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Everything posted by cpcathy

  1. I LOVE the Oscars! Over the years I have fell out of love with the Emmys (Modern Family, five years in a row, really?) but the Oscars are still my special friend. I'm thinking of tuning out, I don't hate NPH, I'm just in a mode where I can't take him anymore. I was hoping for someone more original.
  2. I may be cold hearted, and getting more so each passing day, but I think Katie was trumping up her "dead father sadness," or it was producer-driven. Bringing it up at the judge's table while they were tasting her food, I just rolled my eyes. And a part of me thinks that one of the reasons Ron went home was that he is not as "camera ready" as Keriann is.
  3. this is the funniest thing I have heard all day! DOTD skull tattoos really were wonderful, even though I don't care for skulls. The peacock--horrible. Jason's tattoo--I am learning the lingo from this show because I instantly said "unreadable." How come Jason is fine one week and super stressed out the next? Josh really is smarter than most of these people, sometimes you must finesse the situation, instead of barreling through and being an ass like Emily. And man, Don is fine!
  4. I know Boss Baby is not a favorite with everyone, but it was the hardest SNL has made me laugh in a long time.
  5. SNL tweeted there will be an extended Prince medley.
  6. Isn't that a regional pronunciation? My hubby and I instantly checked which way we say "pecan." He said "pecon" and I said "pecan." But yeah, what a bitch that waitress is.
  7. I didn't love it, didn't hate it. It still seems something is missing and I can't figure out what. Even my husband asked me "What do you think the problem is?" I liked the Carrey Reunion, I liked the dance sketch (even though it sort of borrowed from when Carrey did the Black Swan sketch on his last show). Loved Drunk Uncle as usual, and the Lincoln commercials were funny. I wish the Mike O'Brien Kids film hadn't been cut (just like I wish Gossipy Coal Miner was not cut on the Bill Hader Show). And yay, Colin Jost is getting more comfortable....but just a little.
  8. Yeah, either the total cluelessness was a total setup or these two didn't have a brain between them. And then we find out that the two litterboxes are in a closet of some sort and are are right next to each other. Jackson is always saying you need more than one litterbox each, and it's always been my belief that they need to be in separate parts of your home.
  9. I always thought he was saying "Sipowicz, Sipowicz." And no, I don't think the Jimi Hendrix song is "Excuse me While I Touch This Guy."
  10. Bummer. I hope Kini becomes super famous, I would buy his clothes in a heartbeat.
  11. I think having a stone at a grave is a convenience for TV and movies, I saw a show where there was a stone at the actual burial, and I don't think that would be accurate, but for TV I suppose they put one there since it's easier than being accurate and saying the stone isn't ready yet.
  12. I thought her appearance in the charity filmed sketch was funny, but I'm wondering if she only has one speed.
  13. Just saw a bit of an episode with a woman who was marrying a NY Yankee, and she brought Yankee wives to her appointment! Gross! They turned their noses up at her dress choices, and Randy says something like, "the bride has to wear a blinged out dress because all the Yankee wives are wearing blinged out dresses to her wedding!" Ugh. What a sad, horrible life this woman is going to lead. I wonder if her fiance is even still a Yankee.
  14. Speaking of Tori Amos, China and 1000 Oceans. Listen at your own risk.
  15. No, not my little Kini! I was okay with his looks until my husband pointed out how they seemed to need more sex appeal, and then I looked closer. I don't think it's a huge overhaul, I think he needs to tweak a few elements and he'll be okay. However, I do think the winner will be Amanda. She can't come this far, after two seasons, and not win, even though I'm only meh on her outfits. She's got that redemption edit everyone seems to love so much. Plus she's coming off much nicer than last time.
  16. Since I am a huge fan, I know that Coldplay did four songs, the last one got cut off by the credits.
  17. The two song rule has been broken only a small handful of times. I'm not sure Prince will get that treatment.
  18. I thought maybe it was too cerebral for a film, as well.
  19. I like Sweeney Todd a lot, but then I realize it's because of the music, not because it's an exemplary film. Johnny Depp was also really good, and I'm not normally a fan of his. Speaking of Sondheim, where is a film production of Sunday in the Park with George? No love for this one?
  20. I probably was watching the same airing of Fast Times that you were, and none of that made me angry (OK, maybe Phoebe Cates' character acting like such a bitch). It just seemed really honest to me, more honest than other teen high school films. Jennifer's character was searching for something, she thought she would find it in sex, and yeah, it was a huge mistake. I know similar situations in my junior high, I'm sure some kids ruined their lives by sleeping around so much.
  21. OK, so anything by Patsy Cline is sad and makes me cry. I can't even narrow it down to one. There are are few songs by Barry Manilow (don't judge!) that get to me, my late mother and I used to listen to his greatest hits on eight track.
  22. Can he sing songs from Purple Rain and not his new stuff? Just kidding. I do love Purple Rain.
  23. Yeah, he needs to stop doing that. The show needs to be its own entity, not just bits of standup strung together and barely fleshed out.
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