with a bright green tight skirt, and hot pink heels is a good look for court?? And, I really, really hate that weave. It looks like a cheap, stringy mess. Plus, she looks like she has a receding hairline.
  7. I decided to watch it and I'm kind of glad, because I saw some of the back story that I didn't know about since I only started watching this series about half way through (when they were building the Vegas houses, I got sucked in). So, I did find it interesting to hear how they all came together since I didn't really know the details of that. They were all so young. Meri said that she and Kody were married almost three years when he married Janelle. She talked about how she hadn't gotten pregnant in those first three years and thought she might never have kids. That makes me wonder whether Kody sought out a second wife at that point because Meri hadn't popped out a baby yet and he needed to find a woman who could produce some kids for him? That flirting business was something I wanted to comment on too. Just watching it on my TV, I was so uncomfortable hearing Christine talk about how she flirted with Kody. It's just so damn weird! Also, the part about his eyes: @ghoulina, you beat me to it, but I thought the same thing. LOL, Meri had to add "in that moment". I was dying hearing what Christine and Meri said. How Christine can even say that about being the most important person in the word, being loved more than any woman in the world has ever been loved. Whaaat?? Christine, you're not the most important person to him, or loved more than any other woman. You're one of FOUR! These people are so weird! I also found it odd the way Chrsitine described always wanting to be a third wife. She wanted all the issues worked out by the first two wives before she got there, and she doesn't want a husband around all the time, ("They're too much work"). So, okay, just admit that you want a part time husband. As far as the kids, I think Logan and Aspyn are just great. I'm not that concerned with the way they both helped out and did so much for their younger siblings. I have one family of cousins where there were six kids, and one where they were five, (only two kids in my family). Without any prodding from their parents, the oldest in both of my cousins' families were just natural leaders/protectors/caregivers. They wanted to do it and even now as adults the younger siblings in the families look to the oldest ones for advice and help when needed. It's just the dynamic of their families and it seems to work for all of them. I didn't realize that there was a short period of time when Christine, Meri and Janelle were all pregnant at the same time (with Aspyn, Mariah, and Madison, respectively). Also, wow, Christine had Gwendolyn only four days after Janelle had Gabriel? I can't stand Robin. While they're hinting like crazy that she's pregnant, WTH could the phone call be about? Maybe they're just playing with the viewers trying to get them to tune in to see if she's pregnant when the big announcement is just that the investors finally gave them some money? Actually, that's probably not it, but it's what I'm hoping because the LAST thing these people need is another kid. Btw, I was curious as to how old Robin is so I checked and she's only 35? Really? if you told me she was ten years older than that I wouldn't doubt it at all.
  8. @4leafclover, ha ha! It's all @Rhondinella 's fault. I really want to try them. It's a good thing I don't have Fritos in the house.
  9. Yep, last week Jenny got herself an article in US Magazine for blabbing about her birds and the bees discussion with her son. And, this week she's getting headlines over his troubles at summer camp. Conveniently, the articles mention her new (one hour) weekly Sirius radio show. Way to use your kid, Jenny! I don't even watch this show anymore, but I can't wait until Sherri and Jenny are both gone!
  10. @Dreamboat Annie, a couple of weeks ago, I had mentioned as another example the Tori and Dean affair and how he left his wife after the adoption. I knew the basic details, but had never read Mary Jo's firsthand account with all the details. Thanks for linking that. It was heartbreaking to read, but I'm sure she realizes by now that she is so much better off without that jerk. He's even worse than I thought. It amazes me that Tori, or any woman, would want a man who treated his wife and children so callously. How she could ever respect someone who did that is beyond comprehension. While I agree that money does make some people stupid, in the case of Sherri and Sal I think the stoopid came way before the money.
  11. Yes, there must have been some confusion between the "Episode 1" that's one of the pilot episodes, and then the first episode of the first season. From Wikipedia: I recently saw those two pilot episodes again and they're both quite good. I loved the ending in the first pilot. And, I really enjoyed Lee Grant's performance in the second pilot episode.
