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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. What is with the Baby name? I can't believe that nobody told Rogelio how stupid it is. Madga was brilliant for orchestrating the gaslighting of Luisa. Rose versus Magda will be epic. In the meantime, Rafael can continue to live with Jane. Curious is Anezka will push Petra and the girls out of the hotel as well? Adam is sweet but still strikes me as a kid in comparison to Rafael and Michael. I can't see this being Jane's next forever romance. I miss the old Mateo even though this boy is doing a fine job.
  2. I adored Rebecca's Diagnosis song. Just loved it. So glad that Dr. Akopian is still in the picture. Loved her aside about having to talk about Paula. I didn't hear any mention of Rebecca's mother's reaction to the suicide attempt. Loved that the Hector/Heather pairing - genius - especially given the Valencia/Hector background.
  3. I have been riveted to the last two episodes in a way that I haven't been since the beginning of the first season. These were both terrific.
  4. Excellent episode. I thought we would get a picture of Derek.
  5. I really loved Adam and Mateo's Time Warp dance and especially Mateo's talk with Adam about Michael. The only issue that I have about Adam is that he seems too young in comparison to Rafael. Xo has really matured since the first season. Her entire interaction with Rogelio about Darci was great. Bringing Esteban, Rogelio's nemesis, into Darci's life is an excellent complication. Also cracked up at the girls wearing Magda's hook and eye patch. Hysterical. Rafael introducing the Bitch Katherine to his kids is so out of character for Rafael.
  6. Forgot to add.....I did like the scene in the tank.
  7. Rich Dot Com....not sure I can take a whole season of him....nice to see Mary Stuart Masterson.
  8. I find myself wondering how did Shaun rent the apartment? Arrange for furniture? Did Dr. Glassman help him? I can't see him navigating it on his own. Who set out the bus route for him?
  9. I liked this episode as the focus was on other characters and not just on Shaun. I particularly liked that the board meeting had nothing to do with him. Shaun mentioned that he watches the Weather Channel so perhaps he obtained a television? I found the plot with the daughter handing her dad a glass of champagne to be ridiculous. As an educated daughter of an alcoholic who had spent years waiting for a liver, she would likely have been desperate for him to follow all of the rules in order to get the liver and stay alive.
  10. I really liked this episode a lot. The lighter tone and the faster pace are definitely a bonus over the prior season. Admit that I teared up when Megan saw Farouk. The intern interviews were hysterical and very true to life. Also liked the "blame the tumor" conversation with the attendings. Meredith is terrific this season. I can't stand Amelia but all of her scenes were wonderful - especially the one in the MRI where Greg Germann's character talked her down.
  11. When my dad died suddenly and I was calling people to let them know, I was struck by the reaction from some of the "acquaintances" in his life. I expected his family and close friends to be distraught but was blown away by the level of distress coming from people like his barber, his seamstress, the receptionist at the doctor's office and the hostess at a restaurant. It was truly a testament to the fact that my dad was nice to everyone and treated everyone with respect. I cried ugly tears at least 5 times during this episode. It resonated deeply with me - manipulative or not. Randall having the opportunity to spend meaningful time with William and to say goodbye was priceless; I only wish I had had the opportunity.
  12. I'm finally catching up. I liked this episode a lot. So pleased that TPTB did not have Ana dump Mike for Gabe. I also liked the comment that both Mike and Ana are in recovery and that was one of the reasons to skip having a bar. As for Ana's parents, sorry - too little, too late. Liked the opening scene with the family at the table. It's fun to think back on how those scenes have changed over the course of the series. I understand that Stef wants to let Callie make her own decisions but, given her very recent disastrous past, one would hope that Stef would be a bit more direct. Regardless, I liked that scene a lot too. Seeing Callie with AJ reminds me again of how much I do not like the Callie/Aaron pairing. Nice to see AJ applying to college with such an impressive art portfolio. I hope that the show keeps him around. Run, Emma, Run! As Lena pointed out, it is not Emma's job to facilitate Jesus's recovery. Hopefully we will finally see Jesus get the kind of therapy he needs. Brandon has been so much more likable this season. I liked his Promposal and hope that somehow he and Grace stick it out for now. Jude/Noah/Taylor - ugh - and to think that Jude used to be my favorite character. Lots of Stef and Lena = great
