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Everything posted by lookeyloo

  1. the often misguided notion that someone can go to therapy to get "fixed" so that the referring person doesn't have to take responsibility or do any work. Fix her to Kody's liking. Ha!
  2. My guess is that Tim will continue as usual and when his license is revoked will continue to drive without it. Having learned nothing. The next speeding tickets will be interesting. Where do they get money for fines?
  3. I didn't watch the video, but, some children suck their thumbs or a pacifier for a need they have. Sweet Son sucked his thumb. At one point I told him he could suck it anytime, but, had to go into his room to do it. He still did. He had trouble with some words in preschool and we went to physical therapy and they told me there was a "device" I could put in his mouth to keep him from sucking his thumb. I thought that would be cruel. He only sucked it in his room and probably in the night. I figured he would need braces anyway and he did. Eventually he didn't need to go to his room to suck his thumb, but I teased him almost til he died that he might still suck it at bedtime!! Maybe Gideon has some stress in his little life that the thumb relieves. Even if it is a habit, grown folks have trouble with some of those too. Nail biters? He will learn soon enough there are safe places for it.
  4. Maybe Maddie liked the idea of being a nurse, but then realized that it required dealing with sick people and maybe her people skills are lacking or not her thing. When I went through my divorce I had therapy with a wonderful social worker and when I went to social work school it was with the idea of doing that thing. But, as I got into it, realized it wasn't for me to actually DO it, just HAVE it, so switched gears into program administration/research, etc. which was more of a fit for me.
  5. Maybe they all thrive on chaos. I have a family member or two like this. Everyone pile into my house! It will be fun! We say "where is the nearest hotel".
  6. I worked in one state agency early in my career. We implemented another section's policy. Sometimes it didn't make sense. So we had a motto in our section. "It doesn't have to make sense, it's policy" which seems to apply here. Most of what they do doesn't make sense.
  7. Maybe some fundy girl one day will put her hand across her brow and say "oh Rhett whatever shall I do???"
  8. Unless she takes a page from Erin but puts the girls in a closet!!
  9. I would go with there is no horsing around in Erin Bates house!!!!!
  10. Good question. Would it require a consultation with the IBLP board on how to proceed? They are part of a big "machine" that has given them air time.
  11. There is a lot of talk lately that the human brain isn't fully developed until later. That young people can vote, enlist, etc is probably more a reflection of society and laws than development. https://mentalhealthdaily.com/2015/02/18/at-what-age-is-the-brain-fully-developed/ Some people never mature but at least their brains are finished "cooking"
  12. Okay I only have some experience to go by. I have an MSW. Later in my career (I didn't do therapy- more indirect as in program administration, research, etc). the last years before I retired I worked in the actual social work school I graduated from back when. Of course there were PhD candidates. And I was friendly and worked with them or had lunch etc. I don't remember any of what your friends told you. Mr lookeyloo got his PhD in Biochemistry during the time we met and got married. His friends in same boat were and are still friends. His issue was with his major professor who didn't want to help him complete because he would lose a trained worker who got publication. Two brothers got PhDs. No stories like yours. I wonder if Leon is actually going through a PHD program they are surrounded by a lot of folks who want them to understand themselves and what it takes to work through a program. Unless they are doing a strictly web based program there will be interactions and feedback along the way. A phd requires a dissertation. That isn't done in a vacuum. I am no fan of pretentious Leon but maybe when their brain develops fully they will be more mature.
  13. Are we snarking on Caleb for this job? Because he travels? His salary isn't enough? Because they want to live in Montana? Because of Maddie and Plexus? I'm confused!!!!
  14. Maybe an elevator servicing fellow is like the HVAC people - We have a contract and they come twice a year to service and other times if we need them. Don't elevators need to have the thingy inside that they are in working order? I'll bet he stays busy enough
  15. And he will undoubtedly still drive without a license and insurance. His next traffic stop (because there will be one given his history) will be interesting.
  16. So interesting. I have said the only way we would know what is rilly goin on is if they all wore a go pro and we watched endless hours of live or recorded live footage. There was that show eons ago https://variety.com/2018/vintage/features/reality-tv-an-american-family-1202660360/ which came close I think.
  17. I am old. We all did our homework in front of the TV!! In the living room, with parents also watching too! I think back to the olden days - and then I wonder how these kids can survive a real world if they ever need to.
  18. It makes me wonder yet again if what they do for the show is very producer driven and they are all in on it.
  19. There's no salsa, pico de gallo, or tomatoes to brighten the color
  20. They sure don't. Maybe one day they will figure out that wherever they go they take themselves with them and wonder what's up with that. I don't hold out much hope
  21. So Pardon was physical with Breanna? Maybe there is a pattern? Or not.
  22. We are all different. Sweet son's older brother didn't want to wear his coat, hat or gloves at recess in kindergarten in winter in Northern California winter. Sweet Son and I stayed bundled up. The teachers insisted I allow them to "force" him to wear these items or take him to the doctor. Which I did. Blood work drawn. All normal. Doctor said let him be. He will know when he is cold. I couldn't in good conscience force him because he was miserable or because it didn't look right to others. He is grown up and lives in the PNW and still rarely wears a coat in winter. Sometimes it is not bad or neglectful parenting and some issues are not worth fighting. Maybe Sam and Derick aren't cold enough or will get a coat later. edited to add that oldest grandson (who is in first year law school) told his parents in high school not to get him a winter jacket because he didn't need it and wouldn't wear it. In the PNW
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