beetlesoda November 27, 2015 Share November 27, 2015 On 11/27/2015 at 8:41 PM, CheetaraThunder said: Maya: ( Rowan said in a tvline interview that Maya and Lucas have liked each other since season 1, she specifically said that, so to some people it may have come out of nowhere, but Rowan thinks otherwise.) But, she just wants happiness for everyone and she is really a mess. You can see in the episode that she really does like Lucas, but you see her insecurity building back up during the couples game, her talk with corpanga, and the ending. In summary: they are 14, everyone is confused and have no clue what to do. And in the end, I feel bad for the four. Yeah and before that interview Peyton said that Lucas feelings came out of nowhere. I don't know who to believe (*cough* Peyton since he plays the character *cough*) from what i saw on my screen Lucas liked Riley since the show started, the show developed their relationship and that's what I saw I didn't see anything that indicated Lucas liked Maya, what I saw was Maya being the biggest cheerleader of that relationship so imo it did come from nowhere. But I do agree they are young, if only the writers knew that instead of dumping them into a love triangle before high school. Anyway just saw the episode because curiosity got the best of me. If there were any hopes for this to be the end of the triangle, think again, it's another cliffhanger ending that solves absolutely nothing. Boy meets world was about two male bestfriends who could make it through anything and nothing could damper or ruin their relationship and nothing ever did. Girl meets world since it's about two females this time it's the law that in order to strengthen their relationship they both have to like the same guy at the same time (and they both have to talk about their kiss/almost kiss scene with the same guy but all bestfriends do when they like the same guy) and their friendship takes a backseat to that for a while until this boy chooses one of them. It's hilarious the double standard and I'm extremely disappointed with it that these writers decided to go this route.....and make it never ending. Regarding Lucas meets world and which lovely girl he gets to choose the boy was very jealous most of the episode of Charlie he hardly noticed Maya (whenever Riley's around Lucas takes a while to notice Maya and especially when Charlie is with her) until she came up to the roof and I'm not gonna lie her being nice might have made him consider her but at the end of the day let's ask ourselves where would this whole thing be if Riley never told Lucas she thought of him as a friend? And there's my answer to Lucas feelings, at least it should be the answer but these writers are gonna milk this storyline for everything. My whole point being Riley shouldn't have to step aside in order for Lucas to notice Maya or to think about whatever 'feelings' he might have had for her, why would people want that for Maya? I don't get it. I didn't realized I tolerated rucas this much until texas like most people, it's not Rucas itself it's the fact that people think it's ok for Riley to just let Maya have Lucas that bothers me, why should Riley give up something she likes who liked her back just because Maya likes him too? I've just come to defend Riley a lot. And all this hate at Farkle whatever its not that he doesn't care for Maya but I think like me and most of the audience he's seen the evolution of Lucas and Riley because they've been Lucas and Riley for so long and it's not a crush any longer, its something else. Maya has the crush. it's like telling someone who's been married for a while to stop loving his wife and get with the hot chick he's might be attracted to. Also ugh at Maya asking Lucas why does he care so much when Lucas was fighting with Charlie over Riley's favorite snack. Like she's was there when Lucas said he doesn't think of Riley as just a friend, it's been like two weeks of course he still cares (I also can't stand how she's been written throughout this storyline tbh). Also ugh at Riley and Maya not being together at midnight without Lucas, but I guess it's not about them)anymore is it? 4 Link to comment
