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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I'm sure that Owen's sister will show up again. No body = not dead. Penny didn't bother me as much this episode. Amelia always bothers me. I really liked the story line with the septic cancer patient. I'm liking Meredith a lot this season.
  2. I'll watch another episode - I'm sufficiently interested. The last time I saw Joan Allen was when she was the commandant of a military school in The Killing. She creeped me out there and I'm getting the same vibes here. I'm not sure whether Adam is really Adam or is a very well coached impostor but there is definitely something off about him.
  3. I loved this episode, particularly the Joan/Gregson scenes.
  4. Going back to Callie and the moms, I recall how loving and tearful all three were at the adoption ceremony once the judge proclaimed Callie to be officially a family member. We haven't seen that kind of relationship at all this season. I would like to see more closeness between Callie and the moms - some display that she is happy to be the daughter of these two women as opposed to just being happy to having landed safely in a family.
  5. What if Sally tried to kiss Monte and was rebuffed? She then made up the accusation to get back at Monte for shutting her down.
  6. I was pretty meh about most of the episode. I really liked the Gabe/Jesus/Stef storyline - with the added complication that Stef is a cop and has knowledge that a sex offender is in proximity of a minor. Particularly liked Mariana walking in at the end and getting a glimpse of her birth father. I also liked Stef gaining some self awareness of her own anger issues while teaching the class/disciplining Jesus. Cracked up at Stef and Lena figuring out about the watered down vodka. Bored to tears by the Romeo and Juliet storyline and the Anchor Beach controversy. I am decades past high school but I found it contrived that the school would entertain issues with Shakespeare. I was so bored that I FFd through the honor court. I also cannot get into Nick/Mariana because the actor playing Nick looks so much older. Completely blows the storyline for me. The Monte/Sally situation is interesting. Last week, I definitely caught a vibe that something might be going on with them. The actress playing Sally looks a bit like Lena and that cannot have been a coincidence. The bigger question is whether Sally is now telling the truth or is she pissed at Monte for not reciprocating her feelings? Monte is not an idiot where her job is concerned. I don't buy her risking her career by kissing a student. She mentioned earlier in the episode that she was keeping her distance from Sally; I think that Sally is the one interested inappropriately in Monte and is lying. I really like Rita and Callie together. I hope that Callie figures out quickly that Justina is using her and we can move on from that storyline. I like Smart Callie - not Being Taken Advantage of Callie. I also want to see Callie closer to the moms.
  7. I don't love Callie's continuing iciness towards Stef and Lena - but it does show that, post-adoption, she no longer feels she has to walk on eggshells around them. Justina is either really convincing or Callie has lost her cynical edge around her because Earlier Callie would not have accepted her justification of privatization. I'm a bit surprised that the moms were not more excited about an invitation to visit the White House. That is a big deal. Can't get into Old Nick and his possible issues with his father because he looks like he is 30. Also can't get into Brandon and mother with toddler. Good for Lexi and Mariana for jumping out of the car. Also good for the show for giving Jesus a two-pronged storyline that doesn't involve his dating life. Curious to see where the Jesus/fast car story goes. Cracked up at how Ana has become a frequent visitor to the house. I wonder if she and Gabe will spark again? I found the Monte/Lena/Sally scenes to be very interesting. I get that Monte was trying to pull rank on Lena as payback but I definitely sniffed something inappropriate between Monte and Sally. It's possible that I had this reaction because Sally looks more like a contemporary of Monte than a student. I'm not sure that the show was intending this reaction. Loved the Stef and Lena scenes, as usual.
