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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I also liked seeing the Judge's son - who is Frankie's son on Grace and Frankie. Ah, Junior...
  2. Mine too. I miss Dana. Not sure I will stick around but I do like Kristen in the field and the guy from Bones.
  3. I've never watched Masked Singer but the way they keep pushing characters into these awful sketches is really annoying me.
  4. This show is terrible so far. The comedy bits are painful. The announcer is horrible. I thought it was disgraceful that they didn't read the nominees' names.
  5. The announcing bits are horrible. Is this the best they could find?
  6. This show is terrible so far. The comedy bits are painful. The announcer is horrible. I thought it was disgraceful that they didn't read the nominees' names.
  7. I am already missing this show. I've been watching a lot of British mysteries; I just realized that perhaps it is because I miss Sherlock and Joan?
  8. I'm now in the middle of Series 8. Cully not only has a new hair style but a new job: travel agent. I enjoyed the episode which was set at the regatta club. EDITED TO ADD: I've just started Season 9 and Scott is gone without a word other than he was out for a sick day. Was there some backstage reason why the actor was suddenly gone?
  9. Britbox has all of the Midsomer Murders by season. It also has most of Vera. Acorn has some good darkish mysteries too. I have both and watch each about the same. Acorn also has some shows produced just for them such as Agatha Raisin on Acorn. I suggest doing a free trial on each and check their respective titles.
  10. I've been watching on Britbox which has all of the Series clearly marked starting with Series 1.
  11. I've now made it to the start of Series 7 - when Troy apparently leaves the show. Just curious - was there any reason why the character was written out? Was the actor no longer available? I particularly liked the episode in Series 6 where the 3 children of the doctor at the hospital were the killers.
  12. Late to the party: I liked seeing Darcy, Esteban and Baby again - and particularly Rogelio's reaction to Baby walking for the first time. She's alive! I figured that they would not kill off Magda. So loved that Jane becoming the stepmother to the twins was discussed in depth.
  13. I liked Queens of Mystery as well. I hope that they decide to make more episodes. I'll have to check out Good Omens. I loved Brokenwood Mysteries which has the same quirky vibe as Agatha Raisin.
  14. Where was his ear protection during the MRI? How in the world could Dylan drive a motorcycle while suffering such severe vision issues? More importantly, where was Andy? I loved Alan Cumming's clothing and ever-changing eyeglasses - best part of the show for me. The writing was so bad that literally everything else was even less believable than a typical police drama. Having Detective Stock sleep half-dressed in the police station just so that viewers and Lizzie could be treated to a shirtless pose - beyond ridiculous and very much pandering.
  15. I'd also watch The Brokenwood Mysteries on Acorn. It is Australian, light and very well done. I'd also recommend Agatha Raisin if you like cozy. Also on Acorn.
  16. Fabulous ending to an excellent series. It will be missed! I loved the final words and was thrilled to see Joan with her black hair again. Having the theme song playing while Sherlock and Joan walked into Captain Bell's (!!) office was a great touch. Glad that we learned that Marcus is married with a child. Sad to hear about Paige but so interesting to see Gregson with Paige's granddaughter. Arthur was adorable and I'm chuckling at Sherlock co-parenting the boy. Definitely one of the all-time best series finales.
  17. I'm in the middle of Series 4. I wish that each episode was a bit shorter - 90 minutes tops - because I find myself falling asleep at some point. I've been exiting out of episodes which start too slowly too. Just watched the episode where the future Barnaby - Neil Dudgeon - shows up as a gardener.
  18. The Detectives thread in the Genre Talk section of this website has more discussion about British mysteries: Detectives and Mysteries Thread
  19. I feel as if we are getting a parade of returning characters as the show comes to an end (Magda, Krishna, Lina, Milos) - which I don't mind.
  20. I love the Petra/Jane relationship. Petra has come so very far.
  21. I used to watch soaps as a kid - no body = not dead so I think that Moreland is alive. I'm waiting for Moriarty to show up.
  22. I also love Vera and am eagerly awaiting the next season, which is filming now.
  23. I suspected right away that Paul would be the killer because Bryce Pinkham is a well-known Broadway actor -- although it is true that Kathryn Erbe was a red herring the prior week. The Lizzy/Jules break up/don't break up is already wearing on me. Looking forward to seeing Andy/Dylan with a baby.
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