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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. Oh, I agree, but I do think she will miss that regular (fat) paycheck very, very much. She was able to do small movie roles, TV shows, the game show, and stand-up gigs all while still getting that big paycheck. Now I think she'll be lucky to get some of those previously side gigs but she won't have the regular paycheck to rely on anymore. Also, as others pointed out, it will most likely be more difficult to get those offers when she's no longer appearing on a daily talk show. Btw, Sal's been silent since Wednesday afternoon. Maybe he's busy with "LJ".
  2. I'm not going to watch the video no matter how much my fellow posters tempt me! Whoopi Teaches Women of The View How to Pee Standing Up
  3. It also tells me that you don't care enough about your business to put forth your best effort, so why the hell should I care about your business.
  4. @susieq147, check out this reply she just tweeted to a fan: Wow, did you all know that? The very brave Sherri Shepherd decided to leave The View on her own? She's facing her fears and going out into the unknown because she just knows that God (Jesus?) has something bigger and better out there for her (as her fans constantly tell her). Note she did something she almost never does - she included The View's Twitter account in on her reply, even though the fan's tweet did not. Obviously, Sherri wants TPTB at The View to know that fans are clamoring for her to stay on the show.
  5. @Cosmocrush, you're probably right about that. Her LinkedIn says she's a stylist for ABC. And, here's her IMDb
  6. I had to read his tweet two or three times, trying to figure out what he was talking about. And then I finally realized he meant "ad". I don't think occasional spelling mistakes are a big deal. We all do it from time to time, especially when just posting casually on a message board. I have certainly cringed when I've seen someone quote a post I made and I realize I had a brain blip and used the wrong form of a word for some reason. But when someone continually makes glaring spelling and grammatical mistakes, especially in a business environment, that's an issue. At least it is for me. To give some examples, there are people who ALWAYS confuse: woman/women than/then you're/your they're/their/there a lot (two words, not "alot") If my kid had that mastered by third grade, I don't understand why so many adults have problems with it.
  7. Thanks for looking that up, @Galloway Cave . I find it very hard to believe they grossed a total of $225,000 in two years. If they sold only 500 items, that's an average sales price of $450. So, yeah, they're full of crap once again.
  8. I haven't watched in years, but I remember when they used to mention her and have her on the show - Fran, the worst wardrobe stylist on all of TV. Is she still around?
  9. Land O'Lakes Unsalted Whipped Butter Breakstone's Reduced Fat Sour Cream Chobani Greek Yogurt (all flavors, plus the Flips) Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt Chunky Guacomole (made with Greek Yogurt) Hellman's/Best Foods Light Mayonnaise Grey Poupon Mustard Inglehoffer Stone Ground Mustard Hunt's 100% Natural No High Fructose Corn Syrup Ketchup Edy's/Dreyer's Ice Cream (Slow Churned) Skippy Chunky Peanut Butter Thomas' English Muffins Cascadian Farms Granola Barilla Pasta Trader Joe's Reduced Carb Whole Wheat Flour Tortillas Trader Joe's Frozen Vegetables: Grilled Eggplant & Zucchini Melange Country Potatoes w/Haricots Verts & Wild Mushrooms Cauliflower Romanesco Basilica Green So Bean Eggplant & Zucchini, Marinated & Grilled Spearean Risotto Mushroom Risotto Harvestland Chicken Burgers and Chicken Sausage Peet's Coffee Silk Unsweetened Almond/Coconut Milk Sensible Portions Garden Veggie Straws Garden of Eatin' Blue Corn Tortilla Chips Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips Wild Riceworks Sea Salt and Black Sesame Rice Crisps
  10. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they said it was a total of 500 sales. I can't remember if they said what the total sales revenue was though. Does anyone know?
  11. It's not surprising considering all the spelling and grammar issues on their website.
  12. Sherri's been tweeting about her last show, along with Instagram pics. I love the way she's still acting as if it was her decision to leave this show, (and huge paycheck), to move onto bigger and better things. That's such bullshit and everyone knows it. If anyone believes she would walk away from this steady paycheck, I have a bridge to sell them.
