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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. I can see expanded information being put in different places other than the TV show, but it seems to me that important plot information should be in the TV show Good episode overall. It feels like there's a heck of a lot of world building that we're not getting within the confines of the TV show. As others have said, the world building is very intriguing and I want to know more, especially about the history. At the same time, the actual show is coming off a little too much like teenage angst, though obviously Freeform is aimed at late teens/young adults (maybe skewing towards women at times). As an older adult, I don't entirely like the mixture
  2. The show filmed at Sully Beach a few days ago and someone managed to snap a couple of very interesting pictures (ETA: There are actually 4 pictures in the article below): https://penarth.nub.news/n/tardis-lands-on-sully-beach-for-doctor-who-filming Note the costumes (especially for the Doctor), the boats and what the Tardis is sitting amongst. The assumption among fans at the moment is that it looks like it could be a pirate episode, possibly even Chinese/East Asian pirates
  3. Two things: The soccer lady just beat everyone down and won. Also, the last joust round, it seemed surprisingly easy for the 2nd contestant, like the jouster didn't even touch him
  4. Isn't it still "supporting the patriarchy" to be domestic partners because you still have to file paperwork (in New York State at least) with the state or local jurisdiction and you have at least some of the benefits of marriage? (Yes, I looked it up). Molly and TJ would have been more true to their (or Molly's) anti-patriarchal beliefs if they had just lived together or Molly had just foresworn men altogether and shacked up with a woman
  5. Definitely a good mix of sweetness, humor and pathos
  6. I do wonder if they are only going to do desserts and if doing a particular non-dessert meal is even possible while not giving it all away
  7. This was really good overall, but it was more than just the initial shutdown. It also included athletes realizing that they had a lot to say about social issues and pushing to be allowed to say it, as well as returning to playing
  8. The show just won a 2021 Peabody Award https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/2021-peabody-awards-winners-list-1234971284/
  9. It cracks me up that Stephen won't say Trump's actual name and they mask it when they show some print (or use an alternative)
  10. Most interesting PBS content coming up in July (check your local listings): The Latino Experience, 3 episodes, Tuesdays at 9pm starting July 6 Icon: Music Through the Lens (about live music photography), 6 episodes, Fridays at 9pm starting July 16
  11. Not knowing any spoilers, I went into this thinking this episode was a continuation from last week and stuff with Edge and got totally charmed by Superman’s origin story and Clark and Lois’s relationship and marriage even though I’ve seen pieces before in the movies and previous series. Bitsie and Tyler continue to have great chemistry. Edge is clearly bad and his dad is even badder and a real piece of work So was Lois calling Jon Henry or John Diggle?
  12. I’m not fully clear why the gang couldn’t just decide not to learn the monster’s name after getting their memories back. Or would they have known the monster’s name from previous attempts?
  13. I was one of those and it was on my mind as one of several examples when I made the comment, but like you, I understand the reasons they did it. I’m not sure I understand the reason here
  14. When did Constantine tell his girlfriend he had lost his magic? So is this the “clean” version of Sara or the one mixed with monster? I'm glad Sara is finally reunited with the team. It can suck having a cast member stuck and isolated away from the others for several episodes
  15. The surfer woman surfed that board really well. Double Dutch Courage on Fire is just a bad idea, like their previous Fire Dragon hole
  16. I finally finished this tonight. I thought it was pretty good overall as a multi-episode biopic, but as said by others it still managed to overlook some things in Aretha’s career, including not doing a performance of Respect and not showing her petty feuds with other performers. However it didn’t completely whitewash her as, among other things, it showed her screwing her sisters out of songs and ditching some scheduled performances. One thing I had a major issue with was that, as I said earlier, it felt like Erivo was sleepwalking through many of the episodes, though I thought she came alive during the performances. I was impressed by the actors playing young Aretha and Aretha’s dad, plus the musical performances were pretty good Some things to note in the last episode that I thought were odd: Whatever they were doing to make Erivo look heavier just made her look odd The inclusion of the “Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves” video of the actual Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox while Erivo as Franklin was singing in the studio just seemed odd to me, like they ran out of time and patience to recreate a music video. I think they did the same thing with the video for “Freeway of Love”. It just felt lazy Also to note, ratings for Season 3 were more on par with Season 1 than 2, so it appears that doing a season on Aretha was a shrewd move for the producers, but it may also mean they won’t be doing someone like Mary Shelly anytime soon
  17. Interesting finale with Chad accidentally making it look like he was a victim of a hate crime and getting a lot of positive attention for it. He gets elected class president and that girl who was running definitely wants to kill him. She will likely be his nemesis in Season 2. At least he finally got a lot of positive attention for once. I also appreciate that his sister, who at first wanted tonignore him, gave him good advice about keeping friends
  18. Isn't it also a problem that Rita is Brooke's sponsor and best friend? It seems like there's a conflict in being both and Rita needs to just be her friend and have someone else be her sponsor
  19. Good emotional scenes in Chase’s storyline today and I’m glad the writers finally got his parents on set and into scenes after being absent a few episodes. It is too bad Michael and Willow made eyes at each other throughout
  20. I enjoyed the episode, it was funny, sweet and a little sad. I too can’t help but think Vanessa may end up dropping her boyfriend in the not too distant future. He’s sweet but dim
  21. You aren’t weird. While they were out of the studio, I missed the audience and I’m glad they are back in the studio with an audience, even though I will miss the intimacy of the non-audience broom closet, Evie’s giggling, and long Zoom interviews with guests. They are different things and each has its own energy. I greatly enjoyed getting back with an audience because it feels like a renewal of sorts given how things have gone this past year and it feels so good. That will probably wear off over time but for now, I’m really enjoying the heightened energy
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