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Everything posted by lookeyloo

  1. @Scarlett45That sweet Cosmo does not look all that pleased with you at that moment! He has the most adorable face.
  2. I will say that when I got married the first time and moved an hour away with who I thought was my one true love, I was very homesick for my brothers and the "commotion" that a 5 person family created, which was relatively normal if you don't count that my parents didn't really get along. I couldn't wait to be married and didn't want to change that, just going from 5 of us (them) to 2 of us was quite the emotional shocker. I eventually got used to it. So can you imagine Kaylee going from all that to just the two of them. It will take some getting used to.
  3. Depends on where you are. I have dental insurance and have needed root canals and crowns and there is always out of pocket sometimes 50%. And every dental practice around here has similar rates. We also get two cleanings a year for free. So it just depends. Zach will most likely have to pay something regardless. Maybe the practice offers a payment plan
  4. Some Well they did eat real food and they also did give her sugary snacks in the car. Offering her an apple or carrot sticks didn't work. She rejected. Food issues are complicated. All I meant to convey is that chances are Layla will grow up healthy and maybe taste real food somewhere and like it, ask for it, learn to make it
  5. Some his kids survive. I'm guessing at one point Layla will taste something somewhere that is real and ask for it. Maybe that will lead to more tasting. Granddaughter is middle child. Breast fed a year. She had no desire for any real food daughter in law or I or other grandma offered. Cute plate, story etc. nope. She went for the sugar. Daughter in law made her beautiful plates with tiny portions of many healthy foods. She sat there chatting and not touching any of it. They tried just letting her get hungry enough and different healthy choices. Pediatrician and nurse practitioner consulted. Grandma and Nana suggested. Child refused. So finally gave in and let her choose. It was mainly a sugar junk diet. We all bemoaned. Her older and younger brothers no issues. Fast forward. She is 19. In college. She made a turnaround in high school. Beautiful healthy girl who eats well now and exercises. She is smart and competent with no health issues from her very poor diet for years. Good teeth and long thick luxurious hair. So maybe there is hope for Layla too.
  6. And maybe he just didn't hate it. Mr lookeyloo has not liked all of my hair styles or lengths. I don't care and he doesn't care that I don't care. Maybe it's just that. Yes in an ideal world all spouses will at least act supportive but I think I can guarantee that a lot of non fundie perfectly adequate spouses Act the same And life goes on. Yes joy seemed to care that Austin liked it. That's only one of the part of their beliefs I don't like
  7. Not disputing anything about their lame parenting choices but I live in metro Atlanta and am out and about and I have never seen one of those cart thingies in any store around here. Are they common everywhere else? Do y'all find them easy to use? And I'm guessing wash them after every use? Is this a useful baby gift? New baby in family.
  8. Does Janelle seem to have reduced the size of her "girth"?
  9. Well we really don't know what went on behind the scenes. He could have resented her for not being KLG.
  10. We just spent about 30 minutes with a niece who is very much like Carlin in the loud and can't read a room way. I would hate to be with Carlin and Evan for a long amount of time. Maybe they will let the children spend quality time with their grandparents. I know we did and it was a great respite from poor parenting
  11. The thing is, we see snippets. Not that they are stellar parents by any means, but, none of them are wearing a "go pro" and there are a lot of hours in the day. It is just slightly possible that Jessa breaks out a book now and then. I still despise the beliefs of these people
  12. My opinion is folks with views similar to the Seewalds and maybe various others, don't want their children to be more educated or informed than they are. It is easier they think to control them. And again, my opinion, they wouldn't give the kids that much power by asking them any choices. Not the way most of us on this board would do it, but, maybe that's the way they do it.
  13. I think it might be partly that they don't want their children to be "smarter" or more knowledgeable than they are. Danger zone.
  14. Hello everyone - sort of emerging from the two year mark of losing Sweet Son. Everything feels different. Yet the same. Hard to describe.
  15. I guess that is back in the day. I did that too. Grands were just offered regular food, small pieces. Oldest is 22, then 19, then 14.5. None of them ate baby food, just people food after being nursed a year. Also, think of other cultures where there is no baby food. Just people food. Babies get used to the tastes of their cultures.
  16. Agree that sometimes one just can't make someone do what they don't want to. Father in law finally is in assisted living near his daughter. He fell a bunch of times in his house. He had someone every weekday. He has plenty of money. We all wanted him to get more help. He is of sound mind but not sound body. He absolutely refused. After the last fall the daughter (Mr lookeyloo's sister. we really like her) stayed with him in his house for 6 months, working from his house, her husband a days ride away, monitoring him. He was resistant and so stubborn. Finally after many visits by Mr lookeyloo, their brother, a favorite niece and nephew, etc he agreed to move. He had to stay at the daughter's house a few days before his apartment was ready. At the sister's house she made a place for him to sleep with no stairs and a bathroom close by. And a walker. He absolutely refused and said he would sleep upstairs. She is as stubborn as he is and there was a battle. She made him a room upstairs and said you can't go up and down unless we are with you. Okay he said, until one evening she said I am turning out the kitchen light and then we will help you upstairs and the next thing she knew he had slid down the stairs and luckily this time only broke a finger. These old people can be of sound mind and keep their stubborn qualities. This not out of the ordinary for him at all. It might be said that he isn't of sound mind at all, but, for those of us who know him, this is normal behavior.
  17. That's how we vote in the land of real voter suppression. But it isn't the process of selecting candidates on a screen, printing out and putting in box that is the issue. Everyone who is cleared to vote uses the same process. Don't know what Sunny means by that.
  18. This is what I said on October 11th: "I don't disagree - but we really don't know what the dynamics were behind the scenes. Maybe Regis was wonderful with KLG and her football husband and maybe he was Pissed/sad/disappointed when she left and just wouldn't like the next cohost no matter what. Maybe Kelly was a relatively naive young woman and had no real fame for Regis to admire. Kelly was on Seth Meyers the other night plugging her book and she was delightful. Very different. So, yes, she stayed raking in the big bucks and I guess we could say she could have quit if it was so dreadful. Or she was like the frog in the water and sort of got used to it. And the money. Complicated issue I think, and we don't have all the details." We don't know what Regis did/said/behaved to or about her. We don't know that he gave her the world on a silver platter. I think they go for ratings and if the ratings are good, keep on keeping on. Apparently the ratings must be good enough for whoever decides or they would have canned her or dropped the show.
  19. maybe so. something to ponder. But what would be different if Janelle declared she was leaving the fambly. She is already mostly gone.
  20. Maybe Tony isn't any of our "cup of tea" but he and Mykelti seem happy and seem like a close couple.
  21. Lovely! I have made several using that jelly roll variation. Fun to do and always look great!!!
  22. A lot of what we think is really just speculation. We don't know who said what to whom and how all these decisions were made. I was the useless girl among two brothers back in the olden days. But, managed to get past it and love my brothers. Who knows how it all is in real every day life. Maybe worse than we speculate, or, maybe just average.
  23. Or he is fasting for who knows what reason. Maybe his ungodly (soon to be godly) urges?
  24. Where are they getting power? I'm guessing there is an air bnb behind them where they are really staying.
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