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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. A major bonus of Jake being gone is that the perpetual Jesus/girlfriend story lines are non-existent for the moment. Hopefully, they will find a better use for the character when he returns.
  2. Yes. They said that they "got Jenna" in her divorce from Kelly, Garrett the poet's other mom.
  3. I actually like how many different parents are involved; I think it is pretty realistic given the history of all of these kids. I also liked how Mariana mentioned that she has "x number of birth uncles, x number of birth cousins". I'd imagine that a blended family like this one has a pretty messy family tree.
  4. I love Susie. Hope we get to see more of her.
  5. I don't see AJ becoming a permanent part of the Adams Foster family. If it doesn't work out with Mike, perhaps AJ's brother will be deemed to be a suitable guardian. I watched the episode again last night. Noticed that Callie called Robert "dad" when she handed him the present - after Jude had commented on her calling him "Robert" during their breakfast fight.
  6. I liked this episode a lot - with the exception of the Brandon plot, which I could care less about -- because it was all about parents and children. Much better than last week. Loved the Ana/Mariana bonding moments; Ana has certainly come a long way as a mother figure since the pilot when she used Mariana for money. Really glad that TPTB didn't kill off Ana so that we get to see this redemption arc. I hope that she doesn't regress. Particularly liked that she counseled Mariana to tell her moms about the hookup with Wyatt. Still not sold on the grandmother because I recall her possibly homophobic reaction to the baby living with Stef and Lena. Why did they only add Mariana's name to the wall and not Jesus' name? Loved the Callie/Jude bickering about Donald. That felt so real - and was a long time in coming. The actor playing Jude has grown so much since the pilot; his facial features are now of a teenager and not of the little brother from the pilot. Loved the Father's Day brunch with the Jonnor reveal -- and Donald's reaction to it .Really glad that they aren't portraying Donald as an asshat. He made a terrible mistake, paid the price for it and realized that he was ill equipped to raise two kids. The one action I have a real issue with is that he was out of prison for a year and didn't track the kids down to make sure that they were safe and in a good home. I hope that we see him continuing to recur in their lives. Loved Callie going to find Donald at the end and their reconciliation. Thought that was very well done and have to admit that I cried. Not surprised about the Quinns separating due to Robert's affair. I've always liked Jill's reaction to both Callie and Jude and hope she sticks around. Sophia still seems very brittle and on the edge; I would like to see her interacting with Jude since they are both Callie's siblings. Loved the Donald/Robert meeting - another scene which was a long time in coming. Mike as a foster parent is a very good idea and a good use of the character. Don't love the plot contrivance which has AJ living in the house with Callie while Mike's license comes through. Hope that Callie tells the moms soon about being fired since Callie and secrets is not a good combination. Cheered when it was revealed that Callie told Stef about AJ and brought her into the meeting at juvie. Showed real character growth on Callie's part. Finally, loved the opening with the moms/the shower/and the plumber. Cutting out Jesus has tightened up the show a bit since we don't have to endure his girlfriend storylines. Not missing him at all.
  7. I was so hoping that we would get the "big reveal" with the white gauze bandages being slowly removed from Jesus' face - a la a mummy!
  8. Not happy that Mariana quit her coding class and apparently unilaterally decided to become the overpowering and hovering mother's helper to her birth mother. I am happy that Ana did not die and can continue to bond with Mariana. Loved seeing Mariana and Callie's deepening sister relationship -- which will likely be negatively impacted by the Mariana/Wyatt hook up. Did not see that coming. So nice to see Callie happy and working to help others at the foster center -- for about two minutes before her life went to hell again. This had better not just be a ploy to delay her adoption and hold out more time for Brallie. I think that would make me quit the show. Really liked all of the Stef/Lena interactions -- especially their quiet moments in bed and Stef breaking down in front of Lena at the beach party. Good idea to have Stef be the mom most impacted by the crash. Would like to see them get the Monte issue out of the way quickly. Not thrilled with Stef the Cop; she comes across as too overbearing. Could care less about Jesus. The big benefit there is that we are free (for now) of his endless girl trouble storylines. Could also care less about Brandon and his composer/pianist issues. It seems that everyone forgot that, until recently, his hand was so damaged that he wasn't able to play any classical music. Loved Jonnor. Very interesting that Jude doesn't want to be labeled as anything but "Jude" for now.
  9. Loved it! Screamed like a little kid when Felicity showed up wearing the Atom suit and when Thea showed up dressed in Roy's old costume. Loved seeing Happy Oliver. I hope that Nyssa becomes a regular next season. Great character.
  10. I wonder if Sin Rostro wants something that is hidden in the Recovery Suites because there was a lot of talk about demolishing the Suites in the beginning of the episode.
  11. I liked parts of the episode - especially Tatsu fighting with her husband and Ray and his flying suit going after the plane. I hope that TPTB find a way to keep Tatsu as part of Team Arrow next season -- as well as Nyssa -- because they are both much more interesting characters than Laurel. Speaking of Laurel, I cracked up at Laurel fighting the heavily trained and vastly experienced fighters of the League of Assassins. The image which came to mind was a little kid stepping into the ring with Muhammad Ali. Ridiculous. Eager to see which other characters have been in on Oliver's plan with the presumably fake virus.
