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Everything posted by lookeyloo

  1. Here is just one article. There are Of course differing opinions. Some schools don't teach keyboarding either https://www.nea.org/advocating-for-change/new-from-nea/great-cursive-writing-debate
  2. My grands are: one in law school, one in college, one in 8th grade. I'm not sure any of them can tell analog time although they all had watches when they were younger. None of them can write cursive. None of them are home schooled. Daughter in law is a teacher and is horrified that cursive isn't taught anymore. But home schooling that was something she didn't take on. Nor did my son. Nor did I. None of their peers are any better. I guess "somebody ought to do something" translates into which of us is going to do it. Not me. I can write cursive and I'm old! I wonder if the Dillard children or Seewald children are taught about analog time? Or will they ever learn cursive? It would take up a lot of time to practice it, which might serve the parents' purpose.
  3. And what about "episodes" in a different country. Uh what "episodes"
  4. Wasn't it Andy Taylor who lived in Mayberry? Andy Griffith probably lived somewhere else
  5. Sadly future generations won't learn analog time, won't learn cursive, and will rely on technology.
  6. Well, if poor giddy remains so undereducated Austin may finally get frustrated 10 years down the road. Or not.
  7. All true except Austin has a job ("career") - or is he dependent on a relative? He must be able to read, use math, understand a contract, etc? Or not? Their house still seems to be standing, hasn't fallen down, burnt down, plumbing works, etc. I remember he had a problem with permits a while back. Maybe he figured that out. Very confusing how they live. Not my style either.
  8. that's because you had insight and the mental freedom (not to mention autonomy in general) to do that. Sadly it appears that she and her kind are not similarly equipped.
  9. Well then - I wonder if they were all in on it? As in a meeting that the producers say this will happen , wives act jealous etc. Maybe it was all staged
  10. I agree. I said that a while ago upthread - just because it wouldn't work for us for so many reasons, doesn't mean it isn't working for them for another set of reasons. I always say "one size does not fit all".
  11. I don't blame her. One bathroom Doesn't work for me and Mr lookeyloo. We spent Saturday night in a hotel. It wasn't a suite hotel. I was tempted to get another room just for the bathroom. And that was just for a night. Yes I grew up with family and one bathrooM but now I am a grown up and don't want to share
  12. Did we talk about Buc-ee's on this thread? We went to one this weekend. Very nice. Good coffee. Otherwise unremarkable.
  13. Honestly I don't think she would - she is the mother hen to all of them, seems most maternal and has lived for the day of her own child/ren. Just my opinion but I think whatever she does gives her some satisfaction and then she is back to her childlessness.
  14. Mr lookeyloo is a fraternal twin. His brother had to stay in the hospital for a while after they were born because he was so tiny. Granted this was 67 years ago but in adulthood he is still noticeably smaller and they look nothing alike. Even different hair color. So I guess it's a thing and will be interesting to see how these boys look over time.
  15. Book tour I'm guessing I agree, despite her questionable behavior. I think she, like Diana, were young naive girls abandoned by their mothers, absent fathers, who were desperate for love and were either sold a bill of goods (Diana) or were smitten (Sarah) and then their plans didn't turn out like they hoped and they had little skills and no help to deal with them. I am guessing she writes book for reasons other than creativity, such as income.
  16. Well, she just avoids the entire topic so I guess how it turns out remains to be seen.
  17. All possible. there have to be enough viewers to make a show like this profitable. So, time will tell.
  18. As far as taxes we have a family acquaintance in her 40s who has never filed a tax return. She has worked low pay jobs and the places report her income. She just never files. And so far she has never been audited. It's risky but she doesn't seem to care enough. Also I don't think any Bates would take government aid of any kind.
  19. I am guessing Ryan is one of those types who can't be still, or alone with himself for very long. I know a few people like that. One is my cousin. When she isn't on a "whirlwind" of busybusybusy, she starts to get depressed. And of course, thinks her one and only solution to that is take on more projects. He may have his reasons. It isn't to be discovered at this late date and he sure has enough money, we think. Maybe no amount is enough.
  20. Or there are other sources of employment we are unaware of too. We see some of what they put out there. The rest of their lives are unaccounted for, as in we don't know if Ben has another job in say, a windshield repair office for example. Or Zach works more hours than they reveal on social media.
  21. Sorry got it wrong. It's a video about going home but I didn't watch and thought to TN. Seems like from the hospital.
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