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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I wonder if the show is planning to go in this direction? Have Stef leave the force for private security work? It could open the door to different dramatic environments while still keeping Mike on the force. Completely agree with Shadowfacts above about Lena breaking the news to Brandon - which crushed his world - without first talking to both Mike and Stef. I really liked how they used Sophia - and her uncanny resemblance to Callie - for a key plot point. Now Sophia's somewhat overprotective mother will never let her out of the house again. I was sure that Sophia was going to be harmed; nice fakeout, Show. I like the cliffhangers with Brandon, Mariana and particularly Jesus. I'm hopeful that, once Callie gets saved, the emphasis will shift off of her for a season and on to Jesus who really hasn't had a meaty storyline beyond his girlfriend drama. With Noah in the role, it is likely that he could pull it off. I also hope that we've seen the last of Cortney and Mason.
  2. I'm trying to remember...was it Callie who opened Justina's mail or was it Daphne who was working for Justina at the time? Also - didn't Mariana post the check online using AJ's computer - with Callie sitting next to them? In other words, there is potential for more people than just Callie to end up in legal jeopardy. I really thought that Sophia was in real physical danger. Good use of the lookalike actress -- and smart move to have the key players in the Justice for Jack shirts -- so that they all stood out at the festival and Callie/Sophia looked alike from the back. Almost every secret from the past few seasons has come out -- with the exception of Lena changing Jude's grade. I'm guessing that this one will come out at some point as well. I thought it was well done. Looking forward to the Jesus storyline the most because I think it has the most potential - and will involve the most people (the family, Gabe, Ana, perhaps the bio grandparents from the bakery, Emma, Nick). So glad that they brought on Noah Centineo; he has been a real find. We were this close to getting rid of Brandon...and then they reeled him back in. :)
  3. With the exception of Callie breaking and entering into a possible murderer's home, I enjoyed this episode a lot. Liked seeing the flashbacks (Little Jude!) and particularly liked Stef/Mike with Callie overhearing, Lena/Mariana and Jude/Noah getting caught smoking pot. I also liked Brandon at Lincoln Center but that is because I live down the street. AJ is a great guy - loved Mike referring to him as his son. I also liked the opening scene with all the kids bickering; it felt like a family. The Callie/B&E, detective threatening Stef and filing for divorce loophole all seemed too contrived to be good drama.
  4. The girl from the other female team was played by Emma Dumont of Bunheads, which I sorely miss. Nice to see her again. I still cannot get over the stupidity of Callie and Aaron knocking on the door of someone that they suspect is a murderer. That goes beyond bad judgment.
  5. I liked this episode - especially the part where the realtor came to inspect the house and encountered the dorm-like atmosphere that is living with 5 teenagers. Callie and Aaron banging on the door of someone they think is a murderer = height of idiocy. Cracked up at Lena cheering for Mariana's team - and Mariana explaining that she is the Vice Principal. Still can't figure out how they are going to save the house. ETA: If the house is about to be sold, Gabe must have finished the garage?
  6. So what is the unexpected announcement from Stef and Lena that leaves everyone in shock? Saving the house? Lena voluntarily leaving Anchor Beach? Stef quitting the force? I can't imagine that it involves another baby.
  7. When Jude approached the dealer at school, I was sure she was going to say "Dude, your mother is the Vice Principal. No way I am getting involved selling to you!"
  8. Wild spec: Stef's mom secretly buys the house without them knowing - which is why we see the escrow signs. The only other remote possibility is that Brandon uses the remainder of his hand money but I doubt that he could get a mortgage.
  9. I'm looking forward to seeing how they save the house. I can't see TPTB investing in new sets.
  10. I really liked this episode and all of the cliffhangers (even though I am not a Jon Hamm fan and really didn't like the trial episodes). Titus in Titusville cracked me up. I hope that he has some success on the cruise ship and that he and Mikey stay together. I love them together. What an about face for Jacqueline! Cracked up at Will Gardner being such an obnoxious ass. Loved seeing Jacqueline, Kimmy and Carol Kane together at dinner. They should have had a bottle of Pinot Noir.
  11. I particularly liked the callback to the pot brownie and how Lena calmly reacted to that incident -- in contrast to her smackdown of Brandon for committing academic fraud with the SAT test. Also liked how Lena reminded Brandon about the fake IDs and pointed out that he has a bad pattern of behavior. Her smackdown of Brandon was epic especially because Stef is usually the mom who goes ballistic. I was actually taken aback at how harshly Lena spoke to Callie; that was out of character for her but perhaps it was the jolt that the girl needed. Stewart falling apart - and his last gasp attempt at another get rich quick scheme - was well done. Jude becoming a pothead was funny although I find that I am not as enamored of Judicorn now that he looks so much older. Stef will not be pleased. Thought it was interesting that it is well known that Noah gets stoned to deal with certain events - even Lena's party. Really liked how Aaron came out to Callie as transgender although I seemed to know that fact earlier. Perhaps I read it in connection with the actor instead of it being divulged on the show regarding the character? Quite groundbreaking to have such a low-key reveal. I can't imagine that they will lose the house as this would necessitate building new sets. Interested to see who will rescue them? Brandon's hand money? Robert? Sharon?
