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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I liked this episode more than this season's previous ones. Particularly liked the therapy session with the moms and Mariana because the therapist addressed how they are parenting each child. More of this, please. Also liked how Mariana's issues stem from her childhood with Ana and continue to this day. Realistic. I also really liked the Jesus TMI storyline: I could do without Pregnant Emma but I think the show is doing a good job showing the patient's frustrations and the limitations of untrained caretakers. Lena is so well-meaning regarding Jesus but has no rehab training and 4 other children to care for. Being a caretaker for someone with brain issues is a 24/7 job and is incredibly wearing on the caretaker. It's only a matter of time before she snaps. At least we saw Jesus getting some real therapy at the rehab center. I wonder whether they will decide to move Jesus in-patient at some point; probably not great for the show's storytelling but much more realistic. Speaking of Lena, she mentioned that Monte had already hired a replacement. Curious if the show is going to eventually move Lena from Anchor Beach to another job? Glad that Robert mentioned Sophia being stalked by the guy whose house Callie broke into. I so hope that this storyline is at an end. Very pleased that the moms made the decision for Callie that they were taking the deal. Hopefully the deal doesn't fall apart for some reason. Glad that Lena mentioned Callie's senior project and college applications. I want to see more of Callie trying to move forward with her life as opposed to Detective Callie. I do hope, however, that Stef is able to uncover evidence which frees Kyle. Really do not want to see a Callie/AJ/Aaron triangle. I like AJ a lot and think that Callie treats him badly. I remember Captain Roberts as being more supportive. Interesting that she didn't want to know what Stef suspected was going on in her department. I wonder if the Callie storyline is going to culminate in Detective Stef engineering a clean-up of the Police Department? So...Brandon and the Music Girl? I did like Brandon a lot more this episode: working on music rehab with Jesus, giving Lena a break from watching Jesus. I hope that this Brandon sticks around. Did not miss Jude at all.
  2. I had emergency abdominal surgery 3 years ago. As I watched this episode on my dvr, I kept thinking how glad I was that I had an experienced surgeon performing the complicated surgery. I know that this is a teaching hospital but, as a patient, I would rather go to a different hospital than have one of these inexperienced residents doing a solo surgery on me - particularly with someone like Minnick handcuffing the most experienced person in the OR. I hope that the parents sue the shit out of the hospital; I'm not sure that they would actually win but they should do it anyway. April telling the patient in the ICU that she was "nicer" than the patient's own doctor is so unprofessional. I can easily see why April took the job. I also think that Catherine was manipulating her placement behind the scenes because she knew that April - who had worked for everything her entire life - would not say no. Maggie's hair bugged.
  3. Really liked Maggie/Alex - the slow pace and the limited viewing time notwithstanding. To the poster upthread, we saw Maggie doing her police job last week when she arrested Lena Luthor. I don't think it is fair to say that she doesn't have a reason for being on the show other than as Alex's love interest. How could Winn take his alien girlfriend to a hot restaurant? Are aliens such a normal part of the community there that they are interspersed into the general population? I was under the impression that many hung out in the bar because they stayed away from "regular places"? I like Mon El but since his arrival, the entire storyline has been on putting he and Kara together. I miss Cat Grant.
  4. Is there a rule that there can only be a certain number of people on the Team at any one time? We gained Dinah - who I like - and lost Rory - who is the best of the Squinterns. Doesn't losing Evelyn count so that we can have Rory back? I like that Rene is now working for Lance.
  5. I liked seeing the Captain's niece.
  6. Really liked Jimmy as the Uber driver and Shannon figuring out how to make money off of him. Also liked Shannon snagging the free hotel room. Would love to see more of her. I think they have made Jimmy less dopey and more lovable since the pilot. Conversely, I liked Kenny early on but he now comes on too strong and is insufferable for me. I do think that Pat and Eileen are endgame.
  7. I love this and agree with all of it. This is why I so dislike the current Callie storyline. Enough already.
  8. From TV Line: Anything happening with The Fosters‘ Callie? —Marissa You mean besides her big legal battle and potentially going to prison? An upcoming episode will find Callie getting involved with Girls United again. “Through Stef, we’re actually going to meet a new girl that gets into” the group home, executive producer Joanna Johnson previews. “We’ll go on a journey with this girl that will intertwine with Callie, as well, a bit.” The storyline also features the return of an old friend. “Daphne’s actually taken on a counselor role [at Girls United], and it’s amazing to see her progress,” star Maia Mitchell shares. “You’re going to see Callie supporting Daphne through that.”