  8. Did anyone else get a weird inappropriate vibe between Monte and Sally?
  9. When Rebecca picked up the glass shard during her song, I was afraid she was going to attempt self harm.
  10. I'm really pleased that the show didn't gloss over Stef betraying Callie's trust by using the info to locate and arrest AJ. Really liked the scene where Callie made it clear to Stef that she had broken her hard-earned trust. Loved all of the Stef/Lena scenes. Stef giving her Power of Attorney to Sharon was huge and really showed how she is still not over the Monte betrayal. I think that the show messed up Power of Attorney and Healthcare Directive because it was mentioned specifically about pulling the plug, which would likely be the latter. Loved the scene with the kids and the closing montage with each of the kids either thinking about Stef or reacting to the news. The Jesus/Gabe twist is interesting. Looking forward to seeing where it goes. Curious to see if Ana is aware of the sex offender status. Very pleased that Jesus has a storyline which does not involve his dating life. Can't believe how wrong the show got the casting of Nick. The actor looks as if he is 30 years old, which throws off the whole storyline. We need Rita to come in and save Callie from the potentially evil -- and clearly shady - foster care lady.
  11. I thought this was a much better episode than last week. Still surprised that Stef handled it the way she did with Callie after the girl showed so much personal growth in coming to Stef with the AJ news. I like that Jesus' story does not revolve around girlfriends but his male friend looks so old that it takes me completely out of the storyline. I wonder if the plan is to reunite Ana with her ex-boyfriend? I like that the cousin is still in the picture; I think that is pretty realistic. Lexi winning the Presidency after being away for a year and only being back for a short time struck me as unrealistic. I was surprised to see Talya and liked the callback to Season 1. Pretty realistic that we would see her again in school. Loved the Sharon/Stef scenes. Annie Potts is terrific. Also loved how she and Callie found Jack in the moms' bed and how Callie yelled at Jude. Looking forward to more Stef/Lena.
  12. I watched my dvr recording last night and thought it was great. Can't believe they pulled off a live version with the actors running/golf carting from set to set. Cracked up as the second golf cart hit the curb and Eve Plumb started yelling. Thought that the boys all blended together - except for Danny - and liked most of the girls. Particularly liked Blanche and the Principal. So nice to see Didi Conn from the original. Really liked the last number and was pleased to see that the entire cast got to take personalized curtain calls.
  13. I really enjoyed this episode. As soon as I saw the Lieutenant from Cold Case, I knew that he would be involved in the crime. Thought that the actor playing the son did a good job. Loved Sherlock wading across the pond.
  14. I really liked the Stef/Lena/Sharon breast cancer storyline - and particularly the complication of the BRCA-1 gene issue. Stef and Lena's conversation regarding mastectomy rang very true to me. I also liked Jude calling Lena "mama" so casually. Cracked up at Brandon in the ill-fitting wet suit. I don't mind the girlfriend from the bar. She has to be at least 21 in order to serve drinks, right? Otherwise: too much Brandon/Callie moping, too much Mariana/Lexi drama (which I admit I FFd through). The new guy driving with Jesus looks like he is much older than the twins. Speaking of the new Jesus, I like him much better than JTA.
  15. I just realized that Hannah Dunne, who plays Hailey's roommate, is the daughter of Carey Lowell from Law and Order and Griffin Dunne.
  16. Particularly liked the Cynthia and Betty conversation. Debra Monk looks great.
  17. Just found this show and binged a bunch of episodes tonight. Loved it!
  18. Callie needs to date someone from outside of the house. #Nomoredatingfosterbrothers
  19. Agreed. Since Stef is preoccupied with her DCIS diagnosis, perhaps Robert Quinn will step in and figure it out?
  20. I binge watched all of the episodes over the NYC Blizzard this weekend and this episode was my favorite. Loved The Bathroom Song and California Christmastime - replayed both several times. However, my hands-down favorite part of the episode was British Jewish Paula. Brilliant. Loved seeing Hope from Thirtysomething as Greg's mother. I think the temporary pairing of Heather and Greg is inspired - and will be hilarious. Love Heather's deadpan comments. Mama Bunch is a real piece of work. Forgot to mention that I loved the Yiddish in the opening scene.
  21. I can't believe that Hector's song made it past the censors. So glad that Paula finally got some loving! I hope that she divorces the singing husband and gets with Calvin. Really liked the shrink.
  22. Loved Face Your Fears and the Four Joshes. This was my favorite episode so far. Love how supportive Paula is of Rebecca.
  23. Binge watched during the NYC blizzard. I love it!
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