  12. Exactly, @TribbleTrouble . I brought that scenario up a couple of weeks ago. Let's take Jimmy Fallon for example. He and his wife had a baby daughter just about a year ago, via surrogate: The article says Jimmy was 38 and his wife was 46, so one could assume the fertility problem was on her end, but who knows? Either way, for the sake of this argument, let's say they used her egg and donor sperm. Imagine a scenario where they experienced marital problems while the surrogate was pregnant, and they split up and filed for divorce just two or three months before the birth. Then picture Jimmy declaring in the divorce proceeding that it wasn't his sperm, they used a sperm donor, so he wants nothing to do with this baby, either emotionally or financially. His wife is the biological mother, he has no genetic connection to the baby, and despite the fact that they together arranged this surrogacy, Jimmy wants to walk away. Now, if that had happened last year, Jimmy would have been eviscerated in the media. And, the very Christian Sherri Shepherd, speaking "as a mom", would be leading the charge against him at the "Hot Topics" table. Based on her past statements, I am absolutely convinced that she would so, and that she would take great joy in it. I can just see and hear her ranting like crazy about the reprehensible Jimmy. Does anyone disagree with that??
  13. So, if Sherri and Sal were still together and the surrogate birthed the baby, and then they broke up a few months later, would it be acceptable if Sherri said, "Well, it's not my baby, I'm out of here?" I'm sorry, well actually, no I'm not...if it's true that she is actually walking away from a baby that SHE went to great lengths to create, I absolutely despise the bitch. She's nothing but a self-centered, irresponsible, cold pig. Frankly, seeing as she hasn't wasted one minute in getting out there and enjoying the singe life with her pals, (while looking for the next huzzbin), I think it's rather obvious that her plans changed and an infant just doesn't fit into her new single life.
  14. @CousinAmy, sorry, I see we're discussing this in two different places, and we posted about it at around the same time. I was going to post that article in this thread, but when I saw the issue mentioned in the All Episodes thread, I posted it there.
  15. That's true that Evan and the other camp kids aren't likely to see that article or watch The View. However, that doesn't negate the fact that she is blatantly breaching his privacy. Whether her son learns about it or not is irrelevant. Also, yes, it was a discussion between the people you mentioned, but with one huge difference - it was on national television! Where I come from, the ones who most diligently and fiercely protect a child's privacy are the parents. That certainly isn't the case for Jenny and Sherri.
  16. @RogerFromOhio, I didn't see today's show, but I just came across this article about Jenny's comments while reading an article about Sherri. The headline alone horrified me. I'm sorry if Jenny's son is having problems at summer camp, but she seriously needs to STFU and stop talking about her son on national TV. I don't know any 12 year old boy who wouldn't be mortified by his mother discussing this on national television. He is not the public figure here, and he is entitled to some privacy. I honestly cannot stand "celebs" like Sherri and Jenny who talk too much about their kids. I respect the ones who leave their children out of the public sphere and work hard to protect their privacy.
  17. More from TMZ: Video clip at the link. As far as TMZ's other story earlier today about Sherri wanting out of the surrogacy, The Daily Mail also did an article, mostly based on the TMZ story. But, it also notes: I realize I've said it before, but if this is true, Sherri is a despicable human being. Putting aside the fact that Sal might be a lazy, greedy jackass, it is VERY clear that Sherri wanted this baby very much. She publicly and repeatedly spoke about wanting another baby for years before she even met Sal. After marrying him, she blabbed about wanting a child with him and trying to find a surrogate for years. They reportedly attempted IVF with her eggs and when that failed, they moved onto a surrogate, So, how flipping weird is that? If it worked with her eggs, she would obviously consider this child hers. But since it's a donor egg, she gets to walk away just like that, despite the fact that she very much wanted this baby and did everything she could to create it. I'm calling total bullshit on her alleged claims that Sal manipulated her into the surrogacy. That claim is in total and complete conflict with her actions and statements over the last several years. She is so full of it, I find it completely loathsome. Sal might have a long list of negative traits, but I find Sherri a million times worse than him because she desperately wanted this baby but is now (allegedly) walking away with a clear conscience simply because it's inconvenient. This is a child you created, Sherri, not a freaking puppy you adopted and just want to hand over to the soon to be ex-husband! Bitch!