  13. I think I skipped through that part while I was avoiding that entire story line. Thanks for the heads up!
  14. I really liked the Lena's Dad has dementia subplot. Well done. It was interesting to see the change in Dana from the scene where she was dictating Jude/Taylor/Noah schedules to the scene where she was discussing her husband's slow decline. I'm looking forward to re-watching that subplot again. Very sad and unfortunately very realistic. Cannot stand the Cortney/Brandon/Gabe story line. Go away, Cortney. Something is clearly going on with Grace - anorexia? mental illness? I would love for the Mariana story lines to be more STEM and less boy crazy. Running after Logan when she knows that he is trying to make his long distance relationship work speaks volumes about Mariana in a negative way. I thought they handled the Callie/Aaron sex scenes nicely and showed them getting much closer first. I used to love seeing Jude onscreen - Little Judicorn - and now I cringe. I think that this was the first time that Callie addressed Stef as "Mom". Loved the emphasis on Stef/Lena.
  15. I liked Callie and Mariana making up; their relationship was very evident to me at that point. I also liked Ximena explaining the roller derby confidence building aspects to Lena. Stef wiring up Kyle to try to catch Detective Snow and Patrick Malloy reminded me very much of Callie's detective antics last season - UGH. I liked Ana hiding her engagement ring while talking to the twins. Also liked AJ asking Brandon if they could do something for Mike and Ana. I thought that Callie showed some growth in telling Ximena that she needed to fly under the radar for awhile. I also liked the DACA storyline. Cortney/Gabe - UGH. I loved Judicorn as a child; now, not so much. More Moms, please.
  16. Have we seen Stef drinking too much in a prior episode or have I just blocked it out? Seems as if this is going to be a big plot point. Loved Callie finally trying to fly under the radar. I also loved how she called Mariana out for lying and for endangering Jesus. The Tess reappearance in Stef's life is definitely going to blow up. Not exactly sure how - but definitely explosive. The fact that she knows the doctor with whom Lena has been desperately trying to get an appointment will serve to ingratiate Tess more into the family - until it blows up. Did not miss Jude. Cannot stand Cort/Mason. It was nice to see Cole trying to work with Stef. Still don't understand why we haven't seen Jesus in ongoing outpatient therapy.
  17. Not as enamored with this episode as last week's but it was still far better than anything from last season because of the focus on the characters and not on Super Callie Saves the World. I liked the Jesus storyline but since when has Emma been shown to be such a bitch? Her comment to Mariana in front of the STEAM members was out of character for her. I did like seeing the continuity with the wrestling team. Would like to see some evidence of ongoing home therapy with Jesus for his TBI. We get - nothing. I liked the Mariana joins the roller derby storyline too although her ascent to jammer was pretty fast for someone who couldn't skate at the outset. Looking forward to the fallout when the moms find out that she lied and forged Lena's name on the permission slip. Two steps forward and a giant step back for Brandon. Really liked his scene with Jesus - best brother scene we've likely ever had. I also like Grace in small doses. Cannot stand the reintroduction of Mason and Cortney. She doesn't appear to be pregnant - luckily - but she is a complication that isn't necessary. Liked seeing Mike again - and Danny's name in the credits. Who knows if he and Ana will work - two recovering addicts, a baby and a foster son - but I am in favor of them moving forward. Not an Aaron fan. At least Callie finally spoke to Aaron about what was bothering her instead of running away or only talking to a third party (Cole, Daphne). Didn't miss Jude. Didn't miss the Anchor Beach storyline. More Stef/Lena please.
  18. So is the connection between Leo, the athlete with the socks, and Clive, the taxi driver, yet another red herring or were they in on all of the rapes together? I think I can count the Broadchurch people who are decent and likeable on one hand. It's a tamer version of the Hellmouth. Do we know that there is a relationship between Ed from the feed store and the young police officer? (I saw this upthread but I'm not sure if it is true.) Connecting Chloe and Daisy was an interesting move. Was Daisy's photo part of the "porn" that Miller's son was watching on his phone? Love Hardy and Miller together. Will miss them when this is over.
