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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I'm waiting for Stef and Mike to find out that Brandon used his hand settlement money on Cortney's house. Not going to be pretty.
  2. I really like the idea of Callie's senior project because it returns the emphasis of the show to the foster care system. I hope that they do not go in the direction of Brandon being accused of being inappropriate with Mason. That is one issue too many. I appreciated Stef's comment about Brandon being a White Knight because that behavior has been in evidence since the Pilot when he helped Callie rescue Jude. I am not a Brandon fan but his recognition of all that Stef did for him with his music was well done and long overdue. When last we left Mike, he was dating Ana, right? Perhaps she has moved in which is why he needs more space and/or more money?
  3. My first thought is that Stewart is either ill (similar to early onset Alzheimer's) or is having an affair. I suspect the former. Strictly a spec.
  4. I particularly liked Callie finally asking the moms if they were going to undo the adoption....and the Callie/Lena scene. They get so few scenes together and really made it count. Stef had another scene with Jude. I wonder if TPTB made a conscious effort to pair Stef and Jude since previously it seemed that Lena had all of the big scenes with Jude. Eager to see more of Callie's school project, particularly since it touches so heavily on her history. Anything but Brallie, which is hopefully dead.
  5. THIS! I just can't see Robert and Sol together in real life. Sol annoys the heck out of me. He's been shown to be a competent attorney but otherwise he reminds me of a needy fruitcake. He would drive me nuts in about 10 minutes. Robert is so dogmatic that I can't see him putting up with Sol for any time at all. I agree with the poster upthread who hoped that the husbands would be recurring next season but I doubt that will happen given the actors involved. I can see the parallel between Grace (Robert) and Frankie (Sol) but they aren't romantically involved and, while living together, have their own interests and other friends. Robert/Sol doesn't work for me at all.
  6. Lena allowed a convicted sex offender to work on a school project. I believe that this is the basis of her troubles at school.
  7. I'm waiting for the explosion when Stef and Mike find out that Brandon gave his hand settlement money to Cortney for the house. I was critical of Old Nick last season - I thought that he looked like a 30 year old playing a 16 year old kid. However, I thought that the actor did a great job with this last episode. I hope that we never see the character again but I thought the actor was terrific.
  8. Is there a link to the Summer promo which played at the end of the episode last night? My dvr cut it off.
  9. Presumably Stef and Lena do not yet know that Brandon gave his hand settlement money to Cortney for the house. That'll end well.
  10. I thought this was an excellent episode but I'm never hiring Stef to secure my house from intruders. :) The actor playing Nick did a great job. The last scene with he and Mariana was excellent. I think that I liked it so much because it completely focused on the family -- as opposed to Jesus' girlfriends, Anchor Beach, Brandon's band, etc...I'm glad that Mariana was supportive of Callie. I hope that we quickly get past the unadopt question. On a completely shallow note, I wasn't loving Stef's hair in this episode.
  11. Stef...worst house search ever. A bit surprised that Stef didn't have the precinct sweep her house given Nick's connection to Mariana. Really liked the Adams Foster family reunion at the end.
  12. I love Jacqueline's parents. Vonda and Titus dancing on the train station platform - terrific. I hope we see Vonda again. I think that Kimmy needs to forget about Dong and his green card marriage and find a new guy. I'm not getting the "this is the one" feeling from them. Wouldn't mind seeing Xan again.
  13. I cringed throughout the entire trial -- thought the humor was too broad, the OJ Simpson lawyers jokes too stupid and the whole set up was just ridiculous. Major fail for such a wonderful show. Also - cannot stand Randy. They have way overplayed his presence in the show. Once again with the stupid. I did crack up at the idea of Jacqueline and Lillian taking a road trip together although Jacqueline came off a bit too stupid. Titus and the video!
  14. I also noticed the similarities between Tommy and Laurel's deaths and the end of Ruve. The daughter reminds me of a possessed kid from a movie like Children of the Corn. I'm not sure if that is intentional. Loved watching Tom Amandes and Charlotte Ross play off of each other. I hope that Donna doesn't become a casualty although that would be too reminiscent of another CW show. Also surprised that Oliver didn't call upon Cisco to find some answer to Darkh's magic but perhaps there wasn't enough time.
  15. I'm just glad that Beckett and Castle are alive and together ...and have three kids!
  16. I must have missed something. We saw Adam on the floor in the bunker with blood pouring out of his head. How did he get medical attention so that he survived? How did Adam end up with Jane? I was truly shocked by him still being alive after we saw the head wound.
  17. Tina Fey as Marcia Clark is a lot more timely now that the OJ Simpson tv movie aired. My least favorite episode. I didn't find the trial funny at all and kept looking at my phone during those scenes - a sure tell that I was bored. I did crack up at the analogy of the Spin Cycle program to a cult.
  18. Am binge watching now. This is the first episode that felt off to me. Didn't love Angry Kimmy and thought that the step dad was too cartoonish.
  19. I really like Young Hee so I was ready to turn off the tv when Elizabeth drugged Don. I was only afraid that she was going to actually kill Young Hee. I hope it doesn't come to that.
  20. Have always enjoyed Castle going off on an unrealistic tangent and Beckett pulling him back to reality. This whole business with the AntiChrist went too far. He looked like a big buffoon rather than a fantasy lover. Alexis' transformation from college student into society matron is hysterical. What in the world were she and Hayley doing in the PI office late at night wearing party dresses? Alexis is 20 (?). She should be running around in jeans exploring the City - not drinking scotch late at night in her dad's PI Office with a sketchy older woman unless they are foreshadowing a Hayley/Alexis romance. Someone upthread reported that the 12th Precinct sets were struck already. If so, I wonder if Esposito and Ryan end up leaving the force and going to work with Castle in his PI business? I won't be watching so I'm just curious.
  21. While I liked seeing John Noble on screen - and love the way he speaks - I'll be glad to be finished with the father/son drama for now and get back to the normal case of the week with Bell, Gregson and Sherlock's band of assistants.
  22. The actress playing Xanthippe was the best friend of the younger daughter in Chasing Life. It took me half of this episode to figure it out.
  23. I never watched 30 Rock or The Office but found Kimmy today and am loving it. Some of the bits are hysterical - especially White Women Found - Hispanic Woman Found Also. Loved the Matt Lauer interview when one of the Mole Women called him Bryant. Terrific show so far.
  24. I don't think that Mayfair is being set up as the girlfriend's killer - but I do think that there is a plot to take her out of her job. Cannot believe how incredibly stupid it was for the two armed FBI operatives to LEAVE the cottage to pick up food -- leaving the shrink and the tech operative to guard the target. Took me right out of the show because of the stupidity. Having said that, loved seeing Patterson figure out interesting ways to defeat the bad guys who were in the house. MacGyverish.
  25. So the Garrick name is also in Barry's family line? I wonder what that is about because it has to mean something. I don't read the comics. Do Jessie and Wally have superpowers in the comics? I like her character and hope she sticks around.
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