CheetaraThunder November 27, 2015 Share November 27, 2015 Well obviously if you feel a certain way about a couple your perspective is going to be completely different. I feel bad for all of the characters. I don't think the Rucas/lucaya thing is as cut and dry as it is. Watching the episodes in the correct production order does open my eyes more then seeing the episodes as they air. This episode was a straight continuation of Texas and it was suppose to air after Texas. So all the shit that is happening between the kids is not shocking. Lucas is a boy that's totally confused, in my eyes. He still has feelings for Riley, but now knowing that he might have a chance with Maya scares him. He doesn't know what to do and hasn't had the chance to actually voice his worries. It's been about the girls. I honestly think the whole Sense & Sensability lesson is about Lucas. But, you obviously feel a certain way about Maya (kind of negative), the other characters, and the situation. It's how you see it. I think in the end, either Lucas/Maya will end up as a couple and Riley decides to move on and worry about her own self and not romance. But, that's my opinion. Obviously not everyone is going t agree. ***Guess people forget that triangles are never solve in a several episode span, that it could take a whole season or more to solve.**** 2 Link to comment
grandemocha November 27, 2015 Share November 27, 2015 (edited) First off, I laughed so damn much when after Farkle thoughtlessly interjected that Riley still loves Lucas, that short kid from their class said "Thank you for a wonderful evening" and all the unnamed kids ran off of the rooftop to get away from their drama, LMAO. Too good. IDK. I feel like this story (the whole three way relationship confusion) would have more weight to it if the characters were 16 or so? Since they're supposed to be 14 (although Peyton looks 18) it just feels silly. Like I can't take it seriously. I just roll my eyes at the declarations of love because quite frankly, they're young. They'll love 100 more guys and girls by the time they're 25. Just saw the episode. Liked Riley and I can respect the fact that she was upfront with Charlie in a way that was believable for a 14 year old girl would let a guy down. Farkle...tsk tsk. Farkle was awful! "I did the right thing. I hope you can forgive me"??? Really? Uh, no. You did the selfish thing. He exhibited the same behavior I absolutely hated in Riley when she did the same thing to Maya. Lucas certainly seems confused about his feelings, and why wouldn't he? Two smart, beautiful, friendly, and unique girls like him and they were all friends first. There's probably going to be hurt feelings no matter how it ends (or at least there would be away from Disney) so I get the hesitancy. Holy hell Farkle, butt out! It is literally none of his business if Riley wants to keep things to herself for a little longer. He had no right to blurt any of that out. Just like I thought Riley needed to stay out of it and let Maya work through her own feelings toward Lucas, he should've stayed with Smackle and minded his own business. Things are getting a tad bit too serious on the relationship front for these kids. I understand that they're young and things are confusing, but let's be real: none of these relationships would likely last past high school in the real world. Riley and Lucas barely had a boyfriend/ girlfriend situation going on, it was awkward and tentative and lacking in emotion or chemistry (in my opinion of course). The actor who plays Lucas does come alive when he shares scenes with Maya, but they too would probably go their separate ways after graduation. Riley and Lucas are not married to each other, it's not true love or destiny or any of the things I foolishly believed about other TV couples when I was young. Cory and Topanga are the exception, definitely not the rule. Overall, I liked the moments of levity in the episode: Smackle still thinking Lucas wants her, Charlie being like a terminator of knowledge during the Couples game, and other bits. Not that it's a competiton, but I feel like Maya is so tentative when it comes to this situation because she doesn't think she'll really end up with Lucas, or she's naturally pessimistic, or whatever. But that's the impression I got from the episode. Edited November 27, 2015 by grandemocha 1 Link to comment
beetlesoda November 27, 2015 Share November 27, 2015 On 11/27/2015 at 10:00 PM, CheetaraThunder said: Well obviously if you feel a certain way about a couple your perspective is going to be completely different. I feel bad for all of the characters. I don't think the Rucas/lucaya thing is as cut and dry as it is. Watching the episodes in the correct production order does open my eyes more then seeing the episodes as they air. This episode was a straight continuation of Texas and it was suppose to air after Texas. So all the shit that is happening between the kids is not shocking. Lucas is a boy that's totally confused, in my eyes. He still has feelings for Riley, but now knowing that he might have a chance with Maya scares him. He doesn't know what to do and hasn't had the chance to actually voice his worries. It's been about the girls. I honestly think the whole Sense & Sensability lesson is about Lucas. But, you obviously feel a certain way about Maya (kind of negative), the other characters, and the situation. It's how you see it. I think in the end, either Lucas/Maya will end up as a couple and Riley decides to move on and worry about her own self and not romance. But, that's my opinion. Obviously not everyone is going t agree. ***Guess people forget that triangles are never solve in a several episode span, that it could take a whole season or more to solve.