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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I tried the new Lucy Lawless show last night. Didn't love it.
  2. I never liked Spencer either. I liked Mel - but that was probably because I liked the actress in The Coroner in which she starred years later. Frankie was my favorite and I liked Grace as well likely because neither took shit from Boyd. Started watching London Kills last night. So far, so good plus the episodes are not nearly as long as Waking the Dead. No Offence is the best of all of them IMO. Still holding out hope that another British network will pick it up. DI Deering is the best.
  3. There is a new mystery series coming to AcornTV in early August starring Lucy Lawless. Looking forward to seeing it. Sad to hear that No Offence has been cancelled. Coming to the end of Season 4 of Waking the Dead and I think I am stopping after this season. Cannot stand Boyd.
  4. No Offence is my favorite too. Hoping for another season.
  5. I am going to watch London Kills as my next binge. I finished No Offence which I highly recommend and have just started Waking the Dead.
  6. I'm starting London Kills now as well as S2 of Line of Duty. Check out No Offence - which I adored.
  7. Yes - that is Episode 1 of Scott & Bailey. I watched it on a plane - like you, got so annoyed by the actions of the female cop that I quit the show cold. There are plenty of other good British detective shows on Acorn and Britbox that I did not want to spend time watching crap.
  8. The only part that I am looking forward to is the potential adoption of the bartender's baby. I think that the lead actress is terrible. Nice to see Michael B. Silver who I remember from NYPD Blue.
  9. I love Jane and Petra. How far they have come.
  10. I love seeing the 3 Villanueva women together. Also love seeing Jane/Petra. They are my real dream couple - not romantically but as a family.
  11. Regarding Sarah: it appears that they made a conscious decision to pare down the supporting cast and only feature the same main players in each episode. They included Sarah to the mix and dropped not only her husband, the Vicar, but all of the other faces that we frequently saw in passing. Perhaps it was a financial decision? I turn on the closed captioning for this show sometimes because I miss the dialogue due to the accents. It helps! My favorite character is Bill's partner, the bumbling lead detective. He is terrific!
  12. I didn't love this episode. Did not find the murder case to be particularly interesting and had no interest at all in the new detective we have never seen before. I did think that Gregson looked particularly healthy for someone who almost died.
  13. 100% agree. I watched it last night and remembered why I stopped watching last season. It is just not good. I can't believe that this got a second season.
  14. Great series finale. Have to admit that I teared up at the end.
  15. The article I read this morning talked about the possibility of multiple seasons due to a new financial model.
  16. Love how the new captain can't quite wrap his brain around Joan's explanation.
  17. Loved seeing Dr Akopian come out for the finale of the concert.
  18. I wasn't blown away by any of the musical numbers and unfortunately can't say that any inspired me to rush out and buy tickets. I thought that James did a good job but I really loved the team of Josh and Sara last year and hope that they are chosen again next year. Liked the bit in the bathroom with NPH too.
  19. Loved the whole supporting cast in the song with White Josh. I think that practically everyone was there - including Mrs. Hernandez and the Rebetzel's assistant (whose name I have forgotten). Always happy to see Dr. Akopian.
  20. I'm in the middle of Season 3 of No Offence. It is excellent.
  21. It was nice to see Weller and Jane looking so happy - without a last minute disaster blowing them up or hurting the child. I watched most of this episode while scrolling on my phone - not a good sign. Reade appeared to have been on fire. Why isn't he in the burn unit?
  22. Am watching No Offence on Acorn. The actor who played Billy is in the main cast as the forensics expert.
  23. I've been binge watching lots of British detective shows on Acorn and Britbox so having Elementary set in London was right up my alley - plus I actually recognized the actors (unlike my experience with most of the British shows). I enjoyed seeing Holmes and Watson dealing with the British system and liked seeing Saffron Burrows show up. Have never seen the British DI before but she was excellent. Also loved seeing Kitty again (and I was not a fan when she was here previously). Looking forward to seeing how TPTB untangle the Hannah/Capt. Gregson situation. I will miss this show.
  24. Started Series 1 of No Offence .Very addictive.
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