  12. Loved seeing Sharon Gless. It would have been wonderful if the show could have gotten Tyne Daly to do a cameo as well as an homage to Cagney & Lacey, which I see as a direct predecessor to Rizzoli and Isles.
  13. When I read the promo for the episode, this is where I thought the show was going - to show Stewart with some cognitive impairment a la early onset Alzheimers. I thought that we had been told that Lena's parents are quite wealthy? Obviously wealthy people can get into trouble with the IRS - and perhaps Stewart's financial issues will be blamed on a bad or rogue business manager - but I would have preferred a different reason for the financial issues.
  14. If Lena's parents are the owners of the house, how did Stef/Lena take out a line of credit on it without having the parents sign the documents? Typically a lien is placed on a house for unpaid contractor bills or brokerage bills related to that specific house. Not sure that someone that Stewart owed money to could attach a lien on the house but the rules are very different for the IRS so perhaps that is legitimate if it is an IRS lien. In any case, it is not good. I thought that Lena's parents were supposed to be very wealthy? I really liked the party and surprisingly liked Mike/Ana. So glad that they didn't make this into a triangle with Gabe. I just hope that she maintains her sobriety. I liked her scene with Mariana where she basically asked her permission to date Mike. Really liked how Stef called Callie "my daughter" to Aaron and Callie referred to Lena as "Mama" in the video. Speaking of the video, loved it. I agree about Stef's makeup - something was off. How appropriate that Sharon sent the police strippers. Stef still doesn't know about Brandon using the hand money for Cortney's house. Brandon apparently didn't learn anything from the fake ID situation considering his taking the SAT for another student. This is a serious offense which places Brandon in legal jeopardy - as an adult. Idiot. ETA: I was also surprised at the Connor photo. I wonder if TPTB had to get permission to use it or it was okay since it was already in the public domain?
  15. This was a fabulous episode! Loved how the parents wanted to have dinner again -- and emailed the wrong Brian.
  16. I liked this episode and I have liked this season so far much more than the previous one. Really like the emphasis on Callie's examination of her former foster homes as well as Mariana's trauma. These are serious issues and are so much better than Brallie or the kids' more juvenile antics. I liked seeing Liam's mother although it made no sense that she would allow Callie to wander through the home after she verbally went off on her. I liked seeing Mariana sleeping in the moms' bed following her trauma and definitely caught Stef's comment about how expensive their frequent celebratory dinners were. Curious to see if Gabe and Jesus form a relationship following the scene in Jesus' bedroom. So glad that Mike's call to the DA was a fake out; I'll admit to falling for it. Very interesting that Mariana could not bring herself to cut ties with Nick. Cannot stand Brandon/Cortney/baby drama and I would be thrilled if he won a scholarship to Juilliard and was never heard from again. I did like the brotherly banter between Brandon and Jesus about the bathroom. That felt very real. On a shallow note, not in love with Stef's short hair.
  17. I turned this episode off midway through. Really liked the Pilot but the show has gone downhill since which is a shame since I find the actor playing Eliot to be very compelling.
  18. I'm waiting for Stef and Mike to find out that Brandon used his hand settlement money on Cortney's house. Not going to be pretty.
  19. I really like the idea of Callie's senior project because it returns the emphasis of the show to the foster care system. I hope that they do not go in the direction of Brandon being accused of being inappropriate with Mason. That is one issue too many. I appreciated Stef's comment about Brandon being a White Knight because that behavior has been in evidence since the Pilot when he helped Callie rescue Jude. I am not a Brandon fan but his recognition of all that Stef did for him with his music was well done and long overdue. When last we left Mike, he was dating Ana, right? Perhaps she has moved in which is why he needs more space and/or more money?
  20. My first thought is that Stewart is either ill (similar to early onset Alzheimer's) or is having an affair. I suspect the former. Strictly a spec.
  21. I particularly liked Callie finally asking the moms if they were going to undo the adoption....and the Callie/Lena scene. They get so few scenes together and really made it count. Stef had another scene with Jude. I wonder if TPTB made a conscious effort to pair Stef and Jude since previously it seemed that Lena had all of the big scenes with Jude. Eager to see more of Callie's school project, particularly since it touches so heavily on her history. Anything but Brallie, which is hopefully dead.
  22. THIS! I just can't see Robert and Sol together in real life. Sol annoys the heck out of me. He's been shown to be a competent attorney but otherwise he reminds me of a needy fruitcake. He would drive me nuts in about 10 minutes. Robert is so dogmatic that I can't see him putting up with Sol for any time at all. I agree with the poster upthread who hoped that the husbands would be recurring next season but I doubt that will happen given the actors involved. I can see the parallel between Grace (Robert) and Frankie (Sol) but they aren't romantically involved and, while living together, have their own interests and other friends. Robert/Sol doesn't work for me at all.
  23. Lena allowed a convicted sex offender to work on a school project. I believe that this is the basis of her troubles at school.
  24. I'm waiting for the explosion when Stef and Mike find out that Brandon gave his hand settlement money to Cortney for the house. I was critical of Old Nick last season - I thought that he looked like a 30 year old playing a 16 year old kid. However, I thought that the actor did a great job with this last episode. I hope that we never see the character again but I thought the actor was terrific.
  25. Is there a link to the Summer promo which played at the end of the episode last night? My dvr cut it off.
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