**** Yeah, let's just agree to disagree because this can go in circles as usual we all have different opinions but my personal opinion on the triangle isn't based on how I feel about Maya or a certain couple. I ship Riley and Maya my endgame is Lucas going back to Texas so we can get back to a good show Link to comment
CheetaraThunder November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 I won't be shocked if they end the season with the three of them staying friends and making a pact. I don't see Them putting Lucas in relationships with both Riley and Maya. I think it will be one or the other. Don't be shocked if the true endgame turns out to be Riley/farkle. I would not be shocked if they go that route in the end. Cause in the episode, farkle says he is doing this because he wants riley happy and when they are talking on the rooftop, smackle comes and pulls farkle away, showing her jealousy. Link to comment
BigPaul25 November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Is this In Demand already or did it air in Canada? Link to comment
grandemocha November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Quote Is this In Demand already or did it air in Canada? I saw it elsewhere, somewhere online, but I think that it did come on Demand already. Link to comment
CheetaraThunder November 28, 2015 Share November 28, 2015 Yeah, its on On Demand already. Some people uploaded it on Dailymotion too. Link to comment
CheetaraThunder January 2, 2016 Share January 2, 2016 Just watched Girl Meets Stem, my thoughts: I really enjoyed the episode a lot. And, I appreciate the writers tackling equal opportunity for women and young girls in the science field, I think they didn't executed as best they could. The boys were not being sexist at all, in my eyes. Overview: the kids are paired up (guy/girl pairs) and have to divide up the work for the experiment. One person waits and drops the ball into the water, it turns to sludge/dirt, and they have to figure out how to turn it back to clear water. Riley feels that the girls shouldn't be delegated to marble dropper and the guys get to figure out the science. I over Riley standing up for the girls and that they should fight for equal grounding with the guys. Farkle/Riley: Riley gets mad when Farkle wants to do the science. He never insinuated that Riley should drop the marble because she was a girl. He wanted th A and thought he was the smarted person in science and could do the job. He felt that he is better at science then her, which is kind of true. Riley ends up bringing the girls together and revolt against the guys (it leads to a funny showdown between the girls and the guys in the classroom. Riley calls Farkle sexist and feels like Farkle doesn't want her to better herself. Farkle apologized and said that Riley is his best friend and he does want her to get better. And he put the blame on himself if they failed the project. He way of separating the work was wrong. It was a cute moment between the two. Lucas/Maya: Probably my favorite pair. They just bicker back and forth. Maya isn't interested in science class, but she sees that science is important and should not feel depressed because of her lack of interest. Maya got mad because she felt that Lucas didn't have any faith in her. He tells her that she fell asleep on his hand. Basically, saying she was just being lazy. He knows she can do the work, but she was just being lazy lol. Great dynamic between the two. Zayn/Sarah: The background girls got a lot of lines in the episode. Zay just believed he would do the science because Sarah just kept quiet. But, she found her voice in the end. Yogi/Darby: Yogi feels like he needs to be in charge because Darby picking him up makes him feel some kind of way. Great to see different dynamics between all the characters in the episode. And, we got a new teacher in Mr. Norton (science teacher), Cory took a back seat in this episode. Everyone was hilarious together. I loved the message , but none of the boys were being sexist, and they never felt that the girls couldn't figure out the science. Lucas knew Maya's personality to a T. Farkle is a genius and relishes getting an A and showing off his brain. B plot: Ava/Auggie soccer plot. Ava is actually not annoying and her scenes with Topanga were good. Overall, I give this episode a A-. Link to comment
