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Everything posted by LuckyBitch

  1. I think school wasn't an issue because this was supposed to just be a summer place. But, yes, I also thought from the beginning that there's no way they bought that cabin. It's just another fake "reality" show. Btw, I was looking around Tori's website recently and I found this post she did last September when she said that she and the kids were driving all the way back to LA from the cabin, (over 2,500 miles), with Patsy and a friend after spending three months there: picTORIal: Road Trippin’
  2. That "mama" thing is definitely weird and creepy! I don't even understand calling your daughters that. I can't even begin to figure that one out. But, it's always driven me crazy when he calls Tori "mama". I would die if my husband ever called me "mama". It's weird and just about the least sexy thing you could call your wife. Yeah, she might be a mother, and yes, that could be sexy (to a husband), but she is not your mother. The blue floor was just hideous. @GaT described the shade perfectly, "Superman blue". What's worse is that it was paired with that color on the walls (salmon?) and the horrible crappy old furniture that looks like something a 90 year old grandmother had put out on the curb for garbage. The entire re-do of the living room and dining room was just awful. Mismatched, tacky old crap, color clashes, old junk just thrown together. If this is really how Tori decorates, then she definitely had professionals do some of her homes that I saw on her old reality shows, although I think she claimed to do them herself. Yuck: More here: GAC: Tori and Dean: Cabin Fever Photo Gallery Nothing about that place says nice cottage/cabin by the lake. Oh, Sarah Richardson, too bad you couldn't have helped Tori out. The kitchen might have been better, but they carried the blue floor into there. Also, putting that fugly bookcase under the overhang on the island was a dumb move. With four kids, I would think four bar stools (or room for a highchair or two) would have been a lot more useful. Has no one mentioned Tori's very, very bad acting in her narration bits? Ugh, she's terrible. I was so bored and disgusted by the first episode that I didn't even bother to watch the second one. I'm saving it for some time when I have insomnia.
  3. @fgoldberg, I'm a bit confused. In May, you posted that you are a relative of Sherri's in LA, but today you're saying that you're part of Sherri's Mocha Moms group in NJ.
  4. I'm a little concerned that I completely understood what was being said before @springtime clarified it for us. As far as Sal, yeah, he might be a lazy loser, but Sherri picked him! I have no sympathy at all for her. What did she do before Sal? Her son is her responsibility, not his. Yes, it would have been nice if Sal stepped up and helped out, especially since he didn't have a job, but like I said, Sherri picked this loser! Oh, and think about it - Sheri complains that Sal had no job, was lazy, and did nothing at all for Jeffrey....but she went to enormous lengths to first get pregnant by him and then to use a surrogate. By the time they did all of that, she knew exactly who and what Sal was, yet she still decided to create a baby with him! Again, no effing sympathy from me. She is the type of ignoramus who will constantly and forever f-ck up her own life. She will never learn no matter how old she is or what she goes through. @fgoldberg, does Sherri know you post here? Does she read here?
  5. On Wednesday's episode of Watch What Happens Live on Bravo, Andy Cohen made Elisabeth Hasselbeck his "Jackhole of the Day":
  6. Good point, @FozzyBear . Who knows if these two losers set up proper college funds for their kids, or if they thought their own lavish lifestyle was more important. If they set up 529 plans, there is some protection in bankruptcy, but it depends on the timing of it. You can't stick your money in college funds to save it from your bankruptcy estate. But, I think if the contributions were made two years before the filing of the bankruptcy, there is an exemption and you can keep the college funds out of the estate: http://people.opposingviews.com/college-529-plan-bankruptcy-7390.html http://www.bankruptcylawnetwork.com/section-529-plans-in-bankruptcy/ http://www.thebankruptcysite.org/resources/bankruptcy/filing-bankruptcy/how-does-filing-personal-bankruptcy-affect-my-children They all have good information, but from that last link, this summary:
  7. Interesting article @zoeysmom . A couple of points: Unbelievable! With all the money these two have made, and swindled, over the last five years, they have no money put away for college? What great parents. Sorry kids, no money for school, mom needs her tacky, glitzy dresses and shoes and that god awful gaudy house. Um, you delusional, selfish, entitled bitch, if there is any justice in this world something called federal prison will stop you.
  8. I haven't yet watched episodes 3 and 4 which aired tonight, but here's the info: Tori and Dean: Cabin Fever Episode DTDA-103TH Tori and Dean: Cabin Fever Episode DTDA-104TH From Tori's website: The final two episodes air next Friday night...and then what reality show will Tori have next?
