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Janet Snakehole

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Everything posted by Janet Snakehole

  1. Yeah, I can't hate Rob. Kris obviously has no idea what to do with him to make him famous, so I think he is kind of useless in her eyes. He is an adult and could move out on his own, but I think he is depressed so that is easier said than done.
  2. http://m.hbo.com/documentaries/going-clear/ Anyone else as excited as I am for this? Scientology fascinates me.
  3. Yeah, putting on makeup for me is more of soothing fun hobby, so I would probably go nuts and take everything from Sephora if I survived the apocalypse. I can totally see needing to feel normal and do things like hair/makeup/shower if everything else is taken from you. One thing I really like is that so far Carol is not really jealous of Melissa, and is just kind of annoyed with Phil whenever he expresses interest in her. Contrast that with Phil who is acting very stereotypically catty and jealous towards Todd. I hope he is not lying and this show is just playing with typical relationship tropes.
  4. I am wondering if that is the reason this episode was so boring, the whole Ashanti having been 17 for most of the relationship. Maybe Chitara just kind of shut down because she felt creeped out by it, so there was not as much to go on post reveal. It all grosses me out a bit, as someone closer in age to Chitara. I would say maybe the show runners also stepped back a bit to be more responsible, but after the debacle of Courtney and Isaak I don't think they are that sensible. I have been hoping for an older catfish too, but maybe this episode is making me reconsider, because it has the potential to get very creepy very fast; and I don't think that Nev (who seems to usually want to shove the catfish into more of a sympathetic role than they have any right to be in) really has the capability of handling that situation.
  5. Thank god Max is back next week. It is crazy how much this show relies on the chemistry of the hosts.
  6. Yup, this pretty much sums up how I feel about it all. I have nothing against dark humor, I love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for example. But they kind of straddled the line with the reverend, instead of going all the way dark the SNL skit of a trial just made things not add up at all. Also, I got the impression that the Mole Women were at least forced to do stuff together by the reverend, especially because it was Donna Maria who said the making out thing. If she was pretending to not know English why would she go along with their weird scenarios, like Kimmy and Cindy and the date thing?And I think being forced to do stuff with the other women would be traumatic even if the reverend did not do anything himself.
  7. One thing that bothers me is that the people whose profiles are being looked at are listed as being 18 and 19. The woman and the man swiping left look.....significantly older. I guess 18/19 year olds are adults, but it still weirds me out. And the guy saying hash tag at the end is annoying.
  8. GoT is another for me, mostly because I picture one of the head writers being a 13 year old boy demanding "MOAR BEWBS" in each episode.
  9. I think we were supposed to think she was deep though. I got the feeling the show really wanted us to identify with Carrie and aspire to be like her. Weird, because the one moment I found her most relatable and likeable was when she was upset about Big and Natasha's wedding announcement in the Times; and she said something like she was just a sex writer in a column next to dildo ads.
  10. I get the feeling that Marcus was just perfectly happy keeping the relationship confined to gifts he didn't have to reciprocate, dirty pictures, and texting. I wouldn't be surprised if he has similar relationships with other girls, not just Daisy. I didn't really like Daisy, and thought she was kind of needy/dumb about the whole thing, but if the whole story with her mom was true, I can see why she would have been taken by all of this. Her sister seemed cool. I almost was not surprised that it was him, mostly because Nev was so down on the idea of it being him and even guessed girl. I thought the episode was kind of a letdown, and Tyler was just kind of there as a co host. Nothing too big to snark on, but he also wasn't very entertaining. My question is, will we ever have a catfish who is older? This ep kind of teased the idea by guessing it may be Marcus's mom, but I get the feeling that a significantly older catfish happens a lot more than you see on this show.
  11. Nothing makes me want to go out and chainsmoke a pack of cigarettes more than truth commercials. And I say that as someone that has never been a smoker.
  12. Eh, I actually hate Jon Hamm as the reverend. I do think he is hilarious, but they made the character so goofy and cartoonish so for me it kind of takes away from the whole horror of what happened to Kimmy. Which I think makes the show less darkly funny, and that was kind of a huge draw of the show for me, this sunshiney cute funny show that was all because of an escape from a really terrible thing. I like the beginning of the season better when things were referenced like her scream lines, and I didn't really have any idea what caused it. Now I picture absurd Jon Hamm being the reason for it all, and not to say being kidnapped and held captive for 15 years isn't bad enough, but he just does not seem that horror inducing. I wish they did not show the character yet and just teased her past for longer. Titus and the library was the best part of the episode. I loved his expressions while watching the trial.