  9. I noticed that Robert knew that Mariana had called Sophia to tell her about Callie and juvie -- but didn't seem to know that Sophia herself had been in danger from the guy who followed her into the bathroom at the festival. Jesus needs 24 hour/day care from trained professionals. He should have stayed in the rehab facility at least for a period of time to make some progress. Stef and Lena both have insurance and Jesus is a minor. Surely his care is covered while in that kind of facility -- in a way that it would not be at home? Not to mention that Jesus is a big guy - how is Lena going to lift him by herself? Makes no sense. Lena taking a leave of absence and giving up her needed salary in conjunction with Jesus not getting round the clock trained rehab care doesn't work for me. I liked when Ana asked Mike if the moms would let her see Jesus. Also curious if Jesus's birth father will show up?
  10. Callie's storyline is so stupid that I keep FF though it. Really liked Robert Quinn showing up at the house to remind Stef that he is still Callie's father. Moronic move to turn down his high priced attorney in favor of a well-meaning but overworked public defender. This whole story is ridiculous. Liked seeing Lena go through Jude's locker. Liked seeing Stef tell Mariana that she should go back into therapy. I am enjoying the TBI storyline for Jesus. Finally a great storyline for him that doesn't revolve around his girlfriends (at least now). I miss Judicorn. I actually liked Brandon as well. Like the Mike/Ana/AJ storyline. I hope that everything works out for Mike; he deserves some happiness.
  11. The show would be greatly improved by having Weller killed in the line of duty and having someone else - anyone else - become the male lead.
  12. Cannot stand the New Jude. I loved Judicorn and echo Brandon's comments about this teen version. Cannot stand the Callie storyline - FF though it makes the show go much faster. Looking forward to Callie coming home and getting out of this perpetual victim status. Love the TBI storyline. Haven't seen this kind of story done on television so I hope they do it justice. I also like how Mariana became aware of her role in Jesus's injury. This is the one storyline I am interested in right now. Also interested in the possibility that Emma could be pregnant - right as Jesus is waking up with deficits. Actually liked Brandon in this episode - being a big brother to Jude, erasing the "Congratulations Brandon" note on the blackboard. Loved seeing Mama Bear rush into the station. Of course, I FF at that point but...
  13. Watched both episodes back to back. I miss Sweet Face Mateo. Liked the brunch with Petra, Rafael, Jane and the kids and how the girls call Jane "Auntie Jane". They really are one big extended family. Still can't believe that Michael's numerous physicals didn't pick up the aortic dissection. Thought that the 3 year time jump was a good idea. Liked seeing Professor Donaldson watching Jane's reading. Good continuity.
  14. I understand that Minnick wants the residents to try their hands at difficult surgeries but I sure wouldn't want to be the patient with a complex issue who was the test bunny when a well-trained and experienced surgeon could deal with my complicated surgery.
  15. Loved that they brought Valencia in as the wedding planner. Perfect future role for her. Seems like a different character from early Season 1 but.... Loved Paula screaming at Naomi.
  16. I finally watched....or I should say that I watched everything except for all of the Callie scenes. I just can't...I hate this entire storyline. It is beyond stupid and not befitting this quality show. On the bright side, I should be able to get through each episode a lot faster. I liked the Jesus drama. I hope that they do justice to this storyline. I also liked the Noah/Jude storyline. Is the actor playing Noah much older in real life because he looks so much older than Jude. Jude sure sobered up quickly once he got to the hospital. I gagged when Brandon went back to -- and had sex again - with Cortney. Good for her for ending things. Also liked how Emma called Mariana out and blamed her for Jesus getting hurt. Liked the AJ/Mike scene and how AJ apologized to Aaron. Good for Aaron for telling Callie that it is not her place to out a trans person - and for spelling out the danger that trans people face. I hate to say it but I think I am falling out of love with the show. ETA: Even the moms - whose story is really why I watch - didn't blow me away.
  17. I had the same thought. Either this or she was so distraught that she couldn't think straight.
  18. I am so not looking forward to the entire Callie storyline that I may have to FF through it all. Zero interest in seeing Callie in Jail. I'd prefer to see Callie trying to deal with her life after being adopted and the havoc that foster care played on her adolescence. The anticipation of this storyline is really diminishing my excitement over the show coming back tonight. Ugh. Enough already. OTOH, cannot wait for the Jesus storyline. It will give Jesus and Mariana - and the Mamas - terrific material to play. I used to adore Jude but I'm not cracked over Jude and Noah. Perhaps that will change. Brandon finally facing the music (no pun intended) and losing Juilliard has a lot of possibilities.
  19. A month at a specialty camp in the Adirondacks is going to cost a lot of money. I wish that there was at least a throwaway line as to how Kate is affording it. I'm sure it is not covered by any kind of insurance.
  20. My thoughts exactly. Plus Petra has children with Rafael. If he loses his inheritance, they lose it too. Justina Machado, who plays Darci, stars on the Netflix reboot of One Day at a Time and is fantastic. I also liked that Darci stood up to Xo and didn't take any crap from Rogelio's "supportive family".
  21. Absolutely! His comments about his birthday killed me. Poor thing.
  22. I liked how we saw JJ being Dylan's big brother in his own unique way. Excellent episode.
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