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Janet Snakehole

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Everything posted by Janet Snakehole

  1. I'm sorry, and I don't mean to make fun of the picture hanging convo, but I hope the producers of this show read this forum so they can see how boring these couples are getting. To the point that we are discussing picture hanging!
  2. How is the Jem movie even about Jem? They should have used a new name, this will not appeal to people who watched it as kids. Also, where are the Misfits?
  3. I am sure that if the list was brought up last week, some choice words Jessica may have originally missed may have been brought up by Ryan.
  4. The tape bugged the shit out of me too. Not a Davina fan either, but that was so manipulative. I understand that this was a pattern for Davina, but it felt like Dr. C was grasping onto a straw to convince them to stay together. I may be alone on this, but I did not like Jessica requesting selfish being on the bad word list. Stupid, sure, but I don't think it is verbally abusive to point out selfish behavior. Agree with everyone that this episode was boring.
  5. To be fair, they are famous and have whatever money they do because they procreated and have dramatic lives. I feel like an asshole for saying this, but I think they do live their lives looking for continued story lines.
  6. Chris Pratt is my favorite Marvel Chris, but Hemsworth is a pretty close second.
  7. Captain America, the Winter Solider. I liked Black Widow in it, and thought Sam was fun, but I just thought it was kind of boring overall. I am not a huge Steve fan, and saw like a LOT of fawning over Bucky before the movie. I just didn't get it. Also, for all the hype that Marvel movies get for being fun compared to dark DC movies, TWS was pretty bleak.
  8. I didn't see any big conflict with the paying for groceries thing, personally. It seemed to be coming from a wanting to do a nice thing for the other person place rather than an undermining place. I still have the most hope for these two. While Ryan does need to grow up a bit about the being homesick thing, I take that more as him just reaching his limit with cameras, questions, and, yes, even Jaclyn. But that is probably just him needing a tiny bit of space. It was inappropriate to bring it up in front of the family. But I am a huge introvert and can see just hitting a wall in this process and possibly blurting out the wrong thing, which I think is what happened to Ryan. Jaclyn kind of gets it, but was over analyzing it and taking it too much to heart. I think if she also had time to process she would figure it out. Still gotta give credit to those experts for matching people who live far apart and one being somewhat of a parent figure. Anyone who signs up for the next season after seeing their super matchmaker skills is in for a world of hurt.
  9. I think Ryan and Jessica both enjoy getting under each others' skin, and play up the bad parts of their communication styles with each other.
  10. Dr. Pepper is the worst. By saying Ryan and Jessica would be "sexy", did that mean they were paired based on looks? That fight made me cringe.
  11. I think Maci sees herself as the hot one and the most together/moral one. Farrah having been in porn threatens her being the hot one and Maci supposedly being the together moral good girl gives her an excuse to look down on Farrah.
  12. From the Jaclyn/Ryan thread. I think Sean was bullied, but I am not sure about the extent of it. And I am not trying to downplay serious bullying, but I have to wonder why bullying stands out as a special reason to pair these two. Don't most people get bullied to some extent during the childhood/teenage years?
  13. I don't really get Maci's argument about Farrah drawing in unsavory viewers. First of all, I would guess that most people watched Farrah's porn to laugh at her. She is a fairly attractive girl (well, before all the surgery) but I think a lot of people more watched it because of her notoriety. Second, a lot of people watch porn. People who are good parents, safe sex practicers, people who don't break laws. If they watch Teen Mom, so what? Third, the whole hypocrisy of the moral sex issue when she is pregnant again. Finally, if she thinks porn is exploitative (and I tend to agree but think she is being an idiot), does she not realize how much she is exploiting her son? Showing him on tv for practically his whole life with no real consent since he is a kid. Creating so many stories that are accessible for future teachers, fellow students, whoever to google. She and the rest of them are basically giving up the potential for their kids to have normal lives so they can be famous and have money.
  14. He may go with friends and watch them gamble and get free drinks at the table. I have done that a few times. Or what Bella said!
  15. Yikes, what an overreaction. As an animal lover, I believe you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat pets.
  16. I probably have more deal breakers than Davina! 1. Similar politics/spiritual beliefs 2. Must be ok with no kids in the future 3. Do not drool over other women in front of me/treat women as just sex objects 4. Not overly neat/fussy 5. Must like cats I am engaged and got pretty much all of this, and actually ended up giving up some things that I initially was convinced were deal breakers, like needing to have a college education. I think everyone has their lines but when it comes down to it, some can be crossed with the right person.
  17. I like it when reality shows break the fourth wall. It at least acknowledges that the show is not actually reality.
  18. They both suck and being together brings out the suckiness in their personalities even more. The experts suck even more for thinking a passive aggressive doormat and immature abrasive guy would make a good couple.
  19. This definitely happened, as did the $30 comment. I think your theory of needing 15 minutes in Manhattan is right. I don't live in a city, let alone Manhattan, but I have heard others say that once they have kids, they want to move to the suburbs. I still don't like Davina a whole lot, but this does show to me that she is able to compromise a bit.Speaking of kids, I kind of felt bad for nice Ryan (I forget the last initials, so he will henceforth be known to me as nice Ryan) when Jaclyn was setting a timeline for kids. I get that for women it is different, and there is a bit of a deadline, but Jaclyn needs to realize that they are not a normal couple. Ryan is right that they need time to grow as a couple. I also thought it was a bit inappropriate to be having that discussion in front of all of her friends.
  20. I have to defend Jessica a bit on the waiting to see what Ryan wants for dinner. He seems like the type of person who is very particular about what he wants, and as mentioned above, most likely watches his diet quite a bit. He probably does eat a high protein low carb diet. If he were the type to eat out all the time too, and to continue to want to, that to me says he won't really compromise on what he eats. I bet if Jessica were to make something, he would criticize it. Now she could actually SAY something to him, but apparently 100 dollars borrowed is what it takes for her to speak up.
  21. I think Ryan knows Jessica better than she would like to think. I got the sense that he was kind of provoking her on purpose with the ironing thing, because he knows she will ignore conflict and he was just trying to push for something. That is not the healthiest way to go about conflict, but neither is Jessica's.
  22. Agreed. I would rather see nuance, development, and actual emotions in characters both female and male than perfect automatons.
  23. That reminds me, I really enjoyed how the interview special showed clips of other transgender individuals, and was not just Bruce.
  24. I could not care less that Bruce is a Republican and would love to see his support of the party influence the party into having more open and widespread support of the LGBT movement and people. That being said, Democrats believe in the constitution too, so if I shook my head at him, it was because of that statement. Moving on, I was really impressed with the elder Jenner kids. They seemed mature and caring.
  25. Bruce seems happy and pretty at peace. That is the most important thing about all of this.
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