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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. Two weird things we do around here that I wonder if others do as well: Mr. LB likes to put potato chips in his sandwiches. I've never seen anyone do that until I met him. The funny thing is that the first time his sister visited us and stayed over, she made a sandwich one day and did the same thing. I like ham and swiss sandwiches, and I also like pickles. Sometimes I just take a slice of ham and a slice of cheese and wrap them around a dill pickle spear and eat it that way. Mr. LB thinks that's weird.
  2. That's interesting. I've heard it called soda, pop, and cola, but I've never heard it referred to as "drink".
  3. @WendyCR72 , I almost said in my post, "Wendy, I bet you don't like ambrosia, either." Ha, I kind of knew you wouldn't after reading your last post. @Bastet: Sorry, couldn't resist.
  4. I hate that marshmallow fluff. My brother loved it when we were kids and he used to have it with peanut butter in a sandwich, but I never liked it. I'm not a fan of jelly or jams either. I usually eat peanut butter plain on toast with nothing else. Jello? Ugh, my mom made it all the time when we were kids, so did my grandmother. Hated it then, hate it now. Don't even get me started on ambrosia. I want to know who the hell created that?! It's like a bowl of some sickly sweet vomit.
  5. Does she ever spend a weekend at home?? She's so ridiculous with all these "selfies". Twitter and Instagram: a narcissist's wet dream
  6. I love most vegetables but can't take brussels sprouts or beets, no matter how they're made. I love sweet potato fries, but won't eat sweet potatoes baked or in a casserole or pie. I absolutely hate radishes, always have. I love sauteed onions, or caramelized onions, but don't like raw onions at all. I like most fruit, but I'm not crazy about strawberries. Forget strawberry shortcake, yuck. Most fruit pies do nothing for me. I'll maybe have a small piece of apple pie once or twice a year, only if it's warm, but I can live without it. I can't eat something that mixes fruit with food, even if I like both things separately. So, no raisins in my oatmeal cookies, no pineapple on my pizza, no dishes at all that combine fruit with food. I don't like fruit mixed in with food, and maybe it's because I can only eat fruit ice cold, with the exception of a piece of apple pie once or twice a year. Other than that, no room temp fruit and no cooked fruit for me. I rarely eat bananas, (other than in smoothies), but when I do I have to put it in the fridge for a while first. Otherwise, I can't take the mushy texture. I sometimes eat chocolate, but I never really crave it or would miss it if I could never have it again. I'm so much more of a carb addict than a sweets person, and it's something I have to fight daily because I really could live on bagels, pizza, pasta, bread, pretzels, etc. I would rather have a good bagel any day over any slice of cake, another thing I could live without. My kid is the only kid I've ever known who will make brownies, cupcakes, and cookies with me but won't eat them. He eats absolutely no cakes, cookies, pies, etc. He likes chocolate ice cream, so every year we get a good chocolate ice cream cake for his birthday. He doesn't like candy except for some good chocolate, (he loves Trader Joe's Pound Plus Belgium Chocolate bars). He's always been this way. Actually, he didn't even like chocolate until my parents influenced him. They're the ones who introduced him to ice cream and to chocolate. All of the foods that I mentioned I don't like are things my husband loves. He'll eat almost anything. I was a super picky kid and didn't begin to expand my horizons a bit until my mid 20's. Then he came long and influenced me even more, especially since he's a great cook. But, I'm still far more picky than he is and our kid is even worse. One more thing - I used to think sushi was totally disgusting. Then one day shortly before I realized I was pregnant, I got a strange craving for sushi and wanted to try it. I've loved it ever since, which still surprises me. As far as fish, I mostly only like salmon and tuna. I won't eat scallops and I think shrimp is disgusting and won't cook it or go near it. Also, no lobster for me. I still remember being horrified as a kid when my mother brought some live lobsters home to cook and I had to leave the house. No oysters, mussels, clams, etc. Gross. You'd probably have to threaten me with death to get me to even think about eating crayfish. I think I'd rather eat bugs.
  7. @ALenore, thanks for that recipe for the Pinto, Black, and Red Bean Salad with Grilled Corn and Avocado. It sounded good when you posted about it yesterday and I'm definitely going to try it.
  8. My mother always drank skim milk when we were growing up and I could never get over the grayish appearance.
  9. Ugh, I checked their Wikipedia page, read this part, and I'm rethinking my plans for tomorrow: Sometimes I miss the old days, before the internet, when we didn't think as much about the nutritional stats of the stuff we ate. I checked their site for nutritional info and I guess I could always have a bunless little burger and a small fries, but what's the point? That's what I usually have at home if I have burgers. And I bake frozen Alexia fries. Or, I could just do my usual thing; order the less horrible items (little burger and small fries), let the husband and kid go crazy, and just have a taste of theirs because that doesn't count, lol.
  10. Wow, I watched that clip included in that article and if those are some of Jenny's best moments the only words I have are vapid and too much screaming. Grow up. It's still weird. You would think there would be extra outfits at The View.
  11. Sherri tweeted the link to that blog because it advances the bullshit story that she's trying to spin: Based on her actions and her statements over the last several years, I will never believe that. This is exactly how I see it: Excellent post!
  12. @GoldDustWoman, OMG, the pic you posted is awful!
  13. That site says that Whoopi had five abortions in her teens, and links to another article about her life. I never heard or read that before.