  13. Yep, that's what we did (second marriage for both, no kids). We announced it to our parents after we booked the trip and they all wanted to come, but we just wanted to be alone and not make a big deal out of it. We arrived on the island on Wednesday, met the wedding planner on Thursday, she took us into town to get the license, and that was it. All arrangements were taken care of for us, (photographer, flowers, minister), with some very minimal emails and phone calls in the month or so prior. This was about 15 years ago before "destination weddings" were so popular. We spent the next few days on the beach, and also jet skiing, scuba diving, and sailing. On Sunday, (the anniversary of the day we had met two years earlier), we were married on the beach at sunset after spending most of the day relaxing on the beach. Then we went to a very nice dinner and spent another week having a great vacation/honeymoon. Best decision I ever made! I'd recommend it for even first weddings because I really don't like big, fancy weddings (even though I allowed myself to be talked into one the first time, just one of many mistakes... ah, young and stupid). So, the dresses that Jenny showed today are ones she's actually considering? Or, was it just a dopey segment? And, really, does anyone even care about Jenny and her wedding, especially since she's leaving before it even takes place? Oh lawd, I am SO glad I don't watch this crapfest!!
  14. We're going to grill some Harvestland Florentine Chicken Burgers. I skip a roll and top it with some Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt Chunky Guacamole. Although, I just noticed a serving suggestion for the chicken burgers on Harvestland's website and I think I'll try that next time: "For a fabulous grilled panini, layer burger, roasted red pepper, goat cheese and balsamic vinegar between bread slices. Brush with olive oil and grill." I have some broccoli crowns that need to be cooked, along with some red, yellow, and orange peppers that also need to be used soon. So, I'm slicing up the peppers into strips and tossing them with the broccoli on a baking sheet with a little olive oil and garlic, and roasting them in the oven (my favorite way to cook veggies). Btw, I also recommend Harvestland's Chicken Sausage, especially the Italian with Peppers and Onions. Actually, the Creamy Feta Cheese and Spinach ones are great too. Okay, now I'm hungry...
  15. "It's so funny" that you mentioned that, @susieq147 because after not mentioning them for a while, I just saw this tweet yesterday (and note that the person didn't ask her how she lost the weight, but Sherri took the opportunity to plug Rocco and Kira):
  16. When she first wore them, I had to go watch a clip to check it out and then I posted a screen shot a couple pages back in this post. Here it is: http://i.imgur.com/m2k5PqM.png
  17. I don't want to think about their boob jobs, @Marigold, ha ha. Speaking of the twins, I set up topics for them and Amber. The bios on the Bravo website are interesting.
  18. LOL, @Dissy . I just edited my post to include a pic.
  19. Hey, you all are letting me down here. I have no idea who Emily Miller is, so I Googled and found this article about her guest co-host stint today. At the end of the article, there's a video clip, so I checked it out. Whoa, how did none of you mention Sherri's outfit today?! I was completely distracted by the white transparent top and the big (humongous) black bra. Ugh, it was even worse when she rested her elbows on the table and squeezed her boobs together. Speaking of Sherri, since I don't watch the show, just clips here and there, I have to say that she's gaining back the weight rather quickly. Sometimes it's more obvious when it's someone, (in real life or on TV), that you don't see every day, but just every so often. I noticed it the other day when I saw a photo of her in that "Sisters Pray" t-shirt, and again in the clip I just watched. She always gains it right back in her face, neck, boobs, and upper arms. Whoopi also seems larger in that clip. It does really suck having to fight that battle your whole life. ETA:
  20. That's true in those two areas of the state, but I also know many people in the northwest NJ area that seem to have neither of those accents. In fact, they don't seem to have much of an accent at all.
  21. Forgot to add a thank you to @Sarah D. Bunting for the "Ter-EH-sa, eh, eh, eh" line that I saw in her recap of episode one.
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