  12. Was sure that Dorothy Lyman was going to end up being more involved. Terrific actress.
  13. LisaM

    S03.E21: Al Sah-him

    Loved it when Thea showed up at the battle.
  14. I'm really curious as to what Pastor Tim will do with the information from Paige that her parents are liars and that they are actually Russian. Will he confront P&E? If so, will they laugh it off and say that Paige was having a fight with them, saw Reagan's Evil Empire speech and thought to tar them with the worst thing she could think of? After all, they look and sound just like "ordinary Americans". Also curious what the Center will do once they find out that the Paige reveal has backfired and that she has zero interest in working for the homeland. Will there be an implied threat against Henry to push Paige into line?
  15. Loved it. Felicity standing up to Malcolm and to Ra's was tremendous. I loved how she took charge. Oliver's despair in the hospital was very well done. I loved all of the Oliver/Felicity moments. They have great chemistry. I usually can't stand the flashbacks but cheered for Tatsu. I figured that Akio's death was the turning point for both Tatsu and Maseo but to hear him confirm that the boy had died - to Diggle - was sad and foreboding. I hope that nothing happens to Baby Sara. I'm already getting bad vibes about Lila. Thea flying out of the Pit was hysterical. I also like goofy Ray - especially when he is not with Felicity - so I hope he sticks around until the spinoff. The Queen family and swords - not a good history.
  16. Terrible episode. The only parts that I liked took place in the loft. Especially liked Alexis waking up Beckett with concern over her dad. Why is Esposito still such an asshat to Castle? No interest in seeing this show continue without Beckett on screen each week.
  17. Wow...I figured that Roy would somehow make it out alive - even after he appeared to be dead -- but Thea being stabbed was a real shocker. ETA: The Queen family really does not have a good history with swords.
  18. Isn't Paige close in age to Kimmie? Perhaps the Center wants to use Paige to gain info from a CIA agent in a similar way that Philip is using Kimmie?
  19. I get the sense that they are writing Teddy off of the show a la Lamar. Besides his legal troubles - which would be the death for his job as Mayor - he and Deacon had that nice moment when Deacon told Teddy about the cancer and Teddy referred to "both of Maddie's dads". It really feels as if Teddy will be gone and will entrust the girls to Deacon. I really like the doctor with Scarlett and so hope that she doesn't run back to Gunnar. I also like how Luke and Rayna have reached a level of civility.
  20. I loved it when Jocelyn's second chair called Abby out for being such a horrible person. If the show is really about showing the people of Broadchurch and how the small town reacts to a murder, it would probably be the most interesting for Joe to get off and to see how the town reacts to him being back among them. We already know how the town reacted to Ellie when he was accused. I can easily picture the turmoil of "a non-convicted sex offender living among us" not to mention the impact on Tom, Fred, and particularly Ellie. One question: when did Beth and Ellie repair their relationship such that Beth was unburdening herself to Ellie regarding her marriage? I thought that Beth still blamed Ellie for everything?
  21. As someone who has been in that ER/ICU situation, I could definitely relate to the rollercoaster of emotions that the Bravermans were feeling - especially when Zeek coded and had to have the stents put in. Have to admit that I cried throughout the entire episode. I liked Hank reaching out to Drew. Ray Romano has been knocking it out of the park with this role.
  22. I find it hard to believe how bad this show is. The storylines are contrived at best. The acting is terrible - does Patricia Arquette have any affect at all? I'm not sure why I am still watching.
  23. Finally watched the finale last night. Emmett really turned out to be a disappointment, didn't he? Till this episode, I really wanted Bay and Emmett to end up together. Now I hope that she runs as far away from him as possible; Bay can do so much better. Toby's hair was beyond distracting in every scene that he was in. What in the world is up with it? Is this some new style that I am too old to recognize? I liked the John and Regina scene a lot; those two have come a long way. I wonder whether Will was abducted by his father, which would account for all of the moving they have done. I don't want Regina's heart to be broken yet again. Liked the scene in the hospital with Natalie and the non-signing nurse. Probably pretty realistic.
  24. I thought that this episode was much better than the previous ones. Much less focus on the trial and much more focus on the comedy team of Millah(!) and Hardy. Loved seeing Hardy's ex wife. Thinking that the bluebells in the photo were just too prominent to be anything other than a red herring. Loved seeing Susan Wright show up; can't stand Nige. The best news is that Beth stopped being an asshat, at least for this episode.
  25. I could easily see the show recasting Jesus; I've watched enough soaps -- and Bewitched, Roseanne, etc... - to see how it could be done. Alternatively, they could do a significant time jump and comment how the boarding school was willing to take him even though he was unable to wrestle for awhile. I don't think that they will kill off the character. Assuming that the character is not immediately recast with a hunky teenaged boy, I think that the show will introduce some other characters to grab that part of the viewing demographic who are up in arms over JTA's departure. From the artwork, we know that the twins have male cousins who could fit the bill. Agree with Bringonthedrama above regarding Robert Sr's blatant disregard of Callie while she was sitting right there. What an asshat!
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