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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. Seriously? Wow.... I'm waiting for Willa to go batshit crazy when everything is finally revealed. Don't know why they cast Matt Saracen if he doesn't have a larger part in the show? Perhaps he is the one who figures out the truth?
  2. This was my favorite episode of the series. I love the energy and snark that Rich Dot Com brought to the show. It really helped to liven up the normally dull proceedings. I laughed out loud when he parachuted off of the roof.
  3. I really enjoyed the finale - more than I thought I would. Curious to see if/how Lucy is going to remain at the DEO? I hope that Eliza sticks around and becomes more prominent now that the search is on for her husband. Loved that Cat finally called Kara by her name.
  4. From Blind Gossip: http://blindgossip.com/?p=77925#more-77925 For those of you who thought that the dismissal of a certain TV star didn’t make any sense, this should provide some insight! [The Show’s Creator] is the one who kept everything together all these years. Even though he knew [Lead Actor] hated [Lead Actress], [Creator] was in charge and he always did what was right for the show. He knew that putting [the lead characters] together as a couple worked as a story line and he kept everybody in line professionally and didn’t allow their petty personal bullsh*t get in the way. As soon as [Creator] left, that’s when the trouble started. [Lead Actor] felt like this was now HIS show, and he told the producers that he wanted to move it in a different direction. Of course that meant dumping [Lead Actress]! All that crap they’re putting out about how it was a budget decision and how much she will be missed, etc.? Ha ha ha ha! Total bulls*t! [Lead Actor] hated her, he wanted her out, so she’s out. Simple as that. Yeah, he’s just shot himself in the foot… and f*cked over the entire cast and crew… and probably killed the entire show… but he thinks he’s won! Sounds like a hollow-point victory to us! Sure sounds as if this is referring to Castle.
  5. I could see TPTB thinking that their drama pilots are so bad that they are willing to accept a re-tooled Castle with lesser ratings rather than take a flyer on a new pilot. I have zero interest in watching Castle without Beckett. I didn't even watch the Season 8 episodes where Beckett was mysteriously absent.
  6. I like Patterson - regardless of how completely unrealistic her entire storyline was. I also liked Ghost David a lot more than the rest of the Team. Mayfair walking into a honeypot is interesting; I really like the actress and hope that she doesn't end up taking a fall. I watch this show with one eye on the tv and one eye on my phone reading Twitter. I still can't deal with how Weller speaks.
  7. I'm not a big fan of Joan Allen in this role but I thought she was great this episode. Really interested to see how Hank fits into the kidnapping scheme. Does he find the boys for Pocky? Did he bring them food when Pocky and his wife went out of town for days? If he did, Ben didn't seem afraid of him when he went to the house plus Hank didn't recognize him as Ben, not Adam.
  8. I'm in the camp of hoping that Rebecca doesn't end up with either Greg or Josh. I'd like her to find someone new. She deserves better than Greg and smarter than Josh. I'd also like to see more Heather. I'm on the fence about Paula but I think it is because I love the actress. I completely get Paula's fear that she will lose Rebecca if they no longer have the Josh obsession in common. Rebecca has filled a huge void for Paula in terms of her own kids being non-attentive teens. I can relate to her fear but obviously hate that she blew up the relationship with Josh's family and Valencia. Loved the Heavy Boobs song - did not like Greg's song. Cracked up at Rebecca's Josh memorabilia collection.
  9. Time travel gives me a headache.
  10. All I kept thinking was...how far is it to the Lazarus Pit?
  11. One of the reasons why I really like this show is that all of the characters are good people and are ultimately supportive of each other. I laugh out loud at each episode and I don't watch any other comedy except Big Bang Theory. Shannon continually getting money from Grandma, Eileen realizing how hard it was for Kenny to come out, Pat helping out during the Porn Bomb Emergency, Jimmy trying to help Kenny during his first day at school -- loved all of it.
  12. This show reminds me of my relationship with The Blacklist, which I gave up after awhile. I'm still hanging in with Blindspot for the time being. I crack up every time that Weller speaks. Does the actor speak like that - with clipped phrases, etc... - in other roles or just here? I've never seen this actor before. Loved Jane jumping through the window - regardless of how ridiculous it was.
  13. I binge watched most of the episodes this weekend. I think the show is terrific - and I don't usually watch comedies. Love the relationship between Kenny and Jimmy. Jimmy could easily be the dumb jock brother who makes fun of his gay kid brother - but he is exactly the opposite. I also love the relationship between the parents. Martha Plimpton is terrific and I loved Bebe Wood on The New Normal. Fun show. I hope it gets renewed. I actually laugh out loud at some of the gags.
  14. At the adoption hearing, the judge specifically referenced the restraining order when he asked Callie if there was anything still romantic with Brandon so the restraining order is old news.
  15. If Justina really knows the truth -- of which I am not convinced -- I don't think it was Cortney who divulged the secret. I think it was Daphne. Perhaps Justina figured they were plotting together against her and threatened to fire Daphne thus forcing Daphne to lose the job which was the key to keeping Tasha unless she helped to discredit Callie. I still think that Justina only has the old dirt on Callie -- not the real info -- and that Callie is the one who outs herself to the moms. I'm hoping that the truth doesn't become public beyond the moms. I wonder if Lena loses her job or if Monte gets shot by Nick thus compelling the board to retain Lena lest they have no leadership at all?