dom16 January 2, 2016 Share January 2, 2016 I got to watch the episode too, and I agree a major problem for me was that none of the guys were actually saying or doing anything sexist, but overall I'm glad it's something they addressed because the amount of girls who drop STEM subjects as they get older is a genuine issue. Liked that Riley said that even if girls don't like science, they deserve to have the opportunity to learn and participate the same way the guys do. One thing that struck me about this episode was how meta it was, especially when Riley made a comment about how there's lots of layers, and what's going on that you can't see is just as important as what's on the surface. If anything, it made me fairly certain that Lucas/Maya and Riley/Farkle is the ultimate direction they're going to go, because of the beaker scene at the end. Basically, the science teacher pulls a Cory and has used the sludge experiment to see how many girls will just drop the marble without putting up a fight, and let their male partner do all the work. He gives a little speech tying the sludge experiment to human relationships by getting each pairing to hold up their beaker full of sludge water (except that Riley and Farkle's is clear, because Riley refused to drop the marble) and talked about how the water needs to be clear in order for two people to be equal. Riley and Farkle had clear water, and Lucas and Maya's dialogue about the sludge in their beaker was interesting: Lucas: I can't see you Maya: Yeah, all this stuff is in the way Definitely sounds like Riley/Lucas is what's "in the way" of Lucas and Maya's relationship, not the other way around. And considering some of the moments between Riley and Farkle (particularly in the classroom scene), I do think that those two relationships are eventually going to happen romantically. Link to comment
RedFire2000 January 2, 2016 Share January 2, 2016 Episode Titles for Season 3 Revealed Girl Meets High School Girl Meets Permanent Record Girl Meets Jexica Girl Meets She Don't Like Me Girl Meets Triangle Girl Meets Upstate Girl Meets Ski Lodge Link to comment
CheetaraThunder January 2, 2016 Share January 2, 2016 Also, apparently Season 3 tapings will start next month. Link to comment
grandemocha January 2, 2016 Share January 2, 2016 (edited) Quote B plot: Ava/Auggie soccer plot. Ava is actually not annoying and her scenes with Topanga were good. Ava Morgenstern is actually not annoying for once? Haha, well now I'm really looking forward to this episode. If she manages not to shriek all of her lines, I'll consider it a belated Christmas miracle. Quote Yeah, Ava teaches Auggie not to settle for just getting the participation trophy in soccer. She motivates him to continue to improve and not settle for anything less then his best, Hmm..I'm actually kind of impressed by that lesson. I dislike the participation trophies/ribbons that get handed out too often, it diminishes the meaning of the real thing. Riley could have used Ava in "Girl Meets Rah Rah" or one of her friends motivating her by suggesting that she actually should put in the effort to learn the routines during her free time and then try out for the squad the following year instead of just getting in there based on her peppy spirit. Edited January 2, 2016 by grandemocha 1 Link to comment
CheetaraThunder January 2, 2016 Share January 2, 2016 Yeah, Ava teaches Auggie not to settle for just getting the participation trophy in soccer. She motivates him to continue to improve and not settle for anything less then his best, 1 Link to comment
SmithW6079 January 4, 2016 Share January 4, 2016 Quote Ava Morgenstern is actually not annoying for once? Haha, well now I'm really looking forward to this episode. If she manages not to shriek all of her lines, I'll consider it a belated Christmas miracle. I've always found Ava hilarious, mostly in her interactions with Topanga, less so with Auggie. Link to comment
