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Everything posted by lookeyloo

  1. Not necessarily. I did recount the story of older son and no coat in the CA bay area in winter and the school back then insisted I take him to the doctor and doctor did blood work and said normal for him. If he is cold he will want a coat. He still is very warm blooded and wears minimal clothes where he lives in the PNW. Also, grandson told son and daughter in law in high school not to buy him a winter coat because all he needed was his hoodie. There are kids/people who have different "thermometers". I love to be bundled up as did Sweet Son. Older son, not so much from very young age. I am guessing Gideon has shoes and if he wanted them could get them.
  2. What good questions!!!! When I was fat I was much younger and things were firm so to speak. I was a definite pear shape with a belly. Maybe about 30 lbs. overweight at the most. I got much thinner almost overnight because as a teenager I had a reaction to the drug compazine and between that and no eating a couple of days, the change was noticeable which became motivating. I've never had even the hint of an eating disorder. But I watched Jack Lalanne and measured my food (nothing off limits) and tried to count calories which was the thing in the early 60s. Then got married and had children and young body bounced back. Stayed okay all these years until breast cancer and anti estrogen medication (I know this is controversial and maybe not needed according to today's science, but back then trusted the oncologist and did it) that caused the ring of fat and general decline of skin etc. I did go to the gym when I retired at age 60 and was faithful til Sweet Son got sick and the pandemic. I do walk about 3.5 miles most days in the subdivision and it is hilly. I am trying to motivate myself to do upper body from youtube which is fine, no issues of the choices and I have the weights, space and time. Just me doing it. Skin is now crepey, no help for that. The new Gold Bond doesn't work. Not into cosmetic procedures. Just going to own my 79 years and still try to walk upright and be healthy. When I say just going to own it, it takes effort, because in my head I am young with good skin!! But, put on my clothes and go forth and try to enjoy life.
  3. Tight? Lumpy? Even in loose clothes don't like feeling a roll of fat under my boobs kind of thing. Physically. Not emotionally. My main goal is to walk "upright" and feel healthy. I am not on a diet as such. I don't put anything off limits but I know what is good for me and what I like and concentrate on that. And if I really want something I just have it.
  4. I was spanked as a child, but looking back realize my parents had no skills and a plate full of misery. Not an excuse but, as we got older it all stopped but they just tried to withhold things as in "for the rest of your life you can't...". But, being the way they were, they forgot after a day or two. My brothers and I were all in on keeping quiet. I started out as an unskilled mother and did spank a few times, but, early on, in my uneducated and uninformed mind, realized I didn't want to do that, so stopped. Back then there were limited resources and no way for me to find them and get them. There are other more humane ways of discipline and just being consistent meant I didn't have to much. My child rearing consisted mainly of "say what you mean and mean what you say" and "don't say no if there is ever a possibility of getting to yes". I used this with the grands and they were/are just delightful. I had the best grandma ever but she was rough with her 4 children, back in the depression. Turns out they loved her anyway. I don't think all humans suck BTW. Many do, though. I hope I'm not one of them. My guess is, back in the way back, spanking was considered a part of child rearing by a great majority. I'm not talking beatings, just spankings, which of course to a child are usually indistinguishable. We have come a long way but, still work to be done and of course limited resources. Wondering the the Brown kids had spankings/beating/ combo/other punishment. I would think no consistency and different among the "mothers" also depending on mood, access to Kody or lack thereof which made them grumpy.
  5. Agree. they are probably "scared" of the outsiders. They have learned they are to be feared, if that is the word. And no rhyme or reason as to why go anywhere anyway. The are Duggars dontcha know, and do things different.
  6. Do they maybe think that reading Gothard pamphlets tracts, etc is reading the Bible? Do we think that Gothard has explained discrepancies to them that they accept?
  7. No surprise. Why would anyone expect a Duggar to act any differently. This is the way they are.
  8. NO No save the steak! I can guarantee that when Mr lookeyloo and I kiss for a picture it is not the same kiss as in private. Anyone else?