  16. I have less than zero interest in watching a CPS investigation or in having the adoption rescinded so I hope they don't go down that route. The restraining order that Justina posted on Fost and Found was public info and was known before the adoption was granted. (Giving Justina admin privileges backfired.) She has no proof that anything occurred unless either Daphne or Cortney spill the secret. The question is what the moms are going to do. Brandon continues to be a moron. I was surprised by Jude speaking in religious terms at the beach. I don't recall him being religious before.
  17. I'm assuming that this foster dad - and Jack's death - tie into the Justina storyline but it is really heavy handed to use a foster dad who had been arrested for pulling a gun on the kids. Even the private foster care system would likely not give him a license. In the pilot, wasn't the foster home that Jude was in located far from San Diego - outside of Stef's original jurisdiction? If so, why was she called to the house now?
  18. Brallie is the 100 pound gorilla which is eating this show. If they start to go down the path of rescinding the adoption, I'm done. That is not the show I'm interested in watching. I wonder if the network is pushing it? Also how did the foster dad get a license to continue fostering after the pilot when he was arrested for pulling a gun on children?
  19. Turned it off after 15 minutes without a mention of Beckett. No Beckett and Castle working together = no interest.
  20. If they rescind Callie's adoption and put her back in the system, that would be it for me. I have no desire to watch that show. I'd have to get my Stef and Lena fix through video clips. Fingers crossed that this is only a typo.
  21. I'm having a real problem with Joan Allen as the mother - perhaps because I remember her so clearly as the military school commander from The Killing. I see her as too much of a political automaton without any shred of maternal feelings. The one interesting thing about her character was the anvil that her political push for microchipping sex offenders may be connected to the laboratory who just perfected such technology -- and the millions that they could both make. Otherwise, the only character remotely sympathetic is Matt Saracen.
  22. I have the sense that Daphne's custody hearing and need for a high paying job were just a convenient way to move the Callie/Justina storyline forward. I agree that there is no way that Daphne would have been able to land such a job in real life and also agree that Callie would not have been seen as a credible personal reference for Daphne.
  23. I liked this episode a lot - with the exception of the Brallie hints, which nauseate me. Loved the entire Stef/Lena storyline; Stef's hair looks fantastic and her reasons for cutting it resonated deeply. Cracked up at Jesus walking in on the boob display in the kitchen. Really liked Stef spending her spare time at the warehouse supervising Gabe so that Jesus could interact with him. I liked the callback to Tasha/Daphne and the tie-in to the shady Justina Marks. Callie finally took two steps forward towards figuring out what Justina was really after -- and then was bought off with the secure job so that Daphne could get Tasha back. I understand why Callie made the decision to get Daphne the job; I only hope that it doesn't endanger other kids. I also liked how Dani's statutory rape of Brandon was finally discussed. This show has a good habit of bringing back issues from the past and working them into current storylines. I knew that Gabe would be arrested. Now let's see if Stef is able to "explain" it away. I still wonder if Old Nick's father really knows that his son is allowing Brandon to use the warehouse? There is definitely a story there. I can't imagine that the show will undo Callie's adoption in furtherance of Brallie. That act would screw up the big payoff which many viewers eagerly awaited for several seasons. It would also send a bad message about adoption and the foster care system. However, every interaction between Callie and Brandon makes me nuts. Speaking of Callie, I liked that she made the connection to the baby keychain; it reminded me of Smart Callie of old. Edited to add: I have less than zero interest in the R+J show. None.
  24. Finally watched last night. Loved all of the family interaction scenes: Jesus/Jude; Callie/Jude; Jude and the moms, and especially Stef/Jesus. This is why I watch the show. I also really liked Stef and Lena discussing the Monte/Sally situation and Stef's observation that Sally looks a lot like Lena. Cracked up when Callie said that she never talks to Jesus. Also liked Mariana trying to help Gabe. Poor Ana - two steps forward and one backwards but I guess that is very realistic for someone who has had her level of addiction. Her breakdown and comment that she lost the twins as a result of her parents calling the cops on Gabe (which I have to watch again) was terrific. I really liked Gabe bringing the presents for the twins but I fear that he will end up in legal trouble as a result - likely caused by the grandparents. Where is Ana's baby? Thought the Sally/Monte situation was very well done. I had the sense that Sally was lying about the kiss; I could not see Monte risking her career in this way. I hope that they show us the resolution of this storyline. Now for the bad: I cannot stand the entire R&J storyline. I keep thinking that Bradley pushed it into the show in order to showcase his real life show. Cannot stand Nick even though the character has been okay for the past episode. I'm sure it is because the actor is too old. The Brandon/Cortney storyline is beyond ridiculous; just wait till the moms find out that Brandon is dating an older woman with a child and that the woman still lives with the ex. This is the same Brandon who told Callie that they could not tell anyone about their night together - he then goes and tells Cortney thus ensuring that another person knows their secret. So annoyingly stupid. I've started fast forwarding through the Brandon/Cortney scenes. Also not thrilled with AJ/Callie but not as vehemently opposed as with Brandon. I did like how AJ picked up on the strong vibes between Brandon and Callie and split.
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