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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. The Russian following Dana home was the first unexpected event in a few episodes.
  2. Did I miss a show? When did Bailey and Ben separate? (Was it on Station 19, which I have stopped watching?) I'm fairly certain that every hospital which does procedures/surgery is required to have generators. Now it is possible that the generators may fail but that is really far-fetched (see Superstorm Sandy). I do not get Glasses/Nico. What idiot blurts out to the father of her unborn child that she is pregnant while performing surgery - in front of numerous other people?
  3. I liked the combination of Honey and Louis. They played well off of each other.
  4. I really liked Rag Doll - very creepy and effective. Loved Iris jumping off of the building. Sherloque is on my last nerve - as is Nora. Appreciated Cecile setting Nora straight.
  5. With the exception of Patterson and Rich, this season has been tedious, as best. Weller/Remy is tiresome and Zapata seems to be off on her own show. After Marianne Jean-Baptiste and Idgie from Fried Green Tomatoes, the character of Weitz has no gravitas. I miss Roman's plotting.
  6. Great episode. Loved all of it. Not cracked over Murphy's outfit at the gala. Hope to see more of the Judge and Murphy.
  7. I love Iris and am definitely not feeling Nora. Already over Sherloque - although his praise for Ralph was nice. Cisco was missed.
  8. Eddie's friends are the best part of the show. I did like Emery and Grandma in the garage and particularly how Evan was left out.
  9. Love Patterson and Rich. Shifting the emphasis to them instead of Remi would be good. Liked Jane a lot in prior seasons but the Remi/Roman plot is tedious. All I could think of when Allie and Weller ran into danger was: who is taking care of the baby and what happens if they both die? Also think the Zapata turns bad storyline is tedious. I keep looking at Weller's hair and thinking that he looks different than in prior seasons?
  10. My favorite part was when the wife asked about adopting her husband's son. I really like Sela Ward and wish she would get more screen time. Not thrilled with the lead character. Ward and Jeremy Sisto should get more screen time.
  11. Having Maggie be such an integrated part of the group this early does not ring true for me. She has been there for all of the major moments since the show started. The secretary seems to be on her own show so looking forward to finding out how her schemes affect everyone else. I'm in the camp that Jon did not commit suicide.
  12. I really like Rich Dot Com - he and Patterson make a great team. I also liked the assistant who used Rich's dark closet office. Surprised that Weller picked up on Remi and is trying to figure out what is going on with her. Curious who he was talking to? Not a huge Weller fan so points to him. Loved Patterson's standoff with the head of the FBI.
  13. I'm enjoying it so far. Nice to see Danny Nucci from The Fosters once again playing a cop.
  14. The best thing about this show has been Eddie'r progression. I couldn't stand him in the early episodes and now he is terrific. Having his friends in the episode elevates it tremendously. I also like how they are dressing and styling Honey now as opposed to the earlier episodes. Much better. Whatever happened to Mitch at Cattleman's? When Matthew Chestnut came on the scene, Mitch disappeared. Did the actor get another job?
  15. I miss Eddie's friends when they are not in an episode. They crack me up.
  16. I am really going to miss the Nicole/Eddie friendship. They were great for each other.
  17. I don't think I can take Fake Jane for too many more episodes. Also - what happened to Weller's hair?
  18. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I'll be back for more episodes.
  19. What happened to the guy who used to play the greeter at the restaurant? It appears that he and Nancy were jettisoned when Matthew Chestnut entered onto the scene.
  20. I thought this was a great episode. My only question: when did Nicole and Honey get so close? Last I recall, Nicole was basically ignoring Honey and didn't like her at all. Love the Saturn chats.
  21. I'm tired of the Michael Bolton/Kenny Rogers involvement; I hope the show gets back to Louis and his crew at Cattleman's. I missed Eddie and his crew; glad they are back together. I was surprised that Allison broke up with Eddie but I guess it makes for better plots to have Eddie single.
  22. First episode I didn't find funny in a very long time. The only good laugh was with Sheldon and the hot dogs. The rest - didn't crack a smile.
  23. I became aware of the show when it was announced that Sela Ward was joining the cast. She has always been one of my favorite actresses. I think she does a lot here even with a relatively minor part. I also like the female tech specialist (the one who defused the bomb in the church in the pilot). I've never seen the lead actor before; I think he is very good and always seems to be on the verge of blowing up.
  24. I think that Sela Ward brings a lot to this show. It came on my radar when it was announced that she was joining the cast. They need to give Jeremy Sisto more to do. He's too high profile an actor to be just standing around bellowing orders.
  25. Finally had a chance to watch. I loved every second. Loved Hillary's cameo and especially her email address. So glad to see the gang back together. I agree that the scene at Phil's was a bit flat. Hopefully that will get better over time. Murphy and Twitter = a perfect match.
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