  9. I would go with maybe it is her comfort food. I'm sure not for everyone. I love a bowl of pasta and red sauce. Any time.
  10. Any normal person would want the grands to be loved by as many people as possible. Mr lookeyloo isn't the bio grandpa for ours, but, he is all in and they know it and love him back. Ex Dr. lookeyloo was a half in bio grandfather. The kids knew that too. I guess the Kodster maybe is still trying to figure out if he is going to be angry, sad, okay, etc. whatever plays best on the show.
  11. I know, we all laughed at them, to their faces. Crazy for otherwise normal adults. None of it got used after all, no surprise.
  12. David's hand is in an interesting spot and the baby he is holding looks like he's thinking "who are these people"?
  13. Funny story - daughter in law's sister was having first. This was 12 years ago. They had packed a DVD player, their own lamps, etc. You can imagine. Then her doctor was on vacation, she ended up having a section with a doctor she had never met before. This woman is educated and was not that young. And, she survived and went on to have another baby. And less packing that time. Thinking about it now still gives me the giggles. Maybe they were setting the stage for the Batseses?
  14. I see it now - next generation - "Live with Michael and Lola"
  15. Maybe they did this just to produce some clicks. Or - they really are that stupid
  16. I had my passport renewed a couple years ago with glasses. And it hasn't caused me any problems. I wonder why?
  17. Well, then Katie and/or Travis need to use their words and say "we need some quiet time as a family so we will call you when birth is imminent."
  18. Isn't california in a drought and no watering allowed? Not that I am a fan of these people.
  19. Agree with all. We all have to decide for ourselves. I only mentioned BMI because I just came from the dr. I don't use a scale or a tape measure. I use my clothes and now I feel. No spring chicken here so different from the "young-uns". I want to be healthy - whatever that means for ME!
  20. And I will add that a lot (not all) of women keep themselves thin for the opinion of other women. A lot (not all) men want a woman who looks like a woman and not an early teenage boy. Mr lookeyloo always admires besides me (😄😄) women who have curves. He tells me it is an evolutionary thing in that those women are better "breeders". And yes not exactly politically correct and YMMV and not everyone feels the same etc.
  21. @Gramto6 and @TurtlePower interesting observations. Gram, I am 79. I too have had some health and family challenges. It does tend to age a person!! I try and do the best for myself, by aiming to eat well, minimal processed foods, etc. and moving around. I am not a couch potato nor am I a "gym rat"! TurtlePower, well, yes, I understand. I had my eyelids lifted when I was 60. They were bad enough insurance paid. They did help me look younger. I try to walk upright and stay fit. I used to be fat. Back in the day. Then a sudden illness caused me to drop weight and that was the inspiration to stay at the lower weight. I used to be very strict with myself. I am less strict now, eat whatever I want, but, not a lot and not all the time. I don't live a life of denial. Right now I am working my way through a gift of a box of See's chocolates, but I am happy with one or two a day. When the weight goes up I feel uncomfortable. For me I am working on the happy medium of eating well and not feeling uncomfortable. I am 5"2" and wear a size 6. My BMI is in the middle of the normal range. I used to wear a 4 routinely, but, age. In my early years I was a 14, so here I am. At this point in my life I really want to live longer, healthy. I realize there is more past than future. It is great that we can all pick our paths to a healthy and rewarding kind of life.
  22. That maybe we know about?
  23. I am guessing that some Of them who have grown up in large families are used to some "togetherness" and chaos. I didn't. Don't have a sister. Didn't go to camp. Didn't live in a college dorm. I like my space. Best friend had 5 sisters and lived in a college dorm. She is used to "togetherness" and wants us to stay with her and spouse. I remind her I need my own space.
  24. Interesting. I wonder if that got tiresome even for Jeremy who wanted a meek woman. Yes dear goes only so far for some.
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