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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I liked seeing Jeremy Sisto. It wasn't bad. I'll record another episode on my TiVo and decide whether to watch it.
  2. If you don't watch SNL - and I don't - you apparently didn't recognize many of the presenters or the two hosts, who I thought were terrible. I like Maya Rudolph (from her appearance on The Good Place) but I was embarrassed for her. Having someone from SNL present the final award of the evening seemed so out of place. That would have been a good spot for Tina Fey, if they wanted to stay with the SNL motif. I thought the two hosts were the worst I can ever recall. Very pleased with having the announcer announce the names of the nominees - smart move. Loved Betty White, Matthew Rhys, The Americans writers, Mrs. Maisel (huge Gilmore Girls fan so I can tell myself that this is really ASP getting recognized for GG), and Aretha.
  3. I loved seeing Stephen Schnetzer; I was a huge Cass Winthrop fan back in the day. Good episode. I liked seeing the math geek friend of Sherlock. What has happened to the adoption storyline?
  4. I was sure it was the brother as soon as I recognized Christian Borle. Loved Sherlock's deduction about how the brother and his wife were going to escape without passports.
  5. Can someone please remind me if -- and how -- the Police retrieved their stolen servers?
  6. Stopped watching right after Rayna died. Could not stand Maddie or Scarlett. Used to love watching for Emily, Glenn and Bucky to show up. Was a big fan of the show and then it just fizzled out. I read the reviews about the last 5 minutes and found it on Hulu yesterday. So nice to see all of the familiar faces one more time - especially Connie.
  7. I thought this was a very entertaining show especially given the relative weakness of the theater season. Sara and Josh were terrific; I hope that they are asked back again next year. I also thought that TPTB did a decent job selecting known television/film stars as presenters who also had or about to have ties to the Broadway stage.
  8. Nice to see Vanessa Marano from Switched at Birth. Are they cutting 3 cast members?
  9. I thought this was a great episode. My heart was in my mouth while Philip was running. Poor Oleg. Father Andrei is not too swift. The Stan gets a clue came too late and was too rushed. Topsy turvy wow...
  10. I am trying to recall exactly what it was that made Stan suddenly suspect his neighbors? Missing Thanksgiving? The conversation with Henry? Still not clear on how he made that leap.
  11. So is Tom C. done or is there another version of Harrison Wells coming to Star Labs next year? I would trade Marlize for another Wells character.
  12. So what happens to the Avery/Jane budding relationship now that Remi is here?
  13. The whole Harry band of misfits was horribly embarrassing to watch.
  14. The writing is cringe worthy. I want to like the show because I like most of the actors and characters but most of the episodes have been crap. What will they do when the captain competition is over? I like Brenda Song and Marla Gibbs so I hope they recur.
  15. Binging the show now. I thought this was a funny episode. Junior cracks me up. Love Jack and Diane.
  16. So Is Avery going to become Junior FBI trainee with Jane training her? If the show comes back next season, is Avery still there (assuming she survives this season)?
  17. So glad this show is back. Loved Sherlock's new friend digging a grave at the end...nice twist.
  18. I hope that the Mail Robot survives!
  19. I'm curious as to who was stalking Petra. We saw the open window several times so it had to factor in at some point.
  20. Finally was able to see the finale and loved it. Particularly loved seeing the callbacks to earlier episodes - Jude's nail polish, Callie's mama sandwich after the adoption in particular and, of course, to the call from Bill at the end. Loved Lena's speech at graduation. I also liked how they brought back practically everyone of importance throughout the series - even Talia. I missed hearing what happened to AJ and to Lexi but I think they covered everyone else. Surprised that none of the grandparents made it to graduation but that was likely a function of guest star availability and cost. Loved that Callie got into the law program, that Emma and Mariana both went to MIT together, that Jude went to UCLA (and that Donald was at graduation) and that Jesus made it to college. Didn't see Noah at Jude's graduation. Was he there or did they break up by then? Also pleased that Aaron chose the other girl over Callie; I'd prefer Callie to start fresh with someone else. I know that there are 3 more episodes in the summer but this was a terrific ending to the main part of the series.
  21. I saw the article today about Bones. Was it the Bones episode where the mother of the dead child watches the video -- or was that another show? I know I have seen that scene before but can't recall which show it was in. I want to like this show but agree with others above that something is missing.
  22. Just don't kill off Rich DotCom - I've grown to really like him. If one of the team is really killed, my bet is Reade - thus elevating Weller to head of the unit again.
  23. Tuned in on a whim and thought it was okay. Cracked up at the centipedes crawling on the wall in the background when he turned off the dehumidifier. Liked seeing Diane Farr again. Otherwise - it's no Speechless.
  24. Was Roman's collapse real or did he fake it in order to get even closer to Crawford?
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