grandemocha January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 Quote I've always found Ava hilarious, mostly in her interactions with Topanga, less so with Auggie. We agree on quite a bit when it comes to this show, but Ava just isn't one of them haha :) I'm sure the actress is a cute and bubbly kid in real life, but I just can't stand her character. I think it's the shrieking and bossy nature maybe? I know actual children who watch the show probably love her and Auggie like crazy, lol, so my opinion doesn't matter much at all since the kid age group brings in the ratings ;) Link to comment
bagert January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 Quote Episode Titles for Season 3 Revealed Girl Meets High School Girl Meets Permanent Record I guess this is where the gang finds out that their permanent records have been sent over from their junior high? LOL j/k Link to comment
Kromm January 9, 2016 Author Share January 9, 2016 See, we all know Corey magically Feenies his way to the High School to join the kids there. But it's my hope since they already (actually for humor's sake) reflexively hand-waved his moving grades with them, that his moving schools will be done a little differently, just so the show doesn't repeat itself. I've been wondering if there's any other way to bring him over. Like a lateral-career move to being a school councilor. Or a promotion to Vice-Principal, because there's an opening specifically at the High School. Just mix it up a little. Link to comment
StaceyNotStacie January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 On 1/9/2016 at 10:00 AM, Kromm said: See, we all know Corey magically Feenies his way to the High School to join the kids there. But it's my hope since they already (actually for humor's sake) reflexively hand-waved his moving grades with them, that his moving schools will be done a little differently, just so the show doesn't repeat itself.I've been wondering if there's any other way to bring him over. Like a lateral-career move to being a school councilor. Or a promotion to Vice-Principal, because there's an opening specifically at the High School. Just mix it up a little. I like the idea of him being a counselor at the high school. While we could still see the main group in the classroom, they could easily have him in an office as a counselor or Vice Principal and having the crew constantly barging into his office interrupting him while he is with someone else to discuss their problem of the day. 2 Link to comment
Kromm January 10, 2016 Author Share January 10, 2016 On 1/10/2016 at 12:29 AM, Stacey1014 said: I like the idea of him being a counselor at the high school. While we could still see the main group in the classroom, they could easily have him in an office as a counselor or Vice Principal and having the crew constantly barging into his office interrupting him while he is with someone else to discuss their problem of the day.See, that's outside the box, and could also be played for humor, so I like it.Turn around how nosy he's been in pushing life lessons on these kids and make them pester him out of habit. It'd be a nice meta-type reference about how nobody in this show's universe has any proper boundaries too. Link to comment
jay741982 January 11, 2016 Share January 11, 2016 On 1/2/2016 at 4:36 AM, MoonWalker said: Episode Titles for Season 3 Revealed Girl Meets High School Girl Meets Permanent Record Girl Meets Jexica Girl Meets She Don't Like Me Girl Meets Triangle Girl Meets Upstate Girl Meets Ski Lodge UGH to Triangle! 1 Link to comment
allonsyalice January 11, 2016 Share January 11, 2016 It better be the same ski lodge. 1 Link to comment
Kromm January 11, 2016 Author Share January 11, 2016 On 1/11/2016 at 12:11 AM, jay741982 said: UGH to Triangle!Actually I see that title as a real bit of good news. Why? Because a self-aware title like that seems like a reaction to comments rather than something that just randomly got written. And an actual reaction to things we've posted and tweeted about the triangle seems like it's far more likely a cleanup job than random bumbling around/further buying into the triangle. Link to comment
jay741982 January 11, 2016 Share January 11, 2016 On 1/11/2016 at 5:12 AM, Kromm said: Actually I see that title as a real bit of good news.Why? Because a self-aware title like that seems like a reaction to comments rather than something that just randomly got written. And an actual reaction to things we've posted and tweeted about the triangle seems like it's far more likely a cleanup job than random bumbling around/further buying into the triangle. They never should've done the triangle in the first place! One of the things I loved about BMW is Cory and Shawn never had feelings for the same girl/Woman. Riley and Maya both liking Lucas is risking destroying their friendship one of my favs about this show. I'd rather they hook up with each other or not like the same guy 2 Link to comment