  18. It's on my DVR and I was deciding whether or not to watch it, but the comments here seem to advise against it!
  19. @4leafclover, yes, that about sums it up. Plus, they probably paid to have a crew go back in there and repaint all the walls, and strip the floors of the hideous blue, purple, green, and pink paint. Also, to get rid of the stupid public bathroom stall and urinal.
  20. Very cool. I haven't watched the show in a few years, but does Whoopi ever talk about going to events like this? I think it would be interesting to have her spend a few minutes on a Monday morning telling the viewers what she did over the weekend, and maybe relating an interesting little story or sharing some tidbit. Kind of like Regis used to do on his show.
  21. The crucial element here is the production staff. As long as Geddie, Dusty Cohen, and probably some others are gone, then Rosie will do fine. Rumors are that part of her deal involves bringing in her own team. Frankly, a clean sweep is in order based on the level to which this crapfest has devolved. An entire new production team needs to be brought in for a completely fresh start. Lose all the old gimmicks, tacky in-show ads, and BS "sparks". Just FFS, be real!
  22. Ha, look what I found: As we suspected, this whole show was just some acting gig for Tori and Dean last summer. Like I said once before, I bet they all stayed in a nice hotel and showed up at the house (the set) just to tape their scenes. What a joke!
  23. I finally finished watching this show. First, one of last week's episodes, the one where they did the deck and two kids' rooms. One thing I didn't understand was why they made the deck lower for the safety of the kids, BUT then at the bottom step, they laid down some huge rock slabs. Yeah, because it's safer to have one or two fewer steps and have a rock slab at the bottom? Huh? I'd rather my kid fall on a wooden step, or actually the lawn, than on a humongous rock slab. It just made no sense to me. Also, the way Tori decorated Liam and Stella's room was so hideous that I would get a headache after being in there for more than five minutes. It's just too much! The horrible paint on the walls is bad enough, but then she painted the floor and the ceiling too (all different colors). It makes me feel like puking. She throws so many different tacky themes and loud colors together, I just can't take it - See the four photos starting HERE. Finn's baby room was okay with the bear theme, but the orange paint on the wall was too much for me - Two photos starting HERE. Moving on to the the final two episodes that aired on Friday night, Hattie's room was not as loud in color as Liam and Stella's room, but it was still a tacky, overdone mess - Two photos HERE. The master bedroom wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Still, I'm not into finding garbage and "re-purposing" it, which is the theme of this entire DIY crafty little house. No thanks. The final episode with the outdoor grill and boathouse deck was okay. I kept wondering if that old boat house roof deck could hold all that furniture and five to ten people on top. Plus, I was a little concerned when I saw that they put a fire pit in front of the chairs and bench at the front of the boathouse roof deck facing the lake. It was close to the railing and I saw the wind blowing the flames. All I could think was that the flames could hit the wood railing and then a huge fire could spread quickly and take that entire boathouse down in a flash. Not a good idea, Tori. They also did a lot of landscaping in the final episode. Even though they claimed their neighbor was a landscaper, they (or the show) spent a good amount of money on all of the landscaping between the huge dead tree taken down in the back by the lake, and then in the front the walkway, driveway, trees, and plants. Plus, they put new vinyl siding on the front (which doesn't exactly scream "lake cabin/cottage", but whatever). Add the large deck in the back that they did in an earlier episode and the new balcony off the bedroom, and they definitely put some money into this. Hmm, I thought Tori said early last year that they were broke, yet they supposedly purchased this house last summer and then spent all this money on it. Sure. I'd love it if someone did some sleuthing and found out who really owns that house. As we've all said, I'd be very surprised if Tori and Dean ever bought it at all. If this really is their summer get-a-way, lets see if Tori and family go up there for a summer vacation now that she's done filming that new show with Jenny Garth. Or, has it already been sold, since it was never anything but a set for a TV show?
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