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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. "Al and Riley get the sense that Art might be lonely and missing his late wife so they play matchmaker for him"
  2. Yeah, Vanessa's characterization was kind of all over the map. Was she dim or very, very smart? They kept hinting and joking that she drank too much, but didn't do anything serious with it. As for Kristen, I liked the idea that she was the next CEO, but I think it would have been better if they had started that earlier in the season, or in the previous season And pretty much dropping Boyd because the writers couldn't think of new stuff to do with him instead of rehashing his parents' history just showed the writers had run out of ideas. Shows need to know when it's time to quit and too many don't figure it out until a season or two too late. Tim Allen just couldn't face ending the show and hung on too long (I'm not sure how much say he had, but comments in an interview or two suggested he had some say). I dislike when fans think a show should be canceled because they don't like changes, but when a show is running on fumes, and this show was, it's a mercy killing
  3. The real question will be whether the scandal will affect her other projects. Her talk show has taken a major hit in the ratings; it may be different with talk shows vs just producing projects and not showing up on camera (perhaps relatability is expected with talk shows but not other things?). Another question will be how many people will want her to be their boss in the future.
  4. Another June program to check out: Tell My Story, Jun 21, about teen suicide
  5. I think I liked the finale better than the previous episode; I guess I just found it funnier overall. The post-analysis of a date like it was a post-game news conference was pretty inspired. The fight over identical outfits worn by overweight women, the genie sketch, and the debate sketch were pretty good I continue to cringe at the liberal use of the N word
  6. It appears Monday will be a repeat, which makes sense since it’s a holiday. So we have to wait until Tuesday. Man, how many hours had Peter or whatever body been lying at the bottom of the stairwell?
  7. Friday’s episode was somewhat melodramatic (that Dock gunfight at close quarters was ridiculous), especially Maxie and the nutty nurse in the woods, but this week has been very entertaining (I’m ignoring Nixon Falls) and stakes have been upped finally. It looks like the storylines on Peter and Cyrus are finally moving along in holding them accountable or killing them off
  8. The opioid crisis and scandal has certainly made it harder for people in serious pain to get the relief they need. Just one of many fallouts from this scandal
  9. I still have to watch this, but I remember being thrilled when Oxy was introduced and how much of a miracle it seemed to be for those folks with hard to fix pain, but for some reason, when it had its downfall, I took a really long time understanding that it wasn't the miracle it was purported to be and was really bad stuff. I guess I got wrapped up in the relentless pharma promotion of it all and just didn't pay enough attention to the problems until recently
  10. If I'm reading it right, they won't be ready with 8 episodes in the Fall, but they can manage 5 and those will be the "event" stuff. Then it sounds like there will be a bit of a break with the episodes to allow production to catch up
  11. Cher & the Loneliest Elephant shown on May 19. By God, the best thing ever. Social animals should not be left to live by themselves
  12. I haven't seen this in full yet, but the excerpts they released from Harry were pretty profound. Even rich people and other celebrities suffer from mental health issues; we are really all the same under the surface
  13. I found this entertaining. I am not a strong cook so I'm definitely not in the same league as the contestants. What I found very interesting was the sifting through the clues, most especially the pieces that were there to throw them off.
  14. I actually don’t mind Chris and Street together, it was the indecisiveness by both that bugged me If I were Hondo, I would seriously be considering if I wanted to work for an organization that chose to turn the screws on him rather than firing him outright, even after helping to avoid bloodshed and a race war
  15. Enjoyable finale, with good plot and character moments. Poor Hondo, not fired but removed as SWAT leader. I think I missed the specific dialogue but it sounded like the union bailed on supporting him
  16. Didn’t care about any of the contestants this year, so this season was a bust for me.
  17. You know, I really liked yesterday's (Tuesday) episode because it looked like we are finally turning things up on Peter stuff (I ff'd through Nixon Falls though) and it felt like a tense episode. I'm not sure why the writers kept Maxie's circle small with her attempted getaway. She should have involved Robert, Mac, Spinelli and any other ally (though I can see why she didn't trust Anna), instead of the harebrained scheme with Brooklyn
  18. Great programming note: For those who get WETA, the PBS station in DC, they will be replaying the 6-part landmark civil rights doc series Eyes on the Prize June 19 and 26, 8-11pm. They will then play the 8-part followup Eyes on the Prize II in July. So check your local listings if you don't get WETA to see if your PBS station will play it over the Summer
  19. Why did Black Lightning get canceled after only 4 seasons? Was it ratings (which isn't a big factor with the CW) or something else?
  20. Most interesting PBS content coming up in June (check your local listings for specific dates and times): Masterpiece: Us - Sundays, June 20-27, 9-11pm, 4 episodes The Mysteries of Mental Illness - 4 parts, June 22 and 23, 9-11pm
  21. It’s not quite obvious, but the first is a 13th Doctor adventure. Both seem to be geared at younger readers. Both are available on Amazon US and UK, in paperback and Kindle
  22. Season finale August 12 http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news/2021/05/24/catch-the-cw-season-finales-93410/20210524cw02/
  23. Season finale July 20 http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news/2021/05/24/catch-the-cw-season-finales-93410/20210524cw02/
  24. Renewed for a 3rd season http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news/2021/05/24/hbo-renews-a-black-lady-sketch-show-for-a-third-season-252511/20210524hbo02/
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