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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I enjoyed this episode. I liked seeing Daphne be the more cynical sister while Bay was so eager to have a piece of Angelo in front of her that she jumped right in. I also liked Travis for the first time in a while. I always thought that Emmett and Bay were endgame but he really treated her so crappy that I don't want him near her. Completely understood where Lily was coming from.
  2. One other thought: if someone is really leaving the show, I think that Reade is a fakeout and that it will be someone else - Zapata perhaps or Nas.
  3. I liked seeing Jane in the van kicking ass with her hands tied. The scene where Roman was released was gold. Tired of the Reade subplot. I like the budding friendship between Jane and Zapata. They have come a long way.
  4. I think I am getting bored. The highlight was MARTHA! Also liked seeing Oleg realized that he is screwed when he listened to the tape.
  5. I can't stand Amelia. Why don't they just try to adopt a baby? Originally liked Maggie but she is being written as having the emotional stability of a 10 year old. The scenes where she was griping about her mother's boob job were embarrassing and cringe-worthy. I must have missed something: what was the undercurrent in the scene with Stephanie and DiLuca where he professed his love for Jo? The scenes with the older couple were tremendous. I can't believe that Owen didn't try to call social services or a relative/friend to take him home. Who allows a grief-stricken 95 year old person to walk out of the hospital without offering some assistance?
  6. Getting Jane back with Rafael is going to upset the balance of Rafael and his baby mamas - and will likely drive another wedge into the Petra/Jane friendship. I'd rather have the friendship - and the little family which has developed among the 3 adults and the 3 kids.
  7. It felt like a series finale to me too although I am hoping that it was done this way "just in case". I really enjoy this show. I think they've done a nice job with guest stars: Allison, Brett, Susan Sullivan as Clive's mother. They even made Clive into a multi-faceted character instead of a one-note. Love the relationship between the siblings as well as Pat continuing to live in the garage. I really thought they would go the route of Pat and Eileen getting back together - and still may go there if the show continues - but very pleased to see Eileen on her own for now. I don't think that Noah's interview had anything to do with the ratings because likely most potential viewers unaware of it.
  8. I neglected to add that I also liked the scene of Mariana and Callie sitting in the rain watching the moms kiss. Mariana is so likable when she is in a frenzy doing family things -- much less likable when she is doing stupid things like tweeting about Emma's abortion.
  9. One of my favorite episodes of the series because it primarily focused on the family and omitted most of the excess drama (despite the painful Troy encounter). Really liked Stef/Callie scene at the sink in the beginning. More of these quiet moments -- and less of the crazy drama -- is makes this show different and special. Sharon reading the letter to Jesus and particularly Sharon comforting Emma were terrific scenes. Annie Potts is a treasure. (I'm so glad that TPTB didn't have a huge Emma/Jesus blowup in the midst of the wedding prep.) Emma figuring out that Jesus cannot read was much more important. Lena failing to obtain permission slips from each of the LGBT kids will surely have negative ramifications for her job but, in reality, how do you get permission slips from parents when kids aren't ready to come out to them? Loved seeing the large number of kids at the session. I never really liked Noah - or Jude/Noah - until the scene in Jude's bedroom where Noah admitted that he wasn't as experienced as Jude had thought. AJ finally laying the truth on Callie about how everything revolves around her was great and long overdue. He is too good for Callie. I'm guessing that he will go off with Ty instead of allowing Mike to adopt him and exit the show but I hope I'm wrong. Speaking of Mike, I was surprised that he wasn't at the wedding. Loved Sharon breaking down and admitting to Stef that she hated her father after they were married. The subsequent Sharon/Will discussion was nice too. I don't usually like seeing Will but he clearly seems to be head over heels about Sharon. The surprise re-marriage, the wonderful kiss in the pouring rain with their family watching through the kitchen window = perfect. The window scene reminded me of the end of one of the previous seasons when Jesus returned from wrestling school and Stef and Lena kissed while the family cooked.
  10. I was really happy to see Kitty make it through unscathed -- and to see Joan and Sherlock as godparents. Nice touch.
  11. I hope they don't end up fostering or adopting yet another kid. Perhaps this will turn out to be a link to Girls United if Diamond is placed there?
  12. I really enjoyed this episode. Kenny was a bit more restrained and Jimmy is hilarious, as usual.
  13. I've never been a fan of Buck and Wanda. I did crack up at Angela's disgust at being asked by Brennan to dig into the haystack.
  14. Blair Brown with the red hair -- and the red hair found at the cemetery - too coincidental. I liked seeing Kitty return and am suspicious of the nanny because I recognize her from other roles.