Indy January 11, 2016 Share January 11, 2016 On 1/11/2016 at 2:54 AM, allonsyalice said: It better be the same ski lodge. That's what I'm thinking. I bet the BMW ski lodge chick will be there, since she's already been mentioned in the time capsule episode. 1 Link to comment
allonsyalice January 11, 2016 Share January 11, 2016 I mean, why would they bother if it isn't, right? Shawn could come up, help Cory supervise. they could reminisce. it could be near christmas, maybe, and lucas and maya or lucas and riley or farkle and riley or farkle and smackle could kiss under the mistletoe. If it isn't the same ski lodge, wasted opportunity. 1 Link to comment
Indy January 11, 2016 Share January 11, 2016 I'm kind of fearful that Triange/Upstate/Ski Lodge is going to be a three-parter revolving around the Maya/Riley/Lucas stuff like the Girl Meets Texas three-parter was. You have the obvious "Triangle" title, where things could get murkey and relationshippy again. Then the could head "Upstate" for a ski vacation (you do ski in Upstate NY, right? My NY state knowledge sucks), and it comes to a head at the "Ski Lodge," where we already know no good things happen. I didn't like the love triangle nonsense in Texas and I'm not going to like it any better with snow. 3 Link to comment
AmandaPanda January 11, 2016 Share January 11, 2016 On 1/11/2016 at 4:02 PM, Indy said: That's what I'm thinking. I bet the BMW ski lodge chick will be there, since she's already been mentioned in the time capsule episode. The girl from the ski lodge is Linda Cardellini, though. I'd be shocked if she shows up, just because she's a bigger star than I would think for GMW. Though, she's apparently a voice on Gravity Falls, so maybe she's more willing to show up on Disney than I would have thought. Link to comment
mommalib January 12, 2016 Share January 12, 2016 I don't want no more of that triangle. I don't think Lucas isn't really worth it. And all the chemistry is with Riley and Farkle anyway. 2 Link to comment
dom16 January 15, 2016 Share January 15, 2016 So there are audition scripts for minor roles in Season 3 Episode 1 on Showfax which were floating around on Twitter (take it with a grain of salt as there is a chance they could be fake, but from what I understand Showfax is an actual, legitimate source for script sides) and apparently "big time feminists" Riley and Maya are sharing Lucas? At one point some cheerleaders are trying to flirt with him and he says, "These are my girlfriends, Maya and Riley." So it looks like Legacy is going to be exactly like New Years and have 0 resolution whatsoever (ironic, since this is meant to be the season of "growth"). Just... wow. This show won't let Maya/Riley happen because they're two female main characters, but polyamory is perfectly fine, apparently! See for yourself Link to comment
grandemocha January 15, 2016 Share January 15, 2016 (edited) Quote apparently "big time feminists" Riley and Maya are sharing Lucas? At one point some cheerleaders are trying to flirt with him and he says, "These are my girlfriends, Maya and Riley." So it looks like Legacy is going to be exactly like New Years and have 0 resolution whatsoever (ironic, since this is meant to be the season of "growth"). Just... wow. This show won't let Maya/Riley happen because they're two female main characters, but polyamory is perfectly fine, apparently! LMAO, seriously? I will die laughing if this ends up being true and then I'll probably be frustrated at the non-resolution and the writers determination to string the impressionable audience along for more episodes. My goodness, there are more guys in NYC than just Lucas. Either girl could look for a relationship outside of her immediate friend circle. Just let someone pick ONE other person and move on. Only on Disney I swear.. Edited January 15, 2016 by grandemocha Link to comment
Indy January 15, 2016 Share January 15, 2016 On 1/15/2016 at 6:17 AM, dom16 said: This show won't let Maya/Riley happen because they're two female main characters, but polyamory is perfectly fine, apparently! Wait, what? Lesbians aren't okay but teenage threesomes are? That's just...???? 1 Link to comment
Perfect Xero January 15, 2016 Share January 15, 2016 Is there some indication which I've missed that the writers even want to make Maya/Riley a couple but Disney isn't letting them? It seems like they're both dating Lucas until he makes a choice about who to be exclusive with. Which, I guess, is a form of (temporary) polyamory, but hardly a "threesome". 1 Link to comment
