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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. Just watched episode 1 of Season 4 and loved it. The relationship between Madison and Alexa has gotten even deeper; she has definitely learned some tricks from Alexa. Continue to love the vibrant colors and the beautiful shots of New Zealand.
  2. My Life is Murder dropped the first two episodes of its next season (4) today. Edited to add: Watched the first episode of My Life is Murder Season 4: quite good - with Madison getting her share of the action. Also watched the last episode of this Season 3 of Harry Wild (Glenn's wedding) which was terrific. TPTB managed to bring their entire cast into this last episode. ETA: Signora Volpe Season 2 premieres on Acorn on July 29. I really enjoyed Season 1.
  3. Harry Wild currently filming Season 4 in Dublin.
  4. Just finished Episode 4 with Harper and Jools. My favorite part was when Harper referred to Mrs. Marlowe on the phone! I noticed that Todd seems to be appearing in every episode - even more than Frodo. I do not remember seeing Harper previously but really liked her in this episode. Particularly liked her scene with Trudy. Just read that they are filming Season 11 now.
  5. Seriously cracked up at the teacher relay race - while the kids were mixing with the kids from the other school. Loved it. Also cracked up at Mr. Johnson finding Ava's secret bathroom. Over the Janine/Gregory will they or won't they moments.
  6. Sorry for the late response. From memory, the later seasons are not nearly as violent as the original few episodes. In later seasons, the team became more of an ensemble and had much less of the cringe-factor.
  7. Glad that Ray's wedding went off without a mass casualty event. Still very suspicious of Hana's new boyfriend.
  8. Beck Season 9 drops tomorrow on MHz Choice. The whole series spans over 20 years and is terrific.
  9. I so hope that Hana's new friend is on the up and up. She deserves some happiness. Have to admit that I cringed each time that he was on the screen. Good episode.
  10. If they are looking to lose cast to save money, Winston can go. Can't stand Adams. I understand chip on the shoulder but he is insufferable. I like Yasuda. So glad that Lauren survived so far.
  11. Genius-level work to creep into a seemingly deserted robot factory in the middle of the night with no backup and a one-armed CSI as muscle.
  12. It is a shame that, with so few episodes remaining in the series, they wasted so much time on Georgie/Mandy/in-laws. I don't mind Georgie and Mandy when they are interacting with the rest of the Coopers but on their own with the in-laws, count me out. I also did not like the Meemaw storyline. For me, this was a boring and wasted episode.
  13. Boring. I kept yelling "Moron" at Serena as she walked into that apartment.
  14. Thought this was a great, action-packed episode.
  15. Tremendous episode. Loved the scenes with Mary and George wearing the college clothing. George's football recruiting experience definitely paid off. Cracked up at Sheldon towering over Dr. Sturgis.
  16. I thought that this was one of the better episodes this year. I was surprised by the Atomic Expert being the criminal.
  17. Glad that Janine is back at Abbott. I did not enjoy the scenes at the District.
  18. It has it's own thread so I won't go into it here but I'm enjoying Elsbeth.
  19. Just finished Episode 2 of the latest season. Very happy to see Joe back. I always preferred him to Aiden. As soon as I saw Shawn Dooley, I knew that he was the killer. He is recognizable British actor so... I miss Jac but Steph works just fine too. Was glad that Joe backed off of being called "Sir" by Kenny.
  20. I saw Rachel Bay Jones on Broadway years ago. She was terrific. However, the character is too unpleasant here. I cringe whenever she is on screen. I cracked up at the outhouse. I really enjoy this show and will miss it when it ends. I've grown attached to Missy and the rest of the family.
  21. I really enjoyed this episode. Jesse Tyler Ferguson was great as was the actress playing Katricia. I cracked up at her downing all of those tequila shots. For me, the best part of the series is the relationship between Elsbeth and Kaya. Elspeth's quirks still annoy me a bit but I am getting more acclimated to her. Love seeing the shots of NYC.
  22. I think that this episode played as well as it did because of the relative lack of Sam and Jay. I like both characters but, with their absence, the ghosts had to fend for themselves - which led to Hetty's confession and the saving of Flower. Terrific episode.
  23. I thought this was a very good episode - and I usually hate undercover eps. Scola and Nina make a nice couple.
  24. Loved seeing Linda Lavin. Getting used to this show and to Elsbeth's quirks. I really like the relationship between Elsbeth and the female cop.
  25. Brokenwood Mysteries Season 10 returns on April 29!
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