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Janet Snakehole

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Everything posted by Janet Snakehole

  1. I am going to need to see Donna's wedding
  2. So happy that Treat Yo Self 2017 happened! Very few complaints, except that I am going to miss this show so much.
  3. Wow. That was super mean. How did they think that one would go over?
  4. I prefer Michael/Jane to Rafael/Jane, but I can't hate on her too much for being cold to Michael at the hospital. She wants to move on, and knows Michael still cares for her. Being nicer might cause him to believe he is being lead on by her or sending mixed signals. Sometimes a clean break may seem crueler but is kinder in the long run. I do agree with Xo, though. It is a mixed up situation. I am glad that Jane took the writing internship. Other than the nuns, I thought the school story line was super boring. This will probably mean more Rogelio on the show, which makes me happy. Having a hard time caring about who Sin Rostro is. I like the zany fun stuff on this show more.
  5. As someone who has not seen Lars, the concept seems kind of gross me compared to this. Sex doll is an object, so I picture some dude who just is into a soulless body that looks, well, doable, for lack of a better term. Her, at least to me, is the guy being attracted to just personality and voice, which seems sweeter to me. But I am sure I am wrong on this, since you guys seem to know what you are talking about and have actually seen the movie! I am sure that there is a lot more to Lars that I don't know about. Just adding my two cents :) Schweedie, I missed your original comment, but yeah, that is kind of how I see it.
  6. I watched this on HBO last night. I really liked it and found it very touching. I missed the beginning, I turned it on during Theo and Samantha's sex scene, so I will have to catch it again. Scarjo did a great job as Samantha's voice, which I thought was kind of surprising. I like her for the most part, but she tends to be kind of monotone and blank. So her being so emotive and being effective with just her voice was something I was not expecting. Kudos to her. It is kind of interesting that she and Chris Pratt were in this, and she and Anna Faris were in Spike Jones' ex-wife's Lost In Translation. Seems that Her and Lost in Translation really are both interpretations of the Jones/Coppola divorce.
  7. I hate what they did to Charlotte in the first movie. They turned her into a third grader with her screeching and ditziness. I also want to smack Carrie when they are talking about how much they have sex, and she refuses to answer. Bitch, please, you are a sex columnist. It is not a big freaking deal to open up to your best friends who are opening up to you. I consider myself to be more on the modest side, and even I hate how damn prudish she could be considering her job. Also hate her for the "there was a death" and "will I ever laugh again" lines. Shut up Carrie. It sucks but people go through a lot worse and survive. It has been beaten to death here, but I hate how they treated to Miranda. Almost everyone I know would consider one time cheating as a potential reason to break up. She was just as humiliated as Carrie. And even if she did have her part in her whole situation, so did Carrie by ignoring Big's thoughts about not wanting a huge wedding. Yes, it is not the same exactly, but I hate how they coddle her. Miranda was the only redeeming part of the second movie. Even though it was kind of pandering, I liked the Charlotte/Miranda scene talking about motherhood. Actually, I always really liked it when the show explored the relationships between Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha. Probably because they were never focused on as much.
  8. I am really liking the new Turbo Tax commercials, especially this one with a ruined wedding: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ea1uao2V2WQ
  9. I really liked Drinking Buddies. I thought they also did a great job with Anna Kendrick's character, who wanted her boyfriend to commit to her and get married. She was portrayed as a normal, nice woman, not a demanding shrew.
  10. I don't think it was wrong of Madison to buy Elizabeth a drink or try to be nice, it was just very tone-deaf given Elizabeth's attitude towards everything. It was nice, just very very dumb, which I think kind of sums up Madison.
  11. I doubt Nadia would come back, especially because it looks like Tom will be paired with Lucy. But I would like an explanation of what happened, like if she ever came back or they just fizzled due to distance. That plot was dropped like a hot potato. I definitely want Ann and Chris back in the last episode. I love the idea of the show ending with Ann and Leslie sitting in the lot.
  12. I was wondering about that too! Maybe Leslie's industrial size uterus is really really good at concealing pregnancies.
  13. Honestly, I think the story of Michael being an adoptive father to Jane's baby and having to deal with Rafael outside of their relationship is a much more interesting story with potential conflict than Rafael and Jane's glowing heart love and perfect coincidence family. I have lost some interest in Jane's story of late because of this. Still here for the narrator, Xo, and Rogelio.
  14. I obviously really like April, but I am having a hard time sympathizing with her this season. She is under 30 and has a job that pays well in the federal goverment where she seems to hold a fair amount of clout and she doesn't actively hate it. And has an awesome husband and her perfect house. Sounds pretty freaking great to me. Maybe the economy has changed a lot in 2017 in their version of the future or I am just bitter, haha. I get that Parks is a very career oriented show but I wish she maybe decided to volunteer at the museum while keeping her job, since a lot of people find that their "passion" isn't their job, sometimes a job is just good enough and things outside of your career may be your passion. I loved the second episode. At first I thought Leslie was being a bit overboard about Morningstar and Ann's house, but it is Leslie. All the stuff with Ron missing April and Leslie really got to me, and I am so glad they made up. I really think the finale is going to deliver. I am also glad that they are not showing the triplets.
  15. So Tony's type is just crazy then. At least Alyssa is pleasant enough to everyone else. But I am excited to see more of this shitshow next week.
  16. This episode was hilarious. Everyone in the Tony Elizabeth Madison triangle is an idiot and I admit that I loved watched them all suffer. I liked the roommates watching and laughing at them all. Not sure about Alyssa yet. She seems cool, but they label her stalker. On one hand, Tony's type seems to be crazy, so maybe she will switch and be hiding her needy side. On the other hand, maybe they are calling her stalker from his point of view, he seems like he could be the type to call girls crazy when they break up to absolve himself of any blame. Who knows. What was the deal with the whole queen princess crap? When they were discussing what that made Madison, instead of mistress they should have said court jester.
  17. There is an ad at the top of my page for reusable incontinence briefs.
  18. I irrationally hate the State Farm "never" commercial, Guess what, some people really never do those things.
  19. I am so mad at myself. I like Blank Space and Style, and had an iTunes gift card, so I downloaded 1989. I don't hate it. I never liked Taylor Swift before this. I am mostly angry with myself because I pledge allegiance to Spotify and think streaming is the wave of the future. I was pissed at Taylor for taking all her music off. She has the right to have her music available how she wants, but I have the right to think she is being ridiculous to think she is too good for it when she is making millions anyway. I know it is more complicated than that, but she reminded me of Metallica and other bands being whiney about Napster. But I caved. For some fun poppy music to listen to for cardio. I suck.
  20. Yay, someone else who didn't like The Incredibles! I love Pixar movies, but that movie is my least favorite out of all of them. Except for Cars 2, never saw it.
  21. I usually hate the Ron and Tammy episodes. Or at least I hate the part of the episodes that actually deal with Ron and Tammy. I think the most recent one is the only one I enjoyed, mostly because they were trying to save Jamm instead of Ron. I am also kind of tired of the whole Ron as the wise all knowing sage.
  22. Season Ranking: Season Three Season Two Season Four Season Six Season Five Season One Fave eps: The Fight, Pawnee Rangers, Moving Up, Fancy Party, and Master Plan.
  23. I think they were quoting me Doll Eyes :) I missed the song nom, my bad. I am glad Everything is Awesome was nommed, but I still say the movie was snubbed. Should have been nominated for Best Animated Feature.
  24. 30 Rock. I love Parks and Rec, the Office, and Community, so I feel like I should enjoy 30 Rock. Other than little clips I find funny, I just can't get into it.
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