  15. LisaM

    S02.E15: Exodus

    I particularly liked this episode - especially given the political messages. Limited Mon-El with a dash of Luthors really helped. What is the big deal with Mon-El being the Prince (with the exception that he lied to Kara about his true identity)? Perhaps TPTB decided that, without Cat Grant, they would prefer to jettison Jimmy, Snapper and the Catco set and spend their production money elsewhere?
  16. I thought this episode was done very well. I even enjoyed seeing the stars in the background while allowing Iris and Sharee to take center stage. Have to admit that I teared up a bit when Travis joined Chris and at the end when Iris received the call from the President.
  17. My speculation is that Lena is on her way out at Anchor Beach. Perhaps this is the catalyst. Monte seems to get on very well with the replacement and Lena's aggressiveness on an issue which can polarize prospective parents will push her out the door.
  18. I really enjoyed this episode - until the last minute when Callie's terrific episode was ruined by the reemergence of the car crash/Troy/prison issue. I suspect that this will be the catalyst for discovering that Kyle is really innocent and that Detective Gray and possibly others in the police department were in league to cover it up. So glad that there was no Aaron/AJ/Callie. I liked seeing Talya standing up for Callie (who would have thought?!) and seeing her classmates sympathetically question her about her project and her time in juvie. Having the art professor seek Callie out for praise was the icing on the cake for her. It's been so long since Callie had a triumph - possibly since the adoption ceremony - that it felt great for her - until the last minute. Brandon's surprising rehabilitation was going so well until he spilled Emma's story to Mariana. I am liking this Brandon a lot; reminds me of the Brandon from the Pilot who took the bus with Callie to rescue Jude. Speaking of Jude, I liked seeing the Moms parenting him. I thought the scene was very effective and Stef, the cop who has likely seen teenagers who have been raped in such situations, looked like she was going to burst out in tears. After seeing Lena in her office at Anchor Beach interacting uncomfortably with Monte and her "temporary" replacement, I don't think she will be returning to the school. They moved very quickly to replace her and he seems to have made himself right at home. Moreover, Monte's attitude towards Lena was far from welcoming. My guess is that this will turn into Lena moving into a new job elsewhere. What have TPTB done with Mariana? Where is the smart Mariana who led the STEM team and is so knowledgeable about computers? I know she likely has PTSD from the Nick situation but it is such a dumb move to post secrets on a website which could easily be hacked and lead to them being uncovered. This is clearly not going to end well. Enjoying the Jesus TBI storyline. I hope that it we see more of his struggles. I like AJ and it seems as if Mike really cares for him. I hope that he has a happy ending and doesn't see Mike's desire to adopt him solely as a vehicle for Ana to move in. Surprised that Ty has rehabilitated himself. If AJ goes to live with Ty, is that the way to write him off of the show?
  19. I thought this was a really stupid episode. Jeremiah comes back from captivity after 14 years -- and the cynical, highly trained professionals at the DEO lose their minds because they are so overwhelmed with his return? The only person who can see through the glorious haze is Mon-El? Sorry, I don't buy it. I really like Alex/Maggie but Alex has lost her edge as a DEO agent since this storyline took off. Previously Alex was shown to be smart, tough as nails, always prepared and sharp as hell....It's as though she has lost those qualities once she fell for Maggie - which is a shame and a bit insulting because strong women can obviously fall in love and still retain their previous traits.
  20. Bill Paxton dead at 61. http://people.com/movies/bill-paxton-dead-complications-surgery-age-61/
  21. I don't see what purpose Nas serves on the show. She was initially investigating Sandstorm for years but it seems that recent events - including Roman's capture - make her less necessary to the search.
  22. Didn't Shepherd mention having a mole in the FBI?
  23. I love this show. Particularly loved Kenneth figuring out how to level the playing field so that the kids could fight. Nice to see a wide representation of special needs kids. Nice to see Michaela Watkins, who I have loved since Trophy Wife.
  24. I liked this episode more than usual. Zapata seemed civil to Jane. Pairing Weller with Roman was a great move; Weller mumbled less than usual. When Nas got into the car, I kept saying to myself "check the backseat!". Dope. The FBI can barely protect itself; how are they able to protect others? I would be happy with a show based around Jane, Roman and Patterson.
  25. Given Callie's luck, someone in the deal process will refuse to go along and she will still be in legal jeopardy. I'm a bit surprised that we have yet to see Jesus's birth father - the one whose nail gun started this whole thing - visit Jesus. Perhaps that is still to come? I still think that Jesus will end up at the rehab center full time.
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