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Everything posted by lookeyloo

  1. I don't love her behavior or beliefs but she is an attractive young woman. Subjectively speaking.
  2. We lived in south Louisiana a long time. One autumn during hurricane season the grands and parents came to visit. And a hurricane targeted us. They were so excited to live through it. I told them that when it hit we would lose power including air conditioning and TV and we had an electric stove and sterno just does so much. but, they were still excited. Sure enough along comes the hurricane and by some stroke of good fortune we never lost power or TV!! Amazing. Wind whirling, trees shaking, etc. The two youngest ones wanted to go outside when the eye was overhead and it was sort of calm. They collected acorns. The youngest wore a diaper, a T shirt, boots and insisted upon a hat! We gave him an LSU knit hat with a pompom. He was quite the sight. He and his sister, the middle child, were out there until the wind picked up and they wanted to take the acorns home, which were rotten by the time they got home. They were scheduled to leave in a day or two but the airline called and said the last plane out was that night, so they had to leave then or stay til it was over. They left and it was uneventful but kids still remember it was a wonderful adventure. good thing the power stayed on.
  3. Her mother is "of age" so maybe that
  4. By the time she paid day care with her salary as someone with no skills she'd probably break even
  5. yes I understand that. We didn't prefer the Italian version. We weren't intimidated by any of it. Tried it, didn't like it. That's okay, right?
  6. I don't know how she would get a job with 4 children. Even if some of them were in school there would be day care for the others, unless she dropped them at Jana's feet. Or Anna's. Poor waifs.
  7. We were in Italy, Rome and Venice, and I didn't like their coffee at all. But, we walked right by the McDonald's. In London, the 4 of us shared a Happy Meal just to see what it was like. Similar but different, to us at least. Of course we ate local food the rest of the time. Maybe the Duggar crew is used to American style coffee. I am.
  8. Agree with "all y'all" who described Jessa. Sometimes it happens that we think "I wouldn't be like that" or "I would do this or that" and without realizing it, we put that on the other person and assume (you know what happens when we assume!) that she feels like me, you, or the lamppost. Not singling anyone out, because I think it is a tendency that a lot of us have. I used to tell Sweet Son that there were a lot of right ways to do things, and they don't have to be the way he or I would, which were often different too. And also, we see Jessa in front of a camera, and that is hard to do -be natural, natural for her, keep train of thought, maybe think what viewers would want/don't want/or not. I watch some other allegedly "normal" folks do videos and some are much better because of the personality.
  9. If it were me in the ambulance I would appreciate a friendly face. Only you know if she would. She might like some support and assurance she wouldn't be abandoned. Also someone to take in the mail, notify someone, etc if you are those kind of neighbors. Seems scary to be alone.
  10. We have watched all the episodes and are enjoying them. Live in metro Atlanta, and yes it does get cold enough for a coat now and then especially with no sun and if there is wind. We have had two hard freezes recently and a lot of just cold weather. Haven't read the books so nothing to compare to. Is it just us or does the voice of the actress who plays Amanda fade into nothing at the end of her sentences? Have to used CC to read what she is supposed to be saying. Is she like this in other roles?
  11. And yet Manny is still there and either accepts it, they fight about it, maybe he likes it? Anything in between. She does her jealousy thing and he is still with her. Maybe she says "I'm going to to be jealous on TV" and he thinks, "oh okay, I'm going to work".
  12. Maybe he really "loves" Robyn- whatever that means to him and she is in the drivers seat. So he doesn't want to cross her - too much risk. He never really loved the other ones. New and confusing feelings maybe
  13. Seems like it. The comments on the video say there is NFH (no fetal heartbeat) written on the ultrasound. But guess we will have to wait and see
  14. How can she be "joyfully available" and have 2 year spaced babies? Hypocrite?
  15. Also packing takes time and is dealing with clothes and suitcases and not other people. Or their children as in taking care of babies
  16. If I am going to have a pink drink it will be a Cosmo. Janelle is a mystery if she has lost weight for real. I wonder if she is taking that diabetes drug that is making the headlines.
  17. Did you ever watch where they "cleaned" the floors with that swiffer wet jet? I think those things just push the dirt around and give the illusion of clean. Can't change the pad after one pass over an area so dirt collects and spreads. Imagine if they wore socks - those would be black too. Compounded with their ahem, hygiene.
  18. Agree. There is so much we don't know about these people even though we think we know a lot because of the show and social media etc. I still don't like them - that's not the point. They probably curate things to show themselves in what they think is in the best light according to them. Not to us. But, we don't have a complete picture of much of anything. Not justifying their hideous beliefs and behaviors we do know.
  19. do we know that he doesn't do any of this? We saw a video of a couple minutes. I'm not touting her skills at all - I think they are non existent. But, what happens the other hours of the day?
  20. Yes I have read some Information that ingesting collagen as a supplement "could" contribute to a recurrence of breast cancer. I don't want to take any chances for myself. Others can read the info and make a different choice. All okay. I'm sure you can research this and make a good decision for yourself.
  21. I'm not a doctor so wouldn't want to say. There is some information through googling. I don't take it. There is no one size fits all.
  22. When I was diagnosed the prevailing wisdom for my grade of tumor was 10 years. More current research says maybe not necessary - similar recurrence/survival rates with shorter or no treatment with this. Probably Google can help you for more accurate info. I did minimal exercise today because was gone most of day. But as a famous fictional heroine once said "tomorrow is another day"
  23. Glad it works for you. I think for me it would be a cosmetic thing because nothing is going to replace the collagen under the skin without ingesting it and I understand it might contribute to a recurrence. But, I'm not complaining.
  24. As much as these people have idiotic tendencies, this was sweet. Travis looks just old enough to make a baby, and then grow up later. But, who knows, maybe he is mature beyond the way he looks.
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