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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. After Split, Michael Strahan Makes Emotional Speech at Pro Football Hall of Fame Induction
  2. @MrsClaus, I think you're right. When this show was first announced last August, they said it was going to air this spring on HGTV. Then, without explanation, it never aired in the spring and showed up on July 4th on GAC. ‘Tori & Dean: Cabin Fever’ Set For Spring:
  3. Oh, I didn't even notice that, but you're right @happykitteh . It's 90 minutes tonight, for some reason. Also, in case anyone is interested, I see that Melissa and Joe Gorga are going to be on WWHL tonight.
  4. Damn, that sucks, @Bella . If it makes you feel better I can tell you about the time I was heating up something for my kid in the toaster oven, it went up in flames, and I almost set the whole kitchen on fire. My one and only kitchen fire ever. A couple of years later, the kid is still mocking me for my stupidity but I blame Trader Joe's for a flaw in their directions.
  5. Yes, I think that NYT article has been posted somewhere. I read it once and found it very interesting. He's just another sleazebag. I'm not impressed by Amber's education at all, particularly because she comes off as unintelligent and uneducated.
  6. Hey, @gimipizzauoldtroll , have you been eavesdropping in my house? My son likes to make fun of me for watching this dumbass show and last season he just announced that one night. He said he figured out why I watch the show, because it makes me feel better about my life. Ha, I told him he should thank his lucky stars we have a boring life and know absolutely no one even remotely like the loudmouth losers on this show. I kind of watch the show the way I would watch some strange new animal exhibit at the zoo. You know, where some of the animals are fighting, and others are eating their poop.
  7. @BizBuzz, great video. Thanks for posting it. I'm trying to remember whether I saw them together at Madison Square Garden or in NJ. Throughout the late 80's to about the mid to late 90's, I went to several Billy Joel concerts at MSG and also at Giants Stadium in NJ. I also saw him once at Nassau Coliseum on Long Island.
  8. Oh my gosh, @Bella ! That must have been some explosion to blow the microwave door off. I hope you didn't get too hurt when it hit you in the leg. I'm sure you were shocked.
  9. We're making the easiest ribs ever: Anita Lo's "My Mother's BBQ Spare Ribs" (via Martha Stewart). It pairs nicely with this Roasted Broccoli Recipe with Soy Sauce and Sesame Seeds. Two very easy and simple recipes that are delicious, along with some rice probably.
  10. I think my worst kitchen disaster, the one that caused the most damage and clean-up, happened back when I was in college. While back home on Christmas break, I decided to make some hot chocolate one day when everyone was out and I was home alone. For some reason, I was frustrated with how clumpy the hot chocolate was and how it wasn't mixing up well. So, I thought I'd rectify that by pouring it into some plastic shaker jar that my mother had in the cabinet. I went to shake it up and - boom! - the lid blew off and hit the ceiling. Hot chocolate splattered everywhere - the ceiling, the floor, the walls, the cabinets, on top fop the fridge, etc. It scared the living crap out of me, too. I spent forever cleaning it up and when my parents came home as I was still cleaning, I explained what happened. My father made some remark about sending me to this expensive school and I didn't even know that you do not shake up hot liquids. Well, hey, I wasn't a science major. I still suck at science. And, that is the day I learned to never shake up hot liquids. That experience was a lesson I'll never forget. Of course, the family teased me about it for years.
  11. I never heard of peanuts in coke until reading this thread, so I Googled and learned something new.
  12. Considering that Sal has been Twitter silent since Wednesday afternoon, I'm guessing the baby has arrived. He'll probably tweet about it very soon.
  13. I was going to say the exact same thing! They were terrific together. Back in the early to mid 80's, I knew someone who had a striking resemblance to Billy Joel. He actually fooled some people in bars a couple of times back then. People would ask if he was Billy Joel and his friends would try to pretend like he just wanted to be left alone, and then people would get more interested in is that really him? It was pretty funny.
  14. I remember that, too: Ha, looking like she's ready to run to Costco? I would say that it would be a huge improvement if Whoopi only dressed that well. Here's the clip - fast forward to the 5:40 mark. It's the very last segment of the show before the credits: I think Whoopi was completely rude and unprofessional to go on live television and call a critic a bitch and tell her to kiss her ass. It's just a dumb magazine article; get over yourself. If you don't want to be criticized, perhaps a daily talk show isn't such a good idea? Television is a visual medium, after all. Her little drama queen stunt reminds me of the latest, and very tiresome, trend of all these "celebs" on Twitter putting their whole lives out there constantly and then when they receive criticism for comments or photos that they post, they cry "bully!!!"
  15. No, I think she does it for attention and because she likes to project an image of kookiness. I for one am far from pissed off, but rather amused.
  16. Oops, I posted that in the wrong thread. I meant to make my candy comment in the M&M thread! Nope, not drinking. Well, maybe....
  17. ^^ OMG: http://www.toysrus.com/registry/search/index.jsp?_flowExecutionKey=_c3A438BF5-6A6A-7FA6-AFAE-FAF9E367D857_k269B0599-F604-7F60-977A-90EBA706DB1E&overrideStore=TRUS (Good thinking, @CathinAZ )
  18. All this talk of candy makes me long for Halloween so I can steal some Almond Joy bars from my kid's stash. I never buy them; just wait until Halloween time to have candy. Bonus: the candy you steal from your kid's Halloween stash has zero calories.
  19. Yes, and I'm blaming PTV. I only tuned in because I read about it here and wanted to snark about it.
  20. I thought Jeffrey's been at camp, though?
  21. This pic from Friday's show is on The View's website: ETA: Red vest, dark pants:
  22. You're right, @Jaded . I found it. It was a comment posted yesterday on the most recent Facebook post The View did on their page: It's misleading because that is not The View posting it. It looks like a fan account, but they're using The View's logo just like The View uses on their FB page. Here's the fan FB page: https://www.facebook.com/TodayShowNeedsDeborahNorville/timeline Oddly, it's an account started in June of 2012 and its URL is "Today Show Needs Deborah Norville". So, now I guess this person switched to a fan page lobbying for various people to be the new co-hosts of The View.
  23. According to her tweets today, Sherri took off on a flight somewhere around noon. I guess she's off to see New Edition, as she tweeted last night as she was getting her weave done. Not sure where they're playing, don't care. But, does she ever spend a weekend at home?? ETA: Well, I Googled anyway. They're playing in Oakland, CA.
  24. I don't think you need a Facebook account to see The View's Facebook page, I just checked it and don't see a post about hiring Sippy Cup: https://www.facebook.com/TheView
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