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  2. How upset she was with her whole mother pretending to be dead? It was ok but not Emmy nom in my opinion over SW.
  3. I believe Dorit about not having as much work done as people say. She always had a beautiful face imo. I would totally go to whoever does her Botox and filler. She doesn’t have that frozen or overly plumped look many women. Erika and Kyle both had great work too. I guess these ladies go to the best.
  4. Okay, I know this was fictionalized and I was willing to overlook the inaccuracies but two in the finale I cannot abide: 1) The part about the doctor lying to Mary about Willie getting better so that the party would go on but Lincoln knowing the truth was BULLSHIT. Both the Lincoln’s thought Willie was going to recover, otherwise they would’ve cancelled that party. 2) Jefferson Davis was NOT one of the conspirators nor was he accused of it seriously.
  5. I think anyone can start a new topic. Maybe not a live chat because they get closed temporarily? 🥲
  6. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Emily is mean and childish. Disrespectful.
  7. I thought she made him up to get Traci off her back about what happened in Paris. Do we know if even MTS qualified for this year? Maybe she didn't and she will get the nom next year with ED? I was hoping that MTS would get it this year and ED next year, so they didn't cancel each other out or one would win and the other wouldn't. I think so too and I hope they get SA..CH and MG. That's great for CH. I hope she wins. She deserves it. Sad that SW didn't get nominated for either category over MS.
  8. I was looking forward to this season because it was primarily in South America, which they haven't visited a lot lately. But unfortunately, there is a sameness to these countries, even though they're spread out across a continent and have different cultures. If you know one language - Spanish - you're set, and that advantage carries over leg after leg after leg. It also seems that you're less likely to find people who understand English.
  9. I hadn’t thought about Orange Julius for years, but yes that’s what it was like, a creamsicle drink. We used to have several franchise locations in NYC.
  10. Deadline said there's no plans to move it it to Paramount+ which would have been something CBS decided before announcing cancellation. I really liked this show. I even shipped Todd & Susan.
  11. I am seriously tired of the book promos, but when the book has a topic as patently bullshit as Eddie Glaude's "we can be the leaders we need," my tolerance is zero. He has been making the rounds of all the shows on MSNBC. Inquiring minds want to know where these people find the time and energy to write these books. I'm a writer and I struggle to find any time to work on my own projects because my day is consumed with my paying job. I suspect they use their notoriety to pitch ideas to literary agents, the agents find them a sweetheart deal with a publisher, the publishing house assigns an editor and possibly a ghostwriter to work with them, and only then does the "writing" of the book begin.
  12. Instaget FJ for me tonight. I also got the TS of Gila River, Twelfth Night, Our Lips Are Sealed, mingle, and nosy. I said on-demand water heater instead of tankless, so I need a judge's ruling on whether or not that would have been accepted.
  13. This episode feels like it could’ve used a re-investigation and a showing of it. The detectives should’ve been shown testing the actual time and Nolan/Samantha should’ve been verifying the witness. After this, the detectives should’ve done a second investigation of the evidence or even interviewed the wife. (I will admit, did enjoy the final scene though). 2nd best episode of the season.
  14. I dig an old school supper club! There's another Wisconsin culinary tradition I can't get as excited about. Maybe they will go to Door County for the traditional fish boil. https://www.foodrepublic.com/2016/11/21/door-county-wisconsins-iconic-fish-boils-are-history-in-a-cauldron/
  15. Thank all gods everywhere that horrid woman is GONE. Bye, Ayanna, you terrible, mentally unbalanced, TOXIC person. I have rarely disliked anyone on this show as much as her. I love me some drama, but she was just....no. Also, before anyone screeches about the gif, it's clearly hyperbole and clearly wishes no actual ill upon Ayanna. 🤪
  16. Forum created. Thanks for the request. https://forums.primetimer.com/forum/8717-rather/
  17. We will agree to disagree since I call it cooperation and collaboration for an alliance. Like the NFL player in that alliance said. You play for the team and everybody has their strengths and duties to do. But in the NFL they all split the winnings. That’s because they are one team. The amazing race is several teams, each consisting of two people, and those teams are racing AGAINST each other, and only one team will win the prize. The concept is 180° different and it’s ridiculous to help each other, especially to that extent. If you want to win, you have to beat them. Not win together.
  18. Yesterday
  19. Netflix documentary that premieres May 1st. The doc looks at veteran newsman Dan Rather’s long career in news
  20. Ha, yeah, I forgot! Right, katsu basically means cutlet, but it's always breaded and pounded flat. As I mentioned earlier, it's the sauce that makes it a Japanese katsu. But I guess they don't want to use old fashioned terms like schnitzel.
  21. Redditors are suspecting an instructor comes to teach ! Which would be so sad as girls don’t get to go out again if that’s the case
  22. Week 32: 4/5 with 1* YTD: 79/160 (49%) with 7* In honor (defiance?) of Tuesday's "Don't Eat That!" category, I found some crayons we can eat.
  23. baldryanr

    The NBA

    Not much love for the two most recent MVPs.
  24. Who played the ball girl? She was very good. She was so good I wanted to smack her several times 😆 I'm enjoying this show. I've always liked Carrie Preston, and she is an absolute delight in this show (I didn't watch The Good Wife, so I didn't see the character there) I too wonder if they're faking us out with the captain. His machinations seem too obvious. Maybe he's deep, deep, deep, deep undercover.😅
  25. Now that Daisy has stopped scratching her hair off, it's growing back a reddish color which was surprising. I think it will look really pretty.
  26. That's what I do with unknown numbers as well. I do. It's one of those cordless phone sets, where the main base has an answering machine, and then the additional handsets just sit in small charging bases.
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