  9. CNN’s S.E. Cupp being considered for ‘The View’ co-host job after ouster of Jenny McCarthy, Sherri Shepherd
  10. Still posting "selfies" (sheesh, grow up already!): Here's the Instagram pic:
  11. Dump Truck filmed another season of Celebrity Apprentice this spring with a bunch of reality show losers. It's supposedly going to air in the fall. So, I predict that once it has a premiere date, he'll get his ass booked on The View to promote it and he'll deliberately stir up crap with Rosie just to get lots of press, get picked up on all the entertainment news shows, and get lots of publicity for the season premiere.
  12. I'm bringing this quote over for the Media thread since Elisabitch's ridiculous tweet/Intstagram post is being discussed in this thread: OMFG, my blood is boiling after reading that. Gawd, do I hate that bitch! Who writes up something like that and posts it on Twitter? What an a-hole. And, she had to look up Rosie's quote from seven years ago! Unbelievable!! It just proves what we've been saying - Elisabitch is thrilled that Rosie is back and she's looking forward to commenting about Rosie all the time on her idiotic Fox & Friends show. Damn it, I hate that EH has any type of platform these days and that Rosie is once again making her relevant. Too bad she isn't sitting home unemployed and fuming that Rosie was re-hired. Bitch.
  13. Sorry about that @Athena . Reading one post made me share one of my stories from the old place. I'll be more careful. Thanks for being a firm, but gentle and fair, mod!
  14. Yikes, do I feel like an idiot. For some reason, this thread wasn't showing me that there were unread posts in it last night when I posted in some other threads the news about Rosie being confirmed. So sorry about that , and everyone! Duh, I was wondering last night why the news had been out for several hours but no one had posted it here. As much as I love the various threads and topics here, it's sometimes hard to keep it all straight and know where something ls being posted. @RogerFromOhio, sorry that I also didn't see your post when I made a similar comment last night in one of the other threads (don't ask me which one, though; I have no idea, lol). In the past, some of the Fox shows have highlighted things said on The View, usually something Joy said. So, I think once Rosie is on there, they'll be watching for something she says that they can bring up on Fox & Friends and have EH attack. As I said in my other post last night, once again Rosie will be making EH relevant. Sigh. I would like about ten "like" votes for this comment!
  15. Speaking of Dump Truck (TM Rosie), we know he's just dying to be invited back on the show next season so he can make headlines: Rosie O’Donnell’s return to ‘The View’ has Donald Trump gearing up for another on-air face-off
  16. Good article, @Dissy . I like Rosie's replies. Prediction: next season with Rosie on The View, the people at Fox will definitely being paying attention and watching for anything the slightest bit controversial that Rosie says. They'll discuss it the next morning on Fox & Friends and give EH the platform to attack it and spew her inane garbage. Which makes me think that EH isn't as angry about Rosie's return to The View as I originally thought. In fact, this might even give them a reason to keep her there now. Yet again, Rosie makes EH relevant. Ugh.
  17. LOL, I forgot all about that. Earlier tonight, after reading all the comments about them, I went to The View's website to watch a clip and check out Whoopi's outfit. But, then I got distracted when I scrolled down and saw the news about Rosie. So, I just suffered through a silly video clip and got a screenshot:
  18. I once received a snippy warning because I mentioned that I was watching it on my DVR and typed up what they said, quoting them because it was something good that I just had to share with exact quotes. Plus, it was something that I had seen other posters do before and I appreciated it. The warning told me that posting a transcript as I watched it on my DVR was like live-blogging it as it aired (WTH?) and that if I wanted to do that I could get my own blog for that. Idiots. To think how bummed I was when they announced they were shutting down, but, wow, I love it here at PTV.
  19. I somehow missed this post. Joy came up in the All Episodes thread and i just asked what she said and where, but then I Googled and found this: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/joy-behar-slams-elisabeth-hasselbeck-for-rosie-odonnell-view-comments-2014107 But, the NY Daily News article is better, (with video!), so thanks for posting it, @Mumbles .
  20. I think four co-hosts is more than enough. The next two will probably be a conservative and a Latina.
  21. FFS, Sherri needs to keep her private life private. She really is an idiot. Also, why did she get a weave when she needs to push her line of wigs? That hair is too long and doesn't do anything for her. But, I have a feeling that as a newly single woman she thinks she needs long hair to attract the next huzzbin.
  22. I missed it. What did Joy say EH's rant and where did she say it? * ETA: Never mind, I Googled it and found an article about what Joy said. I'm going to post it in the Former co-hosts thread. I will never understand this show. Why didn't they announce it on today's show rather than posting it on their website around 3 pm ET on a Thursday?? Oh, wait...I guess it would have been awkward with the two fired twits sitting there. Well, that's just another reason why they should have been off the air once they were let go.
  23. I was just at The View's website to get a look at Whoopi's pantaloons that everyone was talking about today and I saw THIS: http://abc.go.com/shows/the-view/news/view-news/rosie-odonnell-returns-to-the-view ETA: The View's homepage says it was posted hours ago: http://abc.go.com/shows/the-view
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