grandemocha January 15, 2016 Share January 15, 2016 Quote It seems like they're both dating Lucas until he makes a choice about who to be exclusive with. But..why? Why write it this way? I know I'm jumping the gun since it hasn't even been filmed or aired yet, but is it so difficult for Lucas to make a decision? Leading on one of the girls while he "makes a choice" is just going to hurt them more in the end. Link to comment
Perfect Xero January 15, 2016 Share January 15, 2016 On 1/15/2016 at 9:26 PM, grandemocha said: But..why? Why write it this way? I know I'm jumping the gun since it hasn't even been filmed or aired yet, but is it so difficult for Lucas to make a decision? Leading on one of the girls while he "makes a choice" is just going to hurt them more in the end. Lucas basically says as much in the sides, he doesn't seem thrilled with the whole situation. Given the way that this show usually works, I'll be very surprised if the whole thing isn't the girls idea and they refused to take no for an answer. It seems in keeping with the way they've written the whole situation, you have a love triangle where everyone is so afraid of the third person being hurt that they keep floating things along. Link to comment
CheetaraThunder January 16, 2016 Share January 16, 2016 I think that Lucas line is a joke. Anyway, watched Girl Meets Money and it's probably my favorite episode since Girl Meets Forgiveness/rileytown. -Cory teaches the kids about the value of money ( Cory actually teaches a great lesson). -Minous makes a bad investment. - We find out that Farkle has never invited his friends to his house and why: he felt embarrassed. - Farkle just wants to spend time with his dad. He doesn't care about how much money his family has. - we get to see Farkles room and hilarious reactions ensue. -Mark Cuban makes an appearance and does his own shark tank. ( Minkus, Corpanga, and Cuban do a fake shark tank and want to see who they want to invest in.) Riley and Lucas are hilarious with this. - Riley/Rowan continued love for the Knicks shows, when she confronts Cuban and says he should watch out for the Knicks, don't mess with them ( very funny) - This was mainly an episode to showcase the Farkle/Maya friendship. Riley and Lucas were more there for comedic element. There was a lot that happen but I really loved the message. Great episode in my eyes. Link to comment
Perfect Xero January 17, 2016 Share January 17, 2016 On 1/16/2016 at 5:00 PM, CheetaraThunder said: I think that Lucas line is a joke. I agree that it's a joke, but it strikes me as a bit of a passive-aggressive one. Link to comment
bagert January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 Quote The girl from the ski lodge is Linda Cardellini, though. I'd be shocked if she shows up, just because she's a bigger star than I would think for GMW. "Hey, aren't you the lady who played a nurse on that show about a hospital?" "Why, yes" *smiles* "Hey everyone! This woman was on Grey's Anatomy!" LOL 1 Link to comment
Jazz42 January 23, 2016 Share January 23, 2016 (edited) Ha! Yeah I mean what has she done really. Except star on Freaks and Geeks, then ER. Play Velma Dinkley in the live-action Scooby-Doo movies,in Brokeback Mountain, Co-star on Mad Men,on Netflix's Bloodline, and as Laura Barton (Mrs. Hawkeye) in Avengers: Age of Ultron. And be the voice of CJ in Regular Show, Wendy in Gravity Falls, and Megan in Sanjay and Craig. Edited January 23, 2016 by Jazz42 Link to comment
CheetaraThunder February 13, 2016 Share February 13, 2016 Just watched Girl Meets Bay Window and its definitely an emotional episode, probably the best of the series so far. Its all about the girls growing up. Being able to tear down what they believe is comfortable and safe and venturing into new territory. Tidbits: -Riley wants to change the bay window completely (Riley is enthusiastic about High school and growing up), while Maya doesn't want the bay window to change because she sees it as really the only safe place for her. She thinks once they get into High school, they will all drift apart and leave one another. - We get flashbacks on first how Farkle met Maya/Riley (at a Halloween party), Maya/Riley together while Topanga is rushed to the hospital cause she is about to give broth to Auggie (Maya tells Riley that she should be happy that se will be a big sister and she has one big happy family.), then the final flashback is how Maya and Riley met. All the flash backs are cute, but the last two are pretty emotional. -Cute musical number with mini Maya/farkle/riley and Lucas. They continue to make the joke about Lucas just being so big and older looking for his age. We even get pics of him when he was in grade school and its just present day Lucas with 3 grade school boys (its pretty hilarious, even Lucas thinks something is wrong). - The ending was great too: Present day Rilaya talks with their younger self, then they see a flash forward of rilaya as I believe college students. They didn't tell the ages.. Hits you with the feels. This is a HUGE Rilaya friendship/love episode. Basically reaffirming that no matter how old they get or how much there lives might drift, they will always be together no matter what. I personally loved it. Different direction the show went and the ending felt like a series finale. 1 Link to comment