  13. This was an off episode, but Titus singing Firework at the end kind made up for a lot. I also enjoyed Kymmi's love of the Olive Garden.
  14. Fart jokes are not funny to me like 97 percent of the time. Same with poop jokes.
  15. Not going to lie, I laughed because I have done that to my cats once or twice.
  16. I pretty much want to like all of these comments. Hard to choose favorite moments from this show! An early ep I loved was the prom one, I love how into the high school gossip Charlie got. And how pissed Mac was that he didn't get invited to prom.
  17. I am trying to work up myself to watch Dear Zachary. I hear it is good but depressing as hell. On the lighter side, I just watched Burt's Buzz and Beer Wars. Beer Wars is a couple of years old, but I really enjoyed it. Sam Caglione of Dogfishhead was really entertaining to me, he is kind of like a genius surfer dude. It was cool to see him be really supportive of other craft breweries. I also liked how they showed Rhonda who used to work for Boston Brewing and tried to start her own company; and how difficult it was for her. It was also interesting to see how prohibition impacted the industry and basically made it so that Coors, Miller, and Budweiser own the majority of the market. Burt's Buzz was basically a character study of the founder and face of Burt's Bees. He is pretty weird guy but very likeable. I went from cracking up at seeing him interact with his fans to getting a bit choked up when he talked about his beloved dead dog. He is kind of like a real life Ron Swanson, and apparently had a decent photography career. It is also kind of about the history of the company. I thought it might be boring at first, but it is worth a watch.
  18. I don't fault people for liking what they like either, everyone has preferences and very few people are ok with dating someone they are not attracted to. Most people are shallow on some level. And if someone is lying about what they look like, then I definitely don't fault the other person for being mad. I just thought Harold was an idiot for having a dopey grin about being ok with Armani lying and actually being Babay. I don't think it makes him asshole of the universe or anything to be more attracted to her picture rather than Tamila's; I just think it makes him supremely stupid to be like well, a huge lie is more ok if it is within his specific preferences. And this goes for all the catfish victims who end up being open to dating the catfish or whatever, I don't get being ok with that huge of a lie.
  19. Pretty obvious that it was Tamila. She was very unlikeable. Harold wasn't much better, I think he would have been more receptive if Armani were really Babay; even if Nev and Angel tried to push that it was really just the lying. I have to give them props though, for making Armani a janitor. At least it wasn't the typical model or music producer lie! I did like Angel a lot, she was probably my favorite guest host so far. Some of her reaction faces were hilarious.
  20. Pretty much anything that gets touted as being very violent or gory. Like Walking Dead, Hannibal, serial killer shows. Call me a pearl clutcher if you'd like, but I just have zero desire to want to throw up or feel a lot of anxiety while watching tv.
  21. I finally got a chance to watch this. I really was not a fan of April and Andy having kids. I love Andy, but he is just such a man child that I can't picture him being a responsible parent, and realistically April will end up picking up a lot of the slack while apparently being the one to have a career. And the fact that she had to be convinced, it just hit close to home with a lot of friends I have where the mom ends up doing all the work. Plus, I just in general I just miss the two of them being a couple of idiots who eat chilli out of frisbees and hate having responsibility. I loved everything else. I loved that they showed what happened to minor characters like Shauna, Jean Ralphio, and Typhoon. The scene with Ron in the national park was the most touching. I am still going back and forth between Leslie or Ben being president.
  22. You know, I always thought Kanye was super talented and was entertained by his over the top ness; and even though I thought he was a jerk for interrupting Taylor, I felt for him because he lost his mom around then and seemed to be going through a genuinely rough time. Then the last couple of weeks happened. Nothing will convince me that he is not weirdly obsessed with Beyonce, whether sexually or because she is Jay's wife and he wants to be in with them. He is not the arbiter of what is the best music, he is certainly entitled to his opinion but taking away from someone's moment is inexcusable. Beck handled it well, but Kanye needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. Now this disgusting interview about Amber Rose and that Kylie mention, he is just too much for me. Saying that he needed to shower 30 times after being with Amber before being with Kim of all people? I get that Amber is feuding with Khloe or whatever and the Kardashians are family now, but there is zero need to go off on her in that way. And the Kylie thing....ugh. I feel bad for her weirdly, she has no normal adults in her corner. Tyga may be 25 to her 17, but saying he got in early and is smart. Ew. Sounds like promoting grooming her to be the next Kim. Bye Kanye.
  23. I am not a huge Diane fan. Mostly she is just kind of there for me when she is on, but I actively disliked her in the episode with Tammy. I hated that she saw Leslie as a threat when she was trying very hard to get to know her and while Ron's ex wife was literally flashing him.
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