  19. I am so happy that the show is not focusing on Callie Saves the World and Puts Herself into Jeopardy that I'm willing to overlook a lot. I liked this episode because it focused on the characters and not on the ridiculous Super Callie plots. However, I do not understand why Stef and Lena are not actively trying to work with Jesus as opposed to letting the status quo become the new normal. We should at least see Jesus in some sort of ongoing therapy - physical, occupational, behavioral, etc... - for the TBI. Lena's non-action really surprises me. Do something! I really thought it would be Callie who would be joining the roller derby so I liked that it was Mariana instead. Of course, she continued her devious ways by signing Lena's name instead of asking permission to join. I loved seeing the drone drop the newspapers; too bad that the club got caught and the guys blamed Mariana. I do not see the appeal of Noah and Jude at all. Since when is Jude addicted to video games? I only recall him playing with the game set that Connor gave him way back in an early episode. I do, however, like Jude trying to help his sister with her mission. Brandon and Grace = meh but Grace is so much more age and personality appropriate for Brandon than any of his other girlfriends. I also like how she recognized that he was running away from music after the SAT debacle. Loved the awkwardness of the dinner with the neighbors. I thought that Frank found Stef and Tess cuddling on the couch and sent Stef to see the priest? The dinner conversation didn't sound as if the cuddling actually happened? Did I mishear it or are they trying to say that Stef was the one with the crush on Tess and that Tess was not interested back then? Surprised that we didn't see a bunch of Nick's father's high powered lawyers at the School Board meeting since the main purpose of privatizing Anchor Beach is to make a ton of money for their group? I don't understand how Drew is still there given that Lena is now back from her leave? The board member's threat to Lena makes me think that her future at Anchor Beach is limited. Perhaps she can train for a career working with TBI individuals? I'm not sure how I feel about the Callie/Aaron dinner. Despite the way that Callie acted, at least she wasn't trying to save the world and didn't end up in juvie, so I can live with it. It sure looks as if the show is done with Mike Foster. Given that he is no longer Stef's partner and that the Hot Dad role is being filled by Gabe right now, I don't see how he fits other than as Ana's boyfriend (and that may well be ending too).
  20. This was my favorite episode in a very long time because there was no Callie In Danger/Callie Saves the World. I really liked both scenes with the Moms and Callie as well as the scene where Stef yells at Jesus. We finally get to see the Moms parenting teenagers for teenage appropriate behavior. So glad that the court issues with Callie are over. I like her new art class friend and look forward to her being a good influence on Callie. It's good for Callie to have someone who is not a part of the foster care system as a friend. I also liked seeing how the Moms are dealing with the two bio dads who are involved with their lives right now. Very interested to see how the return of Tess plays out. I definitely remembered the name from the episode with Frank. Great idea to insert her into the show. I don't see Stef cheating but this will be a very interesting complication. I like Grace far better than any of the other girls/women with whom Brandon was involved. I also like how he is struggling to figure out his future now that Juilliard is out of the mix for at least a year. I actually may re-watch this episode; I haven't said that since the episode when the Moms got remarried.
  21. My guess is that there is money to be made by taking Anchor Beach private.
  22. I fast forwarded all of the Callie in danger/Stef racing to rescue her scenes and tuned in to see Stef warning Callie about winding up dead. I so hope that this is the end of the SuperCallie saves the world storyline; I would far prefer to see Callie trying to move forward with the normal teenage drama instead of the Kyle/Diamond/Troy/going to jail/Justina life in danger drama. I did enjoy the Anchor Beach storyline, which seems a lot more realistic. I can easily see a school with a beachfront setting being the subject of privatization. I wouldn't mind Monte sticking around if she and Lena can figure out how to save the day. Speaking of Lena, I understand why TPTB chose not to keep Jesus in a facility for storyline purposes but he really needs ongoing therapy and assistance as he recovers from the TBI. This has the potential to be a great story; I hope that it doesn't turn into just a Jesus/Emma/Brandon one. I really liked Ana and Gabe's conversation about being bio parents and their ongoing - or not ongoing - role in the twins' lives. I also liked the Ana/Mariana discussion about the therapy debacle. Noticed that Danny Nucci's name is no longer in the opening credits. I wonder if this means that Ana and Mike will no longer be a couple and that Mike's role will be phased out? Biggest issue with the premiere: not enough Stef/Lena time.
  23. I finally watched just in time for the start of Season 5. It's amazing how quickly the episode goes when you FF through all of the Callie/Diamond/Pimp stuff. Ugh. This is NOT why I started watching The Fosters - not at all. I thought that the entire episode sucked. I did like hearing Grandma's voice but that is about it.
  24. Horrible, horrible story. I had never seen Ellis in True Blood but heard he was very gifted. What a terrible loss.
  25. So happy to see this show back. The first time that Hardy yelled "Millah"...I screamed! I'm already more intrigued by Season 3 than I was by all of Season 2.
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