grandemocha February 13, 2016 Share February 13, 2016 The jokey gag with Lucas always being older than his friends with the pictures of him in elementary school looking exactly like he does now was hilarious. 1 Link to comment
Dee February 13, 2016 Share February 13, 2016 Is Amir Mitchell Townes being promoted to a series regular next season? Link to comment
Eyes High February 14, 2016 Share February 14, 2016 (edited) In the flashforward in Girl Meets Bay Window, Maya is wearing a plaid shirt under a leather jacket, and Riley is wearing a turtleneck. Someone in the costuming department is having some fun with the fandom. Edited February 14, 2016 by Eyes High 1 Link to comment
okbyevictoria March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 "Girl Meets She Don't Like Me" has been officially changed to "Girl Meets True Maya". and also, On Twitter, GMW writers said that the love triangle isn't over because it's not a love triangle. I think that means that Riarkle and Lucaya are endgame, but idk. I'm interested to see other's opinions. Link to comment
spanana March 19, 2016 Share March 19, 2016 (edited) The writers, or at least how they portray themselves on social media, are starting to annoy me. They come off so pretentious or like they think their show is so much smarter and better than everything else on television? Or at least kids television I guess? Really you are mostly writing a younger more melodramatic (if it's possible) version of Boy Meets World. But yes, I presume at some point triangle becomes less a triangle when Farkle moves into the picture and it becomes more about Riley/Farkle. I don't care about the romantic relationships on this show, but anything so as Maya gets everything her little poor heart desires. I'm tired of Maya the special snowflake. I also hope the writers find something for Zay to do in S3. I get in may ways he's supposed to be the outside observer commenting on the absurdity over everything that is happening and he's good in that context, but it also doesn't look good on them that the single bit of diversity on the show is the outsider looking in who isn't really a part of any of the important happenings. They didn't treat Angela like that on Boy Meets World so not sure why the writers are doing that with Zay now. Edited March 19, 2016 by spanana 7 Link to comment
Skyfall March 19, 2016 Share March 19, 2016 On 3/18/2016 at 10:39 PM, okbyevictoria said: "Girl Meets She Don't Like Me" has been officially changed to "Girl Meets True Maya". and also, On Twitter, GMW writers said that the love triangle isn't over because it's not a love triangle. I think that means that Riarkle and Lucaya are endgame, but idk. I'm interested to see other's opinions. Or Riya 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen March 19, 2016 Share March 19, 2016 On 3/19/2016 at 9:28 PM, Skyfall said: Or Riya If only! Link to comment
okbyevictoria March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 On 3/19/2016 at 9:28 PM, Skyfall said: Or Riya Riley + Maya = Rilaya, that's the ship name, and Rowan Blanchard expressed her feelings on a bisexual Riley Mathews when she came out as Queer via Twitter. Link to comment
Kromm March 21, 2016 Author Share March 21, 2016 On 3/20/2016 at 10:27 PM, okbyevictoria said: Riley + Maya = Rilaya, that's the ship name, and Rowan Blanchard expressed her feelings on a bisexual Riley Mathews when she came out as Queer via Twitter. Which if we're being honest was her being a typical modern self-important celeb teen, since she was "making a statement" and not stating she desired her own gender sexually. Link to comment
okbyevictoria March 22, 2016 Share March 22, 2016 On 3/21/2016 at 10:11 PM, Kromm said: Which if we're being honest was her being a typical modern self-important celeb teen, since she was "making a statement" and not stating she desired her own gender sexually. Or she was coming out nonchalantly.... Link to comment
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