  14. I was wondering the same thing. Since there's so much going on and many of us are interested in how it turns out, I was hoping we could keep the discussion in this thread for at least a a little while. I think that would be better than mixing it in with the other former co-hosts in that thread. Btw, I missed two days and just got caught up here, and I have to say you all make some great comments. Insightful observations, witty remarks, and snarky entertainment!
  15. Thanks for that link @Brownstone.Muir . Here it is: Interesting. I have no idea who October Gonzalez is and I wonder why they would choose her if she's never guest-hosted or appeared on the show before. That certainly is a different move for The View. If they did some private auditions today with Whoopi and Rosie, they obviously wanted to keep the hiring of Gonzalez a secret, or a surprise, but first wanted to test her out a bit to see how she worked with Whoopi and Rosie. She must have done a great job if they made the decision so quickly today. One of our regular posters, sorry I can't remember who, has said at least once that she thought the co-hosts would be people who were not openly auditioning as guest co-hosts. So, that appears to be the case with at least one of the new co-hosts. After I read here that the new producer is from MSNBC, I figured Nicole Wallace would be hired.
  16. @GoldDustWoman, I cant find the picture in the link you gave. They've probably updated the stories by now. If you have a pic you want to post, go here to upload it first http://imgur.com/ Click on Upload Images at the top. Then click on Browse Your Computer. Find the pic you want on your computer and open it. Then at the imgur site, click on Start Upload. Once uploaded, click on the BBCode (message boards & forums) in the list in the right margin. Come back here and paste that code right into the comment box. When you preview your post, or submit it, the photo will show up. It's much easier than it sounds and it really only takes a few seconds.
  17. Ha ha, yes it is! I went from never eating fast food burgers to somehow wanting to check out 5 Guys this weekend. Mr. LB is confused but he's not complaining. We now plan to stop there on Saturday. Gawd help me, I even went as far as Googling them and reading some Yelp reviews for our local place, plus checking out their website and menu. Simple menu, but lots of options to customize the toppings, which I like. I think the fresh cut fries sound good, and I'm also tempted to try the Cajun fries. I was curious about their name, so I read the "About" part of their website. Interesting story about how they were four brothers, (the fifth one came later on), who opened a small burger place in VA after their parents told them to either go to college or start a business. The business grew from one carry out place in 1986 in Arlington to four sit-down places in the DC area. By 2003, they starting franchsing the business and there are now over 1,00 locations nationally with 1,500 to come.
  18. I love pizza and could eat it every day. Coincidentally, we're making our own pizza for dinner tomorrow. But, we have a really great local place nearby and we usually order from them. We'll probably end up making two pizzas, one with lots of different veggies and one with meat and veggies. I'm not that big on meat on pizza other than pepperoni, even though I generally like sausage, ground beef, ham, bacon, etc. Mr LB likes Hawaiian pizza but I despise it even though I like ham and love pineapple. It violates my rule of mixing my food with my fruit. I just can't do it. My usual favorite toppings when we make our own pizza include various combinations of pesto, sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, goat cheese, roasted peppers, fresh mozzarella, mushrooms, black olives, and red onions. The other day, I had the best vegetable pizza. It had a ton of sauteed mushrooms, some sauteed zucchini and eggplant, and some arugula on it with a bit of balsamic vinegar. Fantastic. Our usual place makes a vegetable pizza with breaded eggplant, sauteed spinach, mushrooms, broccoli, and onions, (and lots of garlic).
  19. @Shannon L. I hope your daughter had a great birthday! Sushi is our go-to birthday and celebration dinner, even though the carb addict kid just likes udon noodles and sushi rice. But, yeah, it's definitely the most expensive dinner option. @forumfish, we have one of those grill skillets. You mean the one that covers two burners on the stove? My husband loves it. You can flip it over for a flat side and he makes pancakes on there. Edit: Oh, you mean just the grill pan? Yes, we have one too and that's what we cooked salmon on tonight. We use it all the time. Tonight for dinner Mr. LB grilled, (indoor, on a grill pan), salmon with chopped sun-dried tomatoes and pesto. So freaking delicious!
  20. @Bella , I shall do so in the name of research and report back here! Probably some time this weekend.
  21. We need a milk poll. Whole, 2%, 1%, soy, almond, etc. I can't post it now as I'm just popping in and out on my phone.
  22. Hmm, I think you all are tempting me to give 5 Guys a try. We have one not far from us and Mr. LB has gone there a few times but I haven't. I'm going to have to check them out.
  23. @joanne3482, I have a friend who precooks ground beef for recipes and then freezes it in bags. She can always make a quick dinner that way; tacos, sloppy joes, spaghetti sauce, a quick chili, casseroles, etc. Thanks @ Rick Kitchen. Mr. LB will be so happy when I finally make him pot roast. He does a lot of the cooking but he's never bothered to make it, probably because he knows I'm not crazy about it. But, I'm going to try that recipe soon. Oh, I hear ya on using the slow cooker instead of the oven this time of year. @BizBuzz, I hope you're feeling better today!
  24. Sherri retweeted this tweet tonight: When you click the link to Instagram, you get this: Very odd to make this Broadway announcement and also mention her custody case, and then throw in the Jesus hashtags. Hmm, they forgot to mention the new baby. ETA: This is their description on their Instagram page: entertainmentprescription Entertainment Prescription Your Entertainment Prescription for Urban & Pop Culture Trends. Get your daily dose! Business Email: EntertainmentPrescription@gmail.com http://www.entertainmentprescription.com
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