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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. Rest in peace, Robin. Please know how very many lives you touched, those who knew you and those who enjoyed your work.
  2. They have Whoopi and Rosie, and how many open seats? Are they going to hire two new co-hosts or three?
  3. Rosie O'Donnell ''Didn't Want to Upset'' Whoopi Goldberg During The View Chemistry Test; Plus, Front Runners Revealed!
  4. @peggy06, I remember that one. I think it was an early one in this series. I agree with you about it being a strange decision to move all the bedrooms to the basement. I wonder how long it took them to sell that house after that.
  5. Last show of the horrible "Year of Barbara & The Dumping of 2 Co-Hosts" season! I didn't watch it, but the best news of all is that this was the FINAL show produced by Sweaty Geddie! Someone please open the champagne!
  6. Ha ha, so did I. That would have been really funny if she had said it as a joke, but she was serious, LOL.
  7. Thanks for posting that! I cannot believe that I didn't notice that huge, tacky, mural last night. I agree with those posters who said it looks like a mural for a child's bedroom or playroom. Also, it does remind me of a Thomas the Tank Engine mural, as someone mentioned. Exactly! I bet if he had a little sister as a kid, he got in her face and bugged the shit out of her until she finally pushed him away. And then he yelled, "Mommy, she hit me!"
  8. LOL, @Carolyn15 now you're making me sorry that I didn't watch it. Danielle looked plastic before. I can't even imagine more work on her. Where the hell does her money come from these days? Does she still live in that house, or did she sell it? I haven't followed her in years. Damn it, I guess I should have watched it after all, ha ha.
  9. That Reality Tea WWHL recap has more about that part:
  10. Tacos - fish for him and chicken for me. I'm going to put mine in a whole wheat taco bowl, made with that little taco bowl pan that I love: http://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Tortilla-Pan-Set/dp/B008UA4POE (Didn't get mine from Amazon, though)
  11. Great job finding the listing, @GaT . I thought I read that Tori's mother was on The Talk recently and she said Tori's not broke, and also that she (candy Spelling) bought Tori a house in Malibu. Btw, it looks like Dean's son Jack has been visiting. The Daily Mail has a story about family outings to Legoland and the San Diego Zoo: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2721447/Tori-Spelling-Dean-McDermott-brood-Legoland-just-days-hitting-San-Diego-Zoo.html
  12. I totally agree, @WendyCR72 . These house hunters always complain about the paint color, when it's relatively inexpensive to change. Another thing that drives me nuts is when they complain about light fixtures. The house can be $400,000 and they bitch about a few hundred dollars worth of light fixtures that they might have to change out.
  13. I just posted this in the episode thread, but I'm putting it here too. I know the October 2007 NY Times article has already been linked several times, but I just found the follow-up article about how much this loser eventually was awarded in the whistle blower case: The October 2007 NY Times article on Little Jimmy: Whistle-Blower Finds a Finger Pointing Back Even worse, I found this December 2007 follow-up article: Whistle-Blower Is Awarded $1.6 Million That punk didn't deserve a dime.
  14. Here's the October 2007 NY Times article on Little Jimmy: Whistle-Blower Finds a Finger Pointing Back But, even worse, I found this December 2007 follow-up article: Whistle-Blower Is Awarded $1.6 Million That punk didn't deserve a dime.
  15. I covered most of it already, but here's a full recap of Amber's appearance eon WWHL tonight: http://www.realitytea.com/2014/08/10/amber-marchese-jim-marchese-know-him-love-watch-what-happens-live/
  16. Also, in the game where Amber had to say one word that came to her mind for her castmates, she answered: Melissa: backstabber Teresa G: Powerful, strong woman Nicole: Shakespearean tragedy Dina: kind of zen, but I'm kind of not liking her right now Ter-EH-sa: miserable
  17. By the way, did anyone notice how touchy-feely Amber was with David Arquette? She kept grabbing his hand, and toughing his hand, his arm, even his leg.
  18. I hate to paint so I'd just hire someone to go in and paint the entire interior before we moved in. The last time I painted I was in college, and I'm never doing it again.
  19. @DownTheShore, yes, I know they can really overdo it sometimes. Especially when it's their first house and they want everything and aren't willing to compromise at all.
  20. Ha ha ha: Her reaction was surprise, disappointment, and she whined that she was attacked and it's never okay to put your hands on someone else. Okay, agreed, but does she think that the hair pulling creates sympathy for her and excuses her and her horrible husband? Give it up, Amber, no one is ever going to like you two losers. The first few minutes of WWHL were the best. I think Amber was surprised that when Andy asked David Arquette what his favorite part of tonight's episode was David replied the whale's vagina comment, (made by Dina). Amber pouted and said that was unfortunately about her husband, and Andy said "awkward". I love that Andy repeated Dina's line right to Amber's face, that "his (Jim's) level of douchebaggery is as big as a whale's vagina", (not exactly what Dina said, but close enough). David Arquette said as a viewer he loved that line, and then Amber tried to defend her husband and said Dina doesn't know Jim. David then brought up how it wasn't good the way Jim was talking to the ladies (at Bobby's party). Amber, still trying to defend Jim, claimed that they have to understand that Amber was just "attacked downstairs and then they all came at Jim". Ha, then David made fun of Jim's d-bag talking head about being a lawyer and he'll take them down and ruin their life. I think Amber really didn't expect all that from David Arquette. She laughed nervously and said, "I was a fan of you." Then as David continued, Amber "joked", "Watch out, he'll sue you." Jim and Amber: D-bag 1 and D-bag 2 This was followed by Andy saying that we're only five episodes in but it seems that everyone is against Amber. Then they played a montage of everyone "talking smack" about Amber, ending with the part when one of the twins said Ambah is very uptight and Joe Gorga replied that it's because of her insecurity. Amber was so uncomfortable, but I have no sympathy. As she said in her bullshit answer to the first caller who asked why they even did this show, it was her "dream" to be on the show. Really, why? She has dreams of being rich and famous? So, she saw her old friend Melissa, whom she hasn't spoken with in many years, on the show and she somehow got in touch with the producers and got her and her troll husband booked on the show. Oh, but I thought she contacted Melissa because she wanted to start their friendship back up again? Yeah, right. Too bad she slipped tonight that it's all about her dream to be on TV. Andy said Jimbo likes to bring up his "legal training" in casual conversations even more than maybe Star Jones, LOL. Then they played a video montage of Jim's asinine wanna-be lawyer comments and threats from the last couple of episodes. What a tool he is. Amber blamed it all on Bobby. She said Bobby sat on the sidelines as things heated up at the party. Plus, she said he exaggerated what Jim said about his reasons for not going bowling with the guys. Whatever, Amber, nice try. I hope these two are not back next season!
  21. Ugh, condescension bores me...almost as much as d-bag slimy mortgage brokers playing attorney do.
  22. Who's confused? Sorry, but I don't see anything terribly confusing here.
  23. If Amber had privately told Melissa that she'd heard this rumor about Nicole, well, she'd be spreading the rumor to more people, which is bad enough. In this case, Amber told Melissa about it with reality TV cameras and microphones there. From that, I can only conclude that Amber deliberately intended to broadcast this rumor to the world, (or the 1 to 2 million people who pay attention to this nonsense).
  24. I agree. Also, I took it to mean that she said she "heard it through the grapevine" because she wasn't willing to name the person who told her about it. And, I also got the impression that she believed it, otherwise she wouldn